Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Chanmony One who shines like moon.
venus-mars Chann Officer of Church; also a young Wolf
mars Channa He (God) has favored me; old, ancient
venus Channach He (God) has favored me
venus Channah Gracious
venus Channakka A majestic lady
venus Channan Smell of sandalwood
mars Channappa Beauteous or beloved; One who is well known, beautiful and cheerful
mars Channarong An experienced warrior
venus Channary Full Moon
venus-mars Channe A young Wolf
venus Channel Canal
venus Channell pipe
venus Channelle pipe
venus-mars Channer Wise
venus Channery Wise
venus-mars Channing From The Place Of Cana's People
venus-mars Channon Clergyman
venus Channtelle Melody; a song
mars Chano The strong one
mars Chanoch A profound being
mars Chanokh Hebrew form of Enoch.
mars Chanpreet A dedicated and lovely person
mars Chanse A great fortune holder
venus Chanta stone
venus Chantaal stone
venus Chantae To sing
venus Chantael stone
venus Chantai stone
venus Chantal From A French Place Name
venus Chantale Stone, song
venus Chantall stone
venus Chantalle stone
venus Chantara stone
venus Chantarai stone
venus Chantasia stone
venus Chantay to sing; stone
venus Chantaye stone
venus Chante to sing
venus Chantea stone
venus Chanteau stone
venus Chantee stone
venus Chanteese stone
venus Chantel French Place Name
venus Chantela stone
venus Chantele stone
venus Chantell stone
venus Chantella stone
venus Chantelle Singer
venus Chanter Sun
venus-mars Chantesuta Firm Of Heart
venus Chantey stone
venus-mars Chanteyukan Gracious, Benevolent
venus Chantez stone
venus Chanthavy A girl as beautiful as the moon.
mars Chanti The one who devices strategy and plans
venus Chantia A boulder; stone
venus Chantico She who dwells in the house
venus Chantiel stone
venus Chantielle stone
venus Chantil stone
venus Chantila stone
venus Chantill stone
venus Chantille stone
venus Chantilly Fine lace
venus Chantin Moon
venus Chantle stone
venus Chantol A stone placed in water; having a calm nature
venus Chanton We Sing
venus Chantoya Praised Woman, Singer
mars Chantra stone
venus Chantrea Moon
venus Chantrel stone
venus Chantrell stone
venus Chantrelle stone
venus Chantress stone
venus Chantri stone
venus Chantrice stone
venus Chantriel stone
venus Chantrill stone
venus-mars Chantry Singing Of The Mass
venus Chanya grace of the Lord
venus Chanyah grace of the Lord
mars Chanyana Moonlit night; starry
mars Chao Surpassing
mars Chaos Space
mars Chaow Quick mind
mars Chap A born trader or the one who is a businessman
venus Chapa Beaver
mars Chapal Quick
venus Chapala As quick as the lighting
mars Chapalabikas Lightening; very bright and powerful
mars Chapawee Industrious
venus Chapel Place of worship
venus Chapell near the chapel
venus Chapelle Living near a church
mars Chaperel Dry land covered with bushes
mars Chapin Shoemaker
venus Chaplin Priest, minister
mars Chapman Merchant
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