Names starting with the letter B

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter B, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a B. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Broder To be someone's brother
mars Broderic A brotherly person
mars Broderick Son Of Rhydderch
mars Broderik One who is a brother
mars Brodie Ditch
mars Broðir Old Norse form of Bror.
mars Brodny One who lives near a shallow stream crossing
mars Brodrig One who comes from the broad ridge
mars Brodrik A brotherly one
mars Brody Name Of A Scottish Castle
mars Broen Limburgish form of Bruno.
venus-mars Brogan Badger
venus-mars Brogann sturdy shoe
venus Brogyn sturdy shoe
mars Brohomagli A very old english name
mars Brohomaglus Son of lattus or son of joy
mars Brok Badger
mars Brokk Name of a mythical dwarf.
mars Brokkr Means "badger" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology this was the name of a dwarf, the brother and assistant of Sindri.
venus Brolice A tought woman
mars Brolin To make a pladge
mars Brom A person from a small broom meadow
venus Bromel A woman from a little broom meadow
venus Bromleah A girl from the meadow covered with broom
mars Bromley He is from the meadow where broom grows
venus-mars Bron Short Form Of Bronwen Or Auberon
venus Brona A brown-haired or dark-haired woman
venus Bronach sorrowful
venus Bronagh Sorrow
venus-mars Bronco Wild Horse
mars Brondolf Name of Naddodd's son.
mars Brone Brown
venus Bronia Armour
mars Bronich A sorrow man
mars Bronislav Glorious protector
venus Bronislava Glorious protector. A form of Branislava.
mars Bronislaw A protector of glory
mars Bronisław Derived from the Slavic elements borna "protection" and slava "glory". A famous Polish anthropologist, Bronisław Malinowski (1884-1942), has borne this name.
venus Bronislawa glorious defender
venus Bronisława Feminine form of Bronisław.
mars Bronislovas Lithuanian form of Bronisław.
mars Bronius Short form of Bronislovas.
venus Bronka Defend Glory
venus Bronnen A rush
venus Bronnie fair, blessed breast
venus Bronny fair, blessed breast
mars Bronsen Son of Brown
mars Bronsin One who is a male child of the Brown man
mars Bronson From Branson
mars Bronsonn A male child of the brown-haired man
venus Bronte Thunder
mars Brontes Means "thunderer" in Greek. In Greek mythology (according to Hesiod), this was the name of one of the three Cyclopes, who were the sons of Uranus and Gaia.
venus Bronwen Fair Breast
venus Bronwin fair, blessed breast
venus Bronwyn Fair Breast
venus Bronwynn fair, blessed breast
venus-mars Bronx Bronck's Land
venus Bronya Armour
mars Bronze A coppery-brown color
venus-mars Brook Small Stream
venus-mars Brooke Small Stream
venus Brookee A little one from the brook
venus Brookelle water, small stream
venus Brookelyn Form of BROOKLYN - small stream, borough of New York City
venus Brookelynn Form of BROOKLYN - small stream, borough of New York City
venus Brookelynne Form of BROOKLYN - small stream, borough of New York City
venus Brookes To come from the place of many brooks
mars Brookfield Lives By The Brook In A Field
venus Brookie water, small stream
venus Brooklan One who is from the land of brooks
venus-mars Brooklee Created Name
venus Brookley He who is from the brook meadow
venus Brooklyn New York Borough
venus Brook'Lyn Form of BROOKLYN - small stream, borough of New York City
venus Brooklyne Form of BROOKLYN - small stream, borough of New York City
venus Brooklynn Form of BROOKLYN - small stream, borough of New York City
venus Brook'Lynn Form of BROOKLYN - small stream, borough of New York City
venus Brooklynne Form of BROOKLYN - small stream, borough of New York City
mars Brooks From The Brook
venus Brooksie A little one from the water stream
venus Brooksley A little one who comes from the lands of water streams
mars Brookson A son of the one who lives by the brook
venus Brooky water, small stream
mars Broon Brown
mars Broos To be immortal
mars Broox From The Brook
mars Broque He is like a badger
mars Bror From the Old Norse name Bróðir meaning "brother".
mars Brorda A rib in Hungarian
mars Brosh Cypress
mars Brough A surname meaning one from the fortress
mars Brougher A man who lives in the fortress
mars Broughton One who lives in the town with a fortress
mars Brown Brown
mars Browning Tanner, English Surname
mars Browyn One from the war fortress
mars Bru Catalan form of Bruno.
mars Bruce From The Town Of Bruis
mars Brucey One who comes from the brushwood thicket
mars Brugnath A Telugu Boy name
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