Names starting with the letter D

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter D, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a D. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Delysia pleasure, delight
venus Delyssa pleasure, delight
venus Delyth Pretty
venus Dema Rain bearing Earth mother
mars Deman Tame
venus Demanda Demanding
venus Demara Fertility
venus Demaras calf; to tame; gentle
mars Demarco Of Marco
mars Demarcus Combination Of De And Marcus
mars Demario Son Of Mario
mars Demarion Bitter Or From The Sea
mars Demaris calf; to tame; gentle
venus Demarius Warlike
venus Demarys calf; to tame; gentle
mars Demas A very popular person
mars Demason A successful and brilliant writer; optimistic
mars Demasone Son of a Judge
venus-mars Dembe Peace
mars Demdhendra Individual who is devoted to God
venus Demee half
venus Demelza Hill Fort Of Maeldaf
mars Demenico Of the Lord
mars Dementy To Tame, Subdue
mars Demet Means "bundle, bunch (of flowers), bouquet" in Turkish.
venus Demeter Barley-mother
venus Demetra Devotee Of Demeter
mars Demetre Fertility; gift from Demeter
mars Demetri From the Earth
venus Demetria Devotee Of Demeter
mars Demetrice Fertility and harvest Goddess
mars Demetrio From the Earth
mars Demetrios A devoted individual; a friend
venus-mars Demetris One who is in love with Earth and nature
mars Demetrius Devotee Of Demeter
venus Demi Half, Small
venus Demia Devotee Of Dionysos
mars Demian One who can be tamed and polished
venus Demiana half
mars Demichael Son Of Michael
mars Demid Divine Thought
venus Demie half
mars Demingo Of the Lord
mars Demir Of Iron
venus Demira Lord Krishna
venus Demita Earth Mother
venus Demitra Goddess of harvest and fertility
venus Demitras cereal
mars Demitri From the Earth
mars Demitrius Devotee Of Demeter
venus Demmi Earth mother, small
venus Demmie Earth mother, small
mars Democritus Judge of the people
mars Demokritos Greek form of Democritus.
mars Demon Ancient Greek name derived from δῆμος (demos) meaning "the people".
venus Demona south
venus Demonah south
mars Demond The one who is born out of a man
mars Demont One who is filled with desires; mountain
mars Demonte Living near the top of a mountain
mars Demophon Derived from Greek δῆμος (demos) meaning "the people" and φωνή (phone) meaning "voice". In Greek mythology this was the name of the son of Theseus and Phaedra.
mars Demosthenes Vigor of the people
venus Demostrate Army of the people
mars Dempsey Proud
mars Dempster Judge
mars Demyan A tamer
mars Den Wine
venus Dena Judgement
mars Denadayal A merciful, humble and gentle being
venus Denae Created Name
venus Denag Derived from Middle Persian 𐭣𐭩𐭭 (den) meaning "character, conscience, religion". This was the name of several queens consort of the Sasanian Empire.
venus Denah decoration
mars Denahi A high ranking officer
venus Denali Great One
mars Denard Short form of Bernard; creative being
venus Denay Loving mother of Perseus
venus Denaye A determined person; cute one
mars Denbeigh A honest master
mars Denby One who is from Danish settlement
venus Dene valley
mars Deneb Derived from Arabic ذنب (dhanab) meaning "tail" [1]. This is the name of a star in the constellation Cygnus.
venus Deneen valley
venus Denegifu A daredevil and eager individual
venus Denegyth A healthy, cute and a master of great personality
mars Deneheard One who is in true depth of nature
venus Deneigh follower of Dionysius
venus Denequa Created Name
mars Denes Follower of Zeus
venus Denese Shine, sky
mars Denewulf A warm hearted, neat and fearless individual
mars Deney follower of Dionysius
mars Denham From The Valley Farm
mars Denholm Dweller By The Holly In The Valley
mars Deni follower of Dionysius
venus Denia valley
venus Denica valley
venus Denice Follower of Dionysus
venus Denicia Devotee Of Dionysos
venus Deniece Shine, sky
mars Deniel A variant of Daniel, meaning God is my judge.
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