Names starting with the letter B

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter B, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a B. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Brynjulf Protection, Wolf
mars Brynklie A woman with an armour
venus Brynlee One who came from the hill
venus Brynleigh An ascending victor
venus Brynli A victorious and praised woman
venus Brynlie She is a praised woman
mars Brynmor One who comes from the great hill
venus Brynn Hill
venus Brynna little drop of water; raven or black-haired; high, noble, exalted; hill
mars Brynnan high, noble, exalted; hill
venus Brynne little drop of water; raven or black-haired; high, noble, exalted; hill
mars Brynner Dweller By The Spring
venus Brynnhild ready for battle
venus Brynnhilda ready for battle
venus Brynnhilde ready for battle
venus Brynnlee One who comes from the land of the hills
venus Brynnley One from the hil lands
mars Bryok A shortened form of Briafael, meaning mighty prince.
mars Bryon A virtuous person full of bravery
venus Bryoni A brave and virtuous woman
venus Bryonie climbing plant
venus Bryonna high, noble, exalted
venus Bryony Poisonous Climbing Vine
venus Brysa Breeze
mars Brysen Son of Brice
mars Bryshon He is a male child of the freckled man
mars Brysin Son of Brice
mars Bryson Son Of Brice
venus Bryssa Breeze
venus Brytnea from Brittany or Britain
venus Brytni from Brittany or Britain
mars Bryton A Briton
venus Bryttani from Brittany or Britain
venus Bryttany from Brittany or Britain
venus Bryttine from Brittany or Britain
venus Bryttnee from Brittany or Britain
venus Bryttney from Brittany or Britain
mars Bu He who is a leader
venus-mars Buana Earth
mars Bubai In the World
mars Bubba Brother
mars Bubhutsu One who is desired by all
mars Bubune Honor to Him
mars Buburam One who is a gentleman
mars Bucca A talkative person. Means mouth
mars Bucge One with a large mouth
mars Buchanan House
mars Buck Male deer
mars Buckingham People Of The Water Meadow
mars Buckley From The Deer Field
mars Bucklie One from the deer-grazin meadow
mars Buckly One who comes from the deer meadow
mars Buckminster A goatherd's monastery
mars Bucky Little Buck
mars Bud Messenger, Friend
mars Budail A prophet's companion's name
mars Budat A princley man
mars Budayl A name of the prophet's companion
mars Budd Brother
mars Budda An enlightened person
mars Buddey A nickname. Means buddy, brother, bro
mars Buddha A person who is enlighted
mars Buddhadeb Lord Buddha
mars Buddhadev Wise person
mars Buddhadeva A wise person
mars Buddhamitra One who is Buddha's firend
mars Buddhanandi One who loves knowledge
mars Buddhapriya One who is loved by Buddha
mars Buddhinath God of Wisdom and Knowledge
mars Buddhipriya One who loves seeking knowledge and Wisdom
mars Buddhisagar Sea of Wisdom and Knowledge
mars Buddhividhata God of Knowledge; Talent and Wisdom
venus Buddie A nickname meaning buddy
mars Buddug Victory
mars Buddy Friend
mars Budec An english male name
mars Budh One who is enlighted
mars Budha The Intelligent Person; Wise and Knowledgeable; One who has attained enlightment
venus Budhana One who is aware, one who is elighted
mars Budhapriya One liked by Buddha
mars Budhasuta Son of the one who is enlighted
venus Budhee Intellect
mars Budhh He who has been enlighted
mars Budhil Learned
venus Budhila She who has been awakened
mars Budhjeet An awakened girl
mars Budhjiwan To live life wisely
mars Budhjot The light of the wisdom
mars Budhleen One who is submerged in wisdom
mars Budhna Spiritual Guide; Preachings for attaining enlightment
mars Budhpreet One who loves or infatuate wisdom
mars Budhroop One who is the form of Budh or wisdom
mars Budi To have reason, mind or a character
mars Budiharto One who is wise with the wealth.
mars Budimir To make peace
venus Budiwati The wise one
mars Budoc Victory
mars Budog A variant of Budog, meaning victory
mars Budrika A learned and enlightened man
mars Budrys Vigilant
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