Names starting with the letter B

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter B, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a B. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Brindah Sword, torch
venus Brinder The ocean's ruler
venus-mars Brindle Black And Tan Color Combination
mars Brindley Hill
mars Brindly Hill
venus Briney high, noble, exalted
venus Brinhild ready for battle
venus Brinhilda ready for battle
venus Brinhilde ready for battle
venus-mars Brinkley From Brinca's Field
venus Brinlee A meadow that is burtn
venus Brinleigh He comes from the burnt meadow
venus-mars Brinley Burnt Meadow
venus Brinlie He lives near the burnt meadow
venus-mars Brinly Burnt Meadow
venus Brinn High, hill
venus Brinna little drop of water; raven or black-haired; high, noble, exalted
venus Brinsley A high man from the field
mars Brinton A place name, one from Brinton
venus Brinxlee An english female name, very rare
mars Brinxley A rare english name
mars Brinxton A male english rare name
venus Briny high, noble, exalted
mars Brioc A high noble individual
mars Brion A brave man of many virtues
venus Briona high, noble, exalted
venus Brione high, noble, exalted
venus Brioni climbing plant
venus Brionna high, noble, exalted
mars Brionne high, noble, exalted
venus Briony Vine
mars Brirar Without pain
venus Brisa Breeze, Small Wind
mars Brisan A man with valor and strenght
mars Briscoe From an English surname that was derived from a place name meaning "birch wood" in Old Norse.
venus Briseida A bristling woman
venus Briseis Daughter Of Bris
mars Brisen A name of an enchantress
mars Brishan He who is born during the rainstorm
mars Brishen Born during a rain
mars Brishketu A Hindi name for Boys
venus Brisia Daughter Of Briseus
venus Brisingamen Freya's necklace.
mars Brison A person of valor and bravery
venus Brissa Breeze
mars Brissen A clumsy person who breaks things
venus Bristi She is like a rain
venus-mars Bristol Site Of The Bridge
mars Brisyn A modern, made up name from Brice
venus-mars Brit Exalted, Lofty
venus Brita Exalted, Lofty
venus-mars Britain From Great Britain
venus Britainy A woman from Britain
venus Britane One who is from an ancient Bretagne in France
venus Britanee She is from Britain
venus Britaney A girl who lives in Britain
venus Britani from Brittany or Britain
venus Britania from Brittany or Great Britain
venus Britanie One from little Britain
venus Britanii A British woman
venus Britanni A woman from the island of Britain
venus Britannia From Great Britain
venus Britannie One who is from an island of Britain
venus Britanny from Brittany or Britain
venus Britany From Great Britain
mars Brite A british person
venus Britenee One from an ancient Bretagne province in France
venus Briteny from Brittany or Britain
venus Brites Strength
mars Brithael An english name for Boys, associanted with Britain
venus Britheue A girly English name
venus Britheva She who lives in Britain
venus Brithiva One whose roots are from Britain
mars Brithnoth A surname of British origin
mars Brithreth With British roots
venus Brithrethe A name of the girl from Britain
mars Brithun A British Boy
venus Brithwen A bright and clear frined
venus Briti Strength
venus Britianee from Brittany or Britain
venus Britianey A girl with British origins
venus Britinee She is British
venus Britiney from Brittany or Britain
venus Britini A woman from Little Britain
venus Britkney To be from Britain
venus Britlee A varian from Brittney, meanin one from Britain
venus Britley One who is from the british lands
venus Britlyn To live on the lands of Britain
venus Britlynn Her home are the British lands
venus Britnay One from ancien Bretagne province
venus Britne She is of british origins
venus Britnea A woman whose origins are from British lands
venus Britnee To come from Briton, a region in France
venus Britnei She is from Briton
venus Britney From Brittany
venus Britni from Brittany or Britain
venus Britnie A woman who is from the Little Britain
venus Britny from Brittany or Britain
venus Britnye from Brittany or Britain
venus-mars Briton from Brittany or Britain
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