Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Chameleon Lizard that can change skin color
venus Chameli Flower
venus Chamelia Flower
mars Chaminda An experienced person
venus Chamiree Crooked stream
mars Chamiyu Not enough of you
mars Chamkaur A Battlefield
mars Chammangro Not enough wind
venus Chamomile Peace, Spice
venus-mars Chamonix From Chamonix, France
venus Chamorra A woman of the Chamoru people.
mars Champ Champion, Winner
venus Champa Flower
venus Champabati Daughter of a king; the capital
venus Champagne Bubbly wine
mars Champak Flower
mars Champaka A flower
venus Champakali A flowering tree
venus Champakavathi Champak tree
venus Champakmala Garland made from champa flower
venus Champamalini Beautiful garland
venus Champapuri Champapuri is a variation of Champa, which is the name of a fragrant flower.
mars Champavati Owner of Champa Tree; Name of Daughter of an Ancient King Raja Sahil Verma
venus Champei Frangipani flowers.
venus Champika Little flower of Champak tree
mars Champion A winner and a savior
mars Champo He who is friendly
mars Chamroeun Prosperity and success
mars Chamundrai The name of the commander in chief of Jain king Gangraj in medieval Karnataka.
venus Chamutal Hebrew form of Hamutal.
venus Chan Snow
venus Chana Gracious
mars Chanaan Greek and Latin form of Canaan.
venus Chanach He (God) has favored me
venus Chanah grace
mars Chanait A graceful person
mars Chanak Chanakya's father
mars Chanaksha Chanakya; Clever; Intelligent; Brilliant; Smart
mars Chanaky He is the son of Canaka
mars Chanakya The great wise minister
mars Chanan A compassionate God
mars Chanandeep The cloud
mars Chanandip Light of God
mars Chananel God is compassionate
mars Chananjeet The one who achieves victory
mars Chananjit The victory
mars Chananpreet The lovely one who is the feet of God
mars Chananya Hebrew form of Hananiah.
mars Chance Fortune, Luck
mars Chanceller The one having good luck
mars Chancellor Keeper Of Records
mars Chancey Luck
mars Chanchai Skilled winner
mars Chanchal Sensitive
venus Chanchala Unsteady
mars Chanchaljeet Victory; the active one
mars Chanchalpreet Lovely and active individual
mars Chanchareek Transient; short period
venus Chanchari A vortex of water
mars Chancharik Bee
mars Chanchu Clever, Renowned, Known, Celebrated
venus Chancy A risk taker
mars Chand Candlemaker
venus Chanda Hindi Goddess
mars Chandabal Fiercely Strong; One who is constant and strong like the moon
venus Chandah Moon
venus Chandak The moon
mars Chandaka Shines
venus Chandal stone
venus Chandalini The glorious one
mars Chandan Sandalwood
venus Chandana sandalwood
venus Chandana Laxmi Name of Goddess Laxmi
venus Chandanbala Chandanbala is derived from Chandana and means scented wood or sandalwood.
mars Chandanbir Sandalwood victory
mars Chandandeep Sandalwood light
venus Chandani Moonlit
venus Chandania River
venus Chandanika Small
venus Chandanpal A friendly person
venus Chandanpreet sandalwood
mars Chandanshu The fierce Sun
mars Chandanwant A cheerful and friendly individual
mars Chandany Moon Light; A variant of name Chandani
venus Chandapriya Poetry
mars Chandar A good talker and impulsive being
venus Chandara moon shining
mars Chandarmouli Lord Shiva
mars Chandavarman The old king
venus Chandavati Raagini
mars Chandavir Very Brave; Courageous; A Buddhist Deity
mars Chande Moon; Bright; Shining; Radiant; Beautiful and Serene like the moon
mars Chandeedaas Name of a holy Saint
venus Chandeep A holy and bright Saint
mars Chandeesh Moon Light; A variant of name Chandani
venus Chandel candle
venus Chandeleria Candle
mars Chandelier Decorative Ceiling Light
mars Chandell A candle
venus Chandelle candle
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