Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter B, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a B. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.
Name | Meaning | |
Britt | Exalted, Lofty | |
Britta | Exalted, Lofty | |
Brittain | A place name, an island of Britain | |
Brittainey | She is very British | |
Brittainie | A person who is very British | |
Brittainny | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittainy | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittamy | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittan | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittana | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittane | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittanee | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittaney | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittani | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittania | From Britain | |
Brittanie | From Brittany | |
Brittaniee | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittann | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittannee | Her home is Britain | |
Brittanni | Woman from the lands of Britain | |
Brittannie | To be British | |
Brittanny | She is a true British woman | |
Brittany | From Britain | |
Brittanya | from Brittany or Great Britain | |
Brittanye | A lady from Britain | |
Brittanyne | from Brittany or Britain | |
Britte | exalted one; from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittell | from Brittany or Britain | |
Britten | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittenay | A girl from Britain | |
Brittenee | from Brittany or Britain | |
Britteneee | A woman whose home is in Britain | |
Britteney | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittenie | from Brittany or Britain | |
Britteny | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittiani | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittianni | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittiany | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittie | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittin | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittina | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittine | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittinee | A woman of British roots | |
Brittiney | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittini | One who comes from Britain | |
Brittinni | One who is from Little Britain | |
Brittiny | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittknee | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittlin | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittlynn | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittnay | She who comes from Britain | |
Brittnaye | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittne | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittnea | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittnee | Person From Great Britain | |
Brittnei | The beutiful lands of Britain | |
Brittneigh | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittney | From Britain | |
Brittni | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittnie | Of British heritage | |
Brittny | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittnye | A woman of British heritage | |
Britton | From Brittany (England) | |
Brittoni | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittony | from Brittany or Britain | |
Britty | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brittyn | A person who is a Britain native | |
Brittyne | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brityn | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brityne | from Brittany or Britain | |
Brixton | Place name in South England | |
Brizio | Craftsman | |
Brja | He who is like a nature | |
Brjamohana | One who is an universaly attractive and beautiful person | |
Brjaraja | The Lord Brja | |
Brjesa | A name of Lord Brja | |
Broc | One who is like a badger | |
Broca | A Badger-like person | |
Brocagni | He who is badger-like | |
Brocagnus | A man who is like a badger | |
Brocardo | Armed warrior | |
Broccan | Old Irish form of Brogán. | |
Broccomaglos | Possible Brythonic form of Brochfael [1]. | |
Brocfael | One with the face of a badger | |
Brocha | Blessing | |
Brochfael | A badge prince | |
Brochmail | A male name from the Arthurian era | |
Brochuail | An old English Boy name | |
Brock | Badger | |
Brocke | He who has a badger-face | |
Brockley | He comes from the fields near a waterside | |
Brockton | A man from the town near the waterside | |
Brocky | Tail Feathers Coming Over The Hill | |
Brocleah | He comes from the badger meadow | |
Brocleigh | One who is from the meadow of badgers | |
Brocly | A person who is from the badger meadow | |
Brocuail | To be like a badger | |
Brod | Ditch | |
Brodee | A second-born male child | |
Broden | Brother |