Names starting with the letter D

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter D, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a D. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Delennyk She who is like a petal.
venus Delentha A friendly, honest and compassionate being
mars Deleon Family Of Leon
venus Deletha A romantic and humble person
mars Delevan A good and trustworthy friend
venus Delfa dolphin
venus Delfin dolphin
venus Delfina Dolphin
venus Delfine Woman from Delphi
mars Delfred From The Family Of Fred
venus Delfyne dolphin
mars Delgadina A loyal and languishing being
venus Delgado Thin, Skinny
venus Deli Warrior; Soldier; Fighter
venus Delia Person From Delos
venus Deliah One of Delos; respectable
venus Delicah Delicate
venus Delice pleasure, delight
venus Delicia Delightful
venus Delie Heart
venus Delight Joy, pleasure
venus Delila One Who Weakened
venus Delilah One Who Weakened
venus Delima Ruby or pomegranate
venus Delina Delight
venus Delinda A soft-spoken person; flower
venus Deline noble
mars Delio A determined and steady person; coming from heaven
venus Delis pleasure, delight
venus Delisa pleasure, delight
venus Delise pleasure, delight
venus Delisha pleasure, delight
venus Delissa pleasure, delight
venus Deliz Short Form Of Delizia
venus Deliza pleasure, delight
venus Delkash Attraction, charm and fascination.
venus-mars Dell Meadow
venus Della noble
venus Dellanira devastating, capable of great destruction
venus Delle noble kind
venus Dellene noble
venus Delli noble kind
venus Dellina noble
venus Delline noble
venus-mars Delling Fascinating
mars Dellingr Shining or brilliant.
mars Dellis pleasure, delight
venus Dellise pleasure, delight
mars Dellwin Self-respecting individual
venus Delly noble kind
venus Dellyn Unknown
venus Delma Unknown
mars Delman From the dell or valley
mars Delmar From the sea
mars Delmas Person who lives in isolation
mars Delmer One who resides near a sea
venus Delmi noble, famous
venus Delmira noble, famous
mars Delmon From the mountain valley
mars Delmont Topographic name;coming from mountain
mars Delmore Of the sea
venus Delmy noble, famous
venus Delois One who is a superior being
venus Deloise Warrior of glory
mars Delon A faithful and confident being
venus Delora Form Of Dolores
mars Delorean Surname
venus Delores Form Of Dolores
venus Deloria sorrows
mars Delorian Delorian is a variant of DeLorean.
venus Deloris sorrows
venus Delorus A satirical, eager and rational person
mars Delos Name of a place in Greece
venus Delpha dolphin
venus Delphi Hollow, Womb
venus Delphia Woman from Delphi
venus Delphina Woman From Delphi
venus Delphine Woman From Delphi
venus Delphinea dolphin
venus Delphinia Woman from Delphi
venus Delphinium Woman from Delphi
mars Delphinus Masculine form of Delphina. Saint Delphinus was a 4th-century bishop of Bordeaux.
mars Delroy Belonging to the king
mars Delshad Means "happy heart, cheerful" in Persian, from دل (del) meaning "heart" and شاد (shād) meaning "happy".
venus Delsie One who has taken God as his oath
mars Delsin He is so
venus Delsine sweet
venus Delta Mouth Of A River
mars Delton A settlement in a valley
venus Delu The Only Girl
mars Delun One who lays down order and gives justice
mars Delvan A darling and beloved individual
mars Delvin A bright friend who loves and cares
mars Delvon God-like; a broadminded person
mars Delwin Friend of the valley
mars Delwyn A wonderful being
mars Delwynn A thoughtful friend; brave
venus Delya from Delos
venus Delyne noble
venus Delyse pleasure, delight
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