Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Cunanda A learner
mars Cunatami An amusing person; son of Cunotamus
mars Cunbran A normal, blunt person
mars Cuncu A renowned person
mars Cunda To understand
mars Cunedog A neat and daring person
venus Cunegonde French form of Kunigunde. Voltaire used this name in his novel Candide (1759).
mars Cuneyt Turkish form of Junayd.
mars Cunignos A little Wolf
venus Cunigund Old German form of Kunigunde.
mars Cunigunde Family Battle
mars Cunmin Old Breton form of Cuimín [1].
venus-mars Cunnawabum One Who Looks At The Stars
mars Cunningham Descendant Of The Chief
mars Cuno Daring, Clever
venus Cunoarda A noble, alluring person
mars Cunobarrus Rational one
mars Cunobeline Strong As A Dog
mars Cunobelinos Possible Brythonic form of Cunobelinus.
mars Cunobelinus A Hound
mars Cunocennos A compassionate person
mars Cunogusus Famous; Brilliant
mars Cunopectus A diplomatic, pleasant person
mars Cunotamus Name of the son of Cunotamus
venus Cunovinda Creative and attractive people
mars Cunovindus A careful and neat person
mars Cuntur Condor
mars Cunuaret Head Chief
mars Cuong Flourishing, healthy
mars Cupere The one making Barrels
mars Cupid In Latin it means 'Desire', 'passion' and 'lust'. It's a variation of the name Cupido.
mars Cupido Latin form of Cupid.
mars Cupka The sandpiper
mars Cuppa The proud one
mars Curcio Courteous
mars Curd Wise counsel
mars Curelo Courteous
mars Curnow A variant of Curnow meaning from Cornwall.
mars Curra Spear; Hero
mars Currado Wise counsel
mars Curran Hero
mars Currau Sicilian form of Conrad. It means brave counsel.
mars Currer One who cures leather
mars Currie A marshy area
venus-mars Currier Leather Dresser
mars Currin Variant of Curran
venus Currine Dagger; something which is a used as a weapon
mars Curro Andalusian diminutive of Francisco.
mars Curry From The Wet Plain
mars Curt Courteous, Courtly
mars Curtez Courteous
mars Curtis Courteous, Courtly
mars Curtiss Courteous
mars Curtys Courteous
mars Curtyss Courteous
mars Cusa The one who provokes
venus Cushla beat of my heart
mars Cusi Pleasure, Joy
mars Cusick One Who Provokes
mars Cusmaan Somali form of Osman.
mars Cuss Harsh term
mars Cussa Admirable; worthy of respect
venus Cussata Untiring; a zealous individual
mars Cust To develop
venus Custa A serious and aggressive individual
venus Custance Mother of Arthur; together
venus Custancia A skilled, talented person
venus Custans An adept, nice and a strict person
mars Custanti Constant or steadfast.
mars Custantinu Sicilian form of Constantinus, meaning constant.
mars Custanzu Custanzu is the Sicilian form of Constantius and means constant or steadfast.
venus Custe Clover plant
mars Custer A sexton, sacristan
mars Custodia Guardian Angel
mars Custodio Portuguese form of Custodio.
mars Cutbertus A bright spirited person
venus Cutha Comical person
mars Cuthberht Old English form of Cuthbert.
mars Cuthbert Brilliant
venus Cuthburga A massive fortress
venus Cuthburh One who keeps records
mars Cuthert Best quality
venus Cuthfleda Unselfish, honest and tidy being
mars Cuthgils A graceful individual
mars Cuthred A counsel
mars Cuthsa A happy, tactful person
mars Cuthsige A choosy person
mars Cuthwin Embodiment of purity
mars Cuthwulf Wolf; one filled with power
venus Cutie Cute One
mars Cutler Knife Maker
mars Cutlery Utensils That Cut
mars Cutter Gem Cutter
mars Cutulf Tender person
mars Cuyle The person who brings victory
mars Cuyler Victory Of The People
venus Cvenild A literary person
venus Cveta Serbian form of Cvetka.
venus Cvetka Blossom, flower
mars Cvetko Masculine form of Cvetka, meaning blossom.
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