Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Chapolacharan A beautiful name
mars Chappal Name of a Saint, Divinely Inspired Sage
mars Chappel near the chapel
mars Chappell near the chapel
mars Chappy A trader
venus Char Free
venus Chara Free
venus Charae Beautiful, Precious, Dear
mars Charak Physician
mars Charaka Vagabond; Wanderer; One who has no home and is present everywhere
mars Charalambos Glowing with joy
mars Charalampos Means "to shine from happiness" from Greek χαρά (chara) meaning "happiness" combined with λάμπω (lampo) meaning "to shine".
venus Charalin dear
venus Charalyn dear
venus Charalynne dear
venus Charamalique charm
venus Charamy charm
mars Charan God's Feet
mars Charana Foot
mars Charanbir A brave, strong and easy-going individual
mars Charandas Servant of the feet
mars Charandayal Feet of mercy
mars Charandeep Light of God
mars Charandev The person in whose feet lies heaven
mars Charandip Light of God's Feet; Divine flame of light of God's Feet
mars Charanjeet Conquerer
mars Charanjit One who has won over the Lord
mars Charanjiv Lively feet
mars Charanjot Everlasting Light
mars Charankanwal The one who ha feet like Lotus flower
mars Charankawal Feet of a guru; like Lotus
mars Charanleen The one absorbed in the path of God
mars Charanpal Protection
mars Charanpreet God's feet
mars Charanprem Love of God
mars Charan Raj King in whose feet lies the world
mars Charanren Dust found in God's feet
mars Charansev A servant of God's feet; natural leaders
mars Charantej Radiance of God's Feet; Divine brightness of God's Feet
mars Charanvir One who is fast on Feet and Brave; A warrior serving God's Feet
mars Charat A warm and nurturing individual
venus Charaya The one who is blue and pink color
mars Charbak One who Speaks Well; Clear spoken and learned Person
venus Charbangi A majestic and beautiful girl
mars Charbel Narration of story of God
mars Charchika Third Eye Power of Lord Shiva
venus Chardae A strong, free, majestic individual
venus-mars Chardon Sand Bar
venus Chardonay Grape
venus Chardonnay Grape
mars Chardy A Burning Fire that desires love and yet is always alone; one who always wishes for love
venus Charee dear, darling
venus Chareese grace; dear, beloved
venus Chareity Charity
venus Charela the Lord's mountain
mars Chareles Free
venus Charelin dear
venus Charell cherry fruit; green gemstone
venus Charelle cherry fruit; green gemstone
mars Charels Free
venus Charelyn dear
venus Charelynn dear
venus Chares The name is derived from Greek word chari, meaning grace, kindness.
venus Charesa grace
venus Charese grace
mars Charfaulus Something that isn't very smooth.
mars Charger One Who Charges Forward, Electricity Conductor
mars Charguiya Not enough of him.
venus Chari grace; charm
mars Charibert Old German (Frankish) variant of Haribert. This name was borne by two Merovingian kings of the Franks (6th and 7th centuries).
venus Charice Charm
venus Chariclea Latinized form of Charikleia.
venus Charidan Name of grandson of Siridean; peaceful being
venus Charidy dear, beloved
mars Charie grace
venus Chariel Created Name
venus Chariety dear, beloved
venus Charikleia From Greek χάρις (charis) meaning "grace, kindness" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory". This is the name of the heroine of the 3rd-century novel Aethiopica, about the love between Charikleia and Theagenes, written by Heliodorus of Emesa.
venus Chariklia Modern Greek transcription of Charikleia.
venus Charil Beloved
mars Charilaos Means "grace of the people", derived from Greek χάρις (charis) meaning "grace, kindness" and λαός (laos) meaning "people".
venus Charilette A strong and virile human being
venus Charill Free
venus Charilyn dear
venus Charilynn dear
venus Charin a fertile plain
venus Charina A strong and macho man.
mars Chariovalda Latinized form of Hariwald. This was the name of 1st-century Batavian chief mentioned by Tacitus.
venus Charis Grace
venus Charisa Grace
venus Charise grace
venus Charish grace; to treasure and care for; dear
venus Charisha grace; to treasure and care for; dear
venus Charisma Personal Power, Attraction
venus Charissa Grace
venus Charisse Grace, Beauty, Kindness
venus Charista grace
venus Charita Good
venus Charitee dear, beloved
venus Charitey dear, beloved
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