Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Cvijeta Croatian and Serbian form of Cvetka.
venus Cvinda Love and caring
venus Cvita Croatian form of Cvetka.
mars Cvlidori The famous one; steady
mars Cvnaci Reserved, serious person
mars Cvnogeni Perfect person
mars Cvnotami He is the son of Cunotamus
venus Cwen Queen
venus Cwenburg Fortress of the Queen
venus Cwenburh Queen's huge fortress
venus Cwenthryth A naive, tactful being
venus Cwentun Queen's estate
mars Cwic A wise, comical being
mars Cy Short Form Of Cyril
venus-mars Cyan Light Blue-Green
venus Cyane Bright blue colored
venus Cyanea sky blue
venus Cyanne Graceful, Lordly
venus Cyara Dark-haired
venus Cyarah Dark-haired
venus Cyarra Dark-haired
mars Cyavana An active person
mars Cyaxares Good Ruler
mars Cybba Analytical; an intelligent being
venus Cybel great mother of the gods
venus Cybele She Of The Hair
venus Cybelle Mother of the gods
venus Cybil Soothsayer
venus Cybill Soothsayer
venus Cybilla prophetess, oracle
venus Cybille Soothsayer
mars Cyd A Public Hill
mars Cydda A clean-cut person
mars Cydifor A diligent individual
venus Cydnee wide island
venus Cydney Wide island
venus Cydnie wide island
venus Cydonia A born leader
mars Cydrych A cheerful person
mars Cye Sun, lord
mars Cyfa A fashionable person
mars Cyfel A frank, lonesome person
venus Cyla From the ancient times.
venus Cyleigh A beautiful, darling daughter
mars Cyler Dove in the Woods
venus Cylla Monster of Sea
venus Cyma Flourish
venus Cymani An inspiring woman
venus Cymbaline sun lord
venus Cymbeline sun lord
venus Cymberly Meadow of the royalty
venus Cymbre A famous warrior; war heroine
mars Cymen Name of a place near river
mars Cymesa Meticulous person
venus Cymone Variant of Simone 1.
venus Cymphonique A proud, noble person
venus Cyn from Mount Kynthos
venus Cynal Moon Goddess
mars Cynan A noble Chief
venus Cynara From The Island Of Zinara
mars Cynbel Medieval Welsh name of uncertain meaning [1].
venus Cynda from Mount Kynthos
mars Cyndaf An independent person
venus Cyndee from Mount Kynthos
mars Cyndeyrn A well- renowned Lord
venus Cyndi Diminutive Form Of Cynthia Or Lucinda
venus Cyndia from Mount Kynthos
venus Cyndie from Mount Kynthos
venus Cyndra from Mount Kynthos
venus Cyndy from Mount Kynthos
venus Cyne A Royal person
mars Cyneagils The Royal Ruler
mars Cynebald Derived from Old English cyne "royal" and beald "bold, brave".
mars Cynebehrt An ethical and trustful being
mars Cyneberht Derived from the Old English elements cyne "royal" and beorht "bright".
mars Cynebil A young, emotional and blunt person
venus Cyneburg Daughter of a King
venus Cyneburga The one from Royal fortress
venus Cyneburh A famous personality
venus Cynedeall An optimistic, fun-loving person
mars Cynefrid The one who is kinglike and a noble being
mars Cynefrið Means "royal peace" from Old English cyne "royal" and friþ "peace".
mars Cynefrith Variant of Cynefrið.
mars Cynegels A logical and smart person
mars Cynegils Name of a born King
mars Cynegisl A Godly, self-sufficient person
mars Cyneheah A good-natured, affectionate and easy-going person
mars Cyneheard Derived from Old English cyne "royal" and heard "hard, firm, brave, hardy".
mars Cynehere An effective being
mars Cynel A youthful person
mars Cynelaf A noble, logical being
mars Cyneley The one living in a meadow
mars Cynemaer An alluring, eager and competent person
mars Cynered A clean-cut and refined individual
mars Cyneric The one who has power
mars Cynerik A royal and powerful person
mars Cynesige The one who always wins
mars Cynestan A clean, tender and normal person
venus Cynethia Moon goddess
venus Cynethryth A consistent being
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