Names starting with the letter B

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter B, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a B. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Benyameena son of the right hand
mars Benyamin Jacob's Youngest Son; Son of the Right Hand
venus Benyamina son of the right hand
mars Benython An english name for Boys, from Benny's town
mars Benz The blessed one
mars Benziger Someone from Benzingen.
mars Benzion Son of Zion
mars Beoba One who was born in the cow barn
mars Beocc A place or farm house.
venus Beocca A farm house or a farm place
mars Beoda He who lives near the cow barns
venus Beoduca She who comes from teh place of cow barns
mars Beofa A habitation or farmstead.
venus Beohha A form of beort, meaning bright and famous
mars Beomann Beekeeper
mars Beom Seok Beom means model, rule or pattern and Seok means like a rock. Hence, the name means pattern of a rock.
venus Beonca white, pure
venus Beonica Created Name
venus Beonna She is a strong woman
mars Beorcol A refined, clear cut and efficient individual
mars Beore Birch Tree
mars Beorht Glorious
mars Beorhtel He who shines with a bright light
mars Beorhthelm A protector of light
mars Beorhthere An army of light
venus Beorhthilde Shining Battle-maid
mars Beorhthram Bright Raven
mars Beorhthramm Glorious Raven
mars Beorhtirc He who is the ruler of light
mars Beorhtmaer One who is famous for his brightness
mars Beorhtmund He is a protector of light
mars Beorhtnoth One who has the courage of the light
mars Beorhtric He who is the King of the light
mars Beorhtsige The victory of light over the darkness
mars Beorhtstan The light of the stone
mars Beorhttun From the Fortified Town
mars Beorhtwig The battle of the light
mars Beorhtwine He is a friend of the light
mars Beorhtwulf To have the light and brightness of the wolf
mars Beorhtwynn The joy the light bringd
mars Beorma A name of a man who inhabited Bermingham. A name probably means fermented or frothy in Old English
mars Beorn Warrior
mars Beorna A woman who is as strong as a bear
mars Beornet Leader
mars Beornfred One who is the protector of the bears
mars Beornfrith A man who is protective like a bear
mars Beornham From the Nobleman's Home
mars Beornheard The Old English Variant of the German Bernard
mars Beornhelm One who lives near the place inhabited by bears
mars Beornmod He who guards and protects like a bear
mars Beornmund He who is protective like a bear
mars Beornnoth To have the courgae of the bear
mars Beornoth To be brave like a bear
mars Beornræd Derived from the Old English elements beorn "warrior, man" and ræd "counsel, advice".
mars Beornred He who is like a red bear
mars Beornric One who is the Bear King
mars Beornstan He who comes from the Bear stone
mars Beornwald He is powerful like a bear
mars Beornward He who guards like a bear
mars Beornwulf Name of a King
mars Beornwynn One who is the firend of bears
venus Beortbtraed Bright Counselor
mars Beorthelm He who is a Bear protevtor
mars Beorthmaer He sho is a Famous Bear
mars Beorthwulf One who is like a bear and llike the wolf
mars Beorward He who has the Bear's Power
mars Beotta A person with spontaneous being; bashful and active
mars Beowulf Created Name
venus Bep God is my oath
mars Beppe Form of Joseph
venus Beppina God gives
mars Beppo God gives
mars Ber Bear; fast and furious being
mars Bera bear
mars Berach Sharp
venus Beracha a blessing
mars Berad He who is bright
venus Beradette strong, brave bear
mars Berahard Old German form of Berard.
mars Berahthraban Old German form of Bertram, using an extended form of the second element.
mars Berahthram Old German form of Bertram.
mars Beram Fun; Eid; Enjoyment
mars Beran He who has the strenght and bravery of the Bear
venus Berangari Spear-bearer Maid
venus Berangaria Name of a princess.
venus Beranice victory bringer
venus Beraniece victory bringer
venus Beranyce victory bringer
mars Berard Variant of Bernard using the related root bero "bear" as the first element. This was the name of a 13th-century saint from Carbio, Italy who was martyred in Morocco.
mars Berardo Italian form of Berard.
mars Berat One who is bright
venus Berbera foreign woman
venus Berberia foreign woman
mars Berberich Bosnian surname meaning barber.
venus Berberya foreign woman
venus Berbya foreign woman
mars Berchthild The war of the bright men
mars Berchtwald Bright Ruler; one who is intelligent and charming
mars Bercilak The green knight; mighty and powerful
mars Bercleah Lives at the Birch Tree Meadow
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