Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Chanden A sandalwood
mars Chander Moon
mars Chanderbhan Energetic individual
mars Chanderjeet Conquerer of the Moon; One who has won over the moon
mars Chanderjit Winner of the Moon
mars Chanderjot Winner of the Moon; peaceful nature
mars Chandermohan Beautiful and serene Moon
mars Chander moon The Moon
mars Chanderpreet Lovely and sweet Mon
mars Chander Raj King of Moon
mars Chandey Candlemaker
venus Chandhraka Serene Moon
mars Chandhru Moon; Bright; Shining; Radiant; Beautiful and Serene like the moon
venus Chandi Angry name of goddess Sakti
venus Chandice One who is extremely smart and talented
mars Chandidaas Name of a Saint; Devotee of Chendi Devi; A variant spelling is Chandidas
mars Chandidas Devotee of Devi
venus Chandika A diminutive of Chandana
mars Chandimal One who is beautiful like a moon; Serene; Bright; Shining; Radiant;
venus Chandini Moonlight which is pure and serene
mars Chandipati A Saint; devotee of Goddess
venus Chandira Moon; elephant
venus Chandlar candle maker
venus Chandlee Unknown
venus-mars Chandler Candle Maker
venus Chandley A candle seller
mars Chandlor Candlemaker
mars Chandmal One who is beautiful like a moon; Serene; Bright; Shining; Radiant;
venus Chandni Light of Moon
mars Chandnin Anointed with Sandalwood; Another Name for Shiva
venus Chandodeva Incarnation of a Goddess
mars Chandon A type of Parrot
venus Chandona A Parrot
venus-mars Chandra Moon
mars Chandraabhaa Radiance of the Moon
mars Chandraaditya Lusture of Moon
mars Chandraanan The one who has a face shaped like Moon
venus Chandraanana Moon, beautiful
venus Chandraanshu Moonbeam
mars Chandraas Bow of Lord Shiva
mars Chandraayan Enchanting Moon
venus Chandrabala Moon
venus Chandrabali Krishna's paramour
mars Chandrabandhu Son of Lord Krishna; One who is considered the friend of the moon
mars Chandrabanu Son of Sri Krishna and Satyabhama; Moon and sun conjoined; Luminous moon
mars Chandrabh Lusture of Moon Light; Like Radiant and Bright light of Moon
mars Chandrabha Moonlight
venus Chandrabhaaga River
venus Chandrabhadra As gentle and beautiful as a Moon
venus Chandrabhaga River Chenab
mars Chandrabhala Lord Shiva
mars Chandrabhan Moon
mars Chandra Bhan The charming Moon
mars Chandrabhana The beautiful and enchanting Moon
mars Chandrabhanu Beautiful Moon
mars Chandrabhushan Lord Shiva
venus Chandrabrati Vow made to the Moon
mars Chandrachood One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying his form carrying the moon on his head
mars Chandrachur Lord Shiva
mars Chandradasa One with the moon; One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying his form carrying the moon on his head
mars Chandradatt Gift from the moon
mars Chandradev Moon God; A King; Lord of the moon
mars Chandradhar One who wears moon
venus Chandradhara Lord Shiva; one who wears Moon
mars Chandraditya Moonlit Night
venus Chandragauri Fair as the moon
mars Chandragupt An ancient King
mars Chandragupta Protected by the moon. It's the name of the king of Maurya dynasty and disciple of Chanakya.
venus Chandrah Moon
mars Chandrahaas Smile similar to the Moon
venus Chandrahaasa Moon laughter
venus Chandraharika A perfect name
mars Chandrahas Bow of Lord Shiva
mars Chandraj Mercury
venus Chandraja Beautiful daughter of the Moon
mars Chandrajita Moon conqueror
venus Chandrajyoti Moonlight
mars Chandrak Peacock feather
mars Chandraka A lunar God
mars Chandrakala Moonbeams
venus Chandrakali 1,16th part of the Moon
mars Chandrakant A gem related to moon
venus Chandrakanta Wife of the moon
mars Chandrakanth Loved by the Moon; One who is attractive and appealing like the moon
venus Chandrakanti Soothing light of Moon reaching the Earth
mars Chandraketu Moon banner
venus Chandraki Peacock
venus Chandrakin A beautiful Peahen
venus Chandrakina Peacock
mars Chandrakiran Beam of Moon
venus Chandrakirthi The one who as famous as the Moon
mars Chandrakirti Sun
mars Chandrakishore A Moonstone; a gem
mars Chandrakosh Musical notation
mars Chandrakumar The one who resides on the Moon
mars Chandra Kumar God of Moon
venus Chandralekha Rays of the Moon
venus Chandraleksha Soothing ray of the Moon
mars Chandralekshaa Ray of the moon
mars Chandrama Name of a Lunar and Fertility God; Moon
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