Names starting with the letter B

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter B, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a B. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Bruhat A name of Lord Vishnu
mars Bruhier A Sultan's name
mars Bruin One whose hair is brown like a bear
mars Bruis From The Town Of Bruis
venus Brula Pearl
mars Brumant An Irish Boy name with lost meaning
mars Brun Brown
venus Bruna Brown
mars Brunel A small brown person
venus Brunella Brown
venus Brunelle brown-skinned, brown-haired
mars Brunello Brown One
venus Brunetta brown-skinned, brown-haired
venus Brunette brown-skinned, brown-haired
venus Brunhild ready for battle
venus Brunhilda ready for battle
venus Brunhilde ready for battle
venus Bruni Son of Earl Harek.
venus Brunie Brown
venus Brunihild Old German variant of Brunhild.
venus Brunilda ready for battle
venus Brunjohildiz Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Brunhild and Brynhildr.
mars Brunloc One who is of brown hair
venus Brunnehilde The armored and fighting woman.
venus Brunnhilda ready for battle
venus Brunnhilde ready for battle
mars Bruno Brown One
mars Brunon Germanic - Brown One; A variant of name Bruno
venus Brunonia Brown One
mars Brunout A brown-haired individual
mars Bruns A man of dark skin
mars Brunwyn Brown
venus Bruriah Clarity of God
mars Brute Large And/or Rude
mars Bruton Town Near The Brue River
mars Brutus Heavy, Muscular
mars Bry High, hill
venus Brya thorny bush of wild roses, brambles
venus Bryah A woman of great strenght and force
mars Bryan High, Noble
venus Bryana Strong
venus Bryani A vine that is used to heal people
venus Bryann high, noble, exalted
venus Bryanna Strong
venus Bryanne High, Noble
mars Bryant Son Of Brian
venus Bryar thorny bush of wild roses, brambles
venus Bryauna high, noble, exalted
venus-mars Bryce Speckled
mars Brycen Elaboration Of Bryce
mars Brychain A speckled one
mars Brychan A spotted one
mars Brycondi Unknown
venus Bryda A holderof great power and strenght
mars Bryden A hill
mars Brydger One who lives near the bridge
venus Brydget exalted one
venus Brydgit exalted one
venus Brydgitta exalted one
venus Brydgitte exalted one
venus Brydie exalted one
venus Brydjette exalted one
venus Brydjitt exalted one
mars Brydon A person from the hill
venus Brye Combination Of Bree And Skye
venus Bryela Of God
mars Bryer A strong man
venus Bryga The one who is exalted
venus Bryget exalted one
venus Brygette exalted one
venus Brygid exalted one
venus Brygida Exalted, Lofty
venus Brygit exalted one
venus Brygitte exalted one
venus Bryjet exalted one
venus Bryjit exalted one
mars Brykita Exalted, Lofty
mars Bryland A made up name, meaning brown land of rye
venus Brylee B + Riley
venus Bryleigh A courageous woman from the hill
venus Brylie A brave boomerang
venus Bryliy A brave woman
mars Brylon Unknown
venus Bryluen A woman who is a good horse rider
venus Bryn High, hill
venus Bryna Strong One
venus Brynda sword
venus Bryndis Of Strong Armor
venus Brynelle hill
venus Bryngerd The mother of Tonguestein.
venus Brynhild ready for battle
venus Brynhilda ready for battle
venus Brynhilde ready for battle
venus Brynhildr Old Norse cognate of Brunhild. In the Norse epic the Völsungasaga Brynhildr was rescued by the hero Sigurd in the guise of Gunnar. Brynhildr and Gunnar were married, but when Sigurd's wife Gudrun let slip that it was in fact Sigurd who had rescued her, Brynhildr plotted against him. She accused Sigurd of taking her virginity, spurring Gunnar to arrange Sigurd's murder.
venus Brynhildur Armored warrior woman
mars Bryning One like a flames of fire
venus Brynja Armor
mars Brynjar Warrior in armor
mars Brynjarr Old Norse form of Brynjar.
mars Brynjolf Hardened
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