Names starting with the letter B

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter B, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a B. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Bercta An illustrious woman who shines brightly
mars Bercthun A man who shines brightly
venus Berdie bright fame
venus Berdine Short Form Of Bernardine
mars Berdon A Norwegian variant of Berton,Bergtor
mars Berdy Intelligent
venus Bere First daughter of the family.
mars Bereket Blessings"; one who is blessed and is hospitable
mars Berel Bear
venus Beren Beren also known as Beren Erchamion is a fictional character
mars Berend Bear Brave; Brave Like a Bear
venus Berendina It's Dutch and means: strong or courageous as a bear The male version is Barend or Bernhard
mars Berengar Bear and Spear; they are powerful and strong
venus Berengaria maiden of the bear-spear
mars Berenger Courage of a bear
venus Berengere French form of Berengaria.
mars Berenguer Catalan form of Berengar.
mars Berenhard Old German form of Bernard.
venus Berenice Victorious
venus Bereniece victory bringer
venus Berenika Czech and Polish form of Berenice.
venus Berenike One who brings victory.
venus Berenis victory bringer
venus Berenisa victory bringer
venus Berenise victory bringer
mars Berenwald He who has the power of a bear
venus Berenyce victory bringer
venus-mars Beres Birch Tree
mars Beresford Ford Where Barley Grows
venus Beret gorgeous, splendid, magnificient; exalted one
venus Berett exalted one
mars Beretun From the Barley Farm
mars Berezat Exalted
venus Berezi Means "special" in Basque.
venus Berezira One who is full of Intelligence.
venus Berfin Means "snowdrop (flower)" in Kurdish (genus Galanthus).
mars Berford From the Barley Ford
mars Berg Mountain
venus Bergdis The spirit protection.
mars Berge To Help
mars Bergelmir A Mythical Giant
mars Bergen Mountain dweller
mars Berger Mountain Dweller
mars Bergess Town citizen who is free and independent
venus Berget exalted one
venus Bergett exalted one
venus Bergette exalted one
mars Bergh Mountain
mars Bergin Spear-like; Lives on the Hill
venus Bergliot Helpful light
venus Bergljot Light will save
mars Bergren Mountain stream
mars Bergthor Thor's spirit
venus Bergthora Thor's spirit.
mars Berhan Light or illumination
mars Berhane Means "my light" in Amharic.
mars Berhanu Means "his light" in Amharic.
venus Berhta Old German form of Bertha.
mars Berhtoald Old German form of Berthold.
mars Berhtric He who is the King of the Light
mars Berhtwald To have the power of the light
mars Berhtwulf He is the wolf of the light
venus Beri My Corn
mars Beriah Beriah means "calamity" or "misfortune" in Hebrew.Beryiah or beriah means healthy, sound, fit, well, hale, lusty, bonny; stout, robust; wholesome, nutritious, healthful, hearty (laugh) Beriah can refer to several different Biblical figures. Beriah can be
mars Beric Grain Farm
mars Berick Grain farm; one who can reach great heights
mars Berihert He who comes from the south, the son of the south
mars Berik One who is firm, hard and strong
venus Beril light green semiprecious gemstone
venus Berin Blond, fair; quick and active individual
venus Berina Best, highest
mars Beringer Old German meaning "big game hunter" or "strong like a bear" Popular in England and Western Europe
mars Berinhard Brave as a Bear
mars Berislav To take, to gather
venus Berit Exalted, Lofty
venus Berith Variant of Berit.
venus Berivan Kurdish term for milkmaid
venus Berjouhi Western Armenian transcription of Perchuhi.
mars Berk Solid and firm
mars Berkah God's gift
mars Berkan He who is of strong blood
mars Berkant Strong oath
mars Berkay Derived from Turkish berk meaning "mighty, firm, solid" and ay meaning "moon".
mars Berke Birch Tree
mars Berkeley From The Birch Wood
mars Berker Solid Man
mars Berkie Place Name; Where Birches Grow
venus Berkleigh Birch tree clearing; a beautiful prayer
venus Berkley From the Birch Tree Meadow; Place Name; Where Birches Grow
venus Berklie Place Name; Where Birches Grow
mars Berko Son first born
mars Berky Place Name; Where Birches Grow
venus Berle A water parsnip
venus Berlewen Cornish vocabulary name meaning Venus.
venus Berlin A place name, after the capital city of Germany
venus Berlinda Warrior
mars Berlinde Gentle/Sweet Bear
mars Berlinger A habitational name, meaning from Beroldingen.
mars Berlioz Unknown
mars Berluse One who is a born hard worker, sociable and handyman
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