Names starting with the letter C

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter C, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a C. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Cyneweard Derived from Old English cyne "royal" and weard "guard".
venus Cynewise A sensible being
mars Cynewulf An elegant royal King
mars Cynfael Chief prince
mars Cynfarch A Chief Horse
mars Cynfelyn Welsh form of Cunobelinus.
mars Cynfran The Chief Crow
mars Cyngen Son of a Chief
mars Cyngur Good-tempered
venus Cyniburg Rebellious natured
venus Cynithia Moon goddess
mars Cynlas A self-satisfied, adventuresome person
venus Cynlee The one who is admired
venus Cynna Short Form Of CYNTHIA
venus Cynnamon kinnamon
venus Cynnie from Mount Kynthos
mars Cynog A confident, self assured person
venus Cynorah The one who is followed
mars Cynred A trustworthy, intense and active people
venus Cynreow Noble beautiful being
mars Cynric With royal might
mars Cynrik The one who is royal born
mars Cynsige A nurturing, creative and extravagant person
venus Cynth from Mount Kynthos; hyacinth
venus Cyntha from Mount Kynthos
venus Cynthea Moon goddess
venus Cynthia From Kinthos
venus Cynthiah Moon goddess
venus Cynthianna The one from Moon
venus Cynthie from Mount Kynthos
venus Cynthya Moon goddess
venus Cynthyah Moon goddess
venus Cyntia from Mount Kynthos
mars Cynwal Defencive; to protect
mars Cynwallon Lovely and affectionate person
mars Cynwared A witty, youthful and nurturing being
venus Cynwise An innocent, well spoken person
mars Cynwrig A born hero
mars Cyny A coal seller
venus Cynzia From Kynthos
mars Cypher A coded message
mars Cyppa A progressive person
mars Cyppel A loyal boy
mars Cypress Strong, muscular, adaptable
mars Cyprian From Cypress, Greece
venus Cypriana from Cyprus
venus Cypriane Lord
venus Cyprianne Lord
mars Cyprianus Original Latin form of Cyprian.
mars Cyprien Cypriot
venus Cyprienne Lord
venus Cypris from the island of Cyprus
venus-mars Cyprus Type Of Tree
venus Cyra lord
venus Cyrah Enthroned
mars Cyrano From Cyrene
venus Cyren One with alluring personality
venus Cyrena sovereign queen
venus Cyrene A Wall, Strength
venus Cyrenia Alluring personality
mars Cyriac Lord; a god-like figure
venus Cyriaca Feminine form of Cyriacus.
mars Cyriacus Latinized form of the Greek name Κυριακός (Kyriakos), which meant "of the lord" (derived from Greek κύριος (kyrios) meaning "lord"). This was the name of a few early saints.
mars Cyriaque French form of Cyriacus. This name is currently most common in parts of French-influenced Africa.
mars Cyriel Dutch (Flemish) form of Cyril.
venus Cyrielle Lordly
mars Cyril Lordly
mars Cyrila Lordly
venus Cyrilla Lordly, proud
mars Cyrille lord
mars Cyrillus Lordly
venus Cyrina sovereign queen
mars Cyro Sun, lord
mars Cyrtla A respectful man
mars Cyrus Of The Sun
mars Cyryl Polish form of Cyril.
venus Cyssi A cheerful girl
mars Cystennin Welsh form of Constantine.
venus Cytherea from the island of Cythera
venus Cytheria Goddess Of Love
venus Cythia from Mount Kynthos
venus Cythina A woman from Kynthos
venus Cytia from Mount Kynthos
mars Czar Ruler
venus Czarina Female Ruler
mars Czcibor Polish form of Ctibor.
mars Czelaw Honor
mars Czeslaw Glory; stable
mars Czesław Derived from the Slavic elements čĭstĭ "honour" and slava "glory".
venus Czesława Feminine form of Czesław.
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