Names starting with the letter D

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter D, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a D. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Denielle God is Judge; provides justice
mars Denim Strong Cloth
venus Denine Variant of Deneen; follower of law
mars Denis Devotee Of Dionysos
venus Denisa follower of Dionysius
venus Denise Devotee Of Dionysos
mars Denish One who is happy and joyous person
venus Denisha Devotee Of Dionysos
venus Denisia Follower of God; a true being
mars Denison Son of Dennis; have great power
mars Deniss Latvian form of Denis.
venus Denissa follower of Dionysius
venus Denisse Shine, sky
venus Denita Combination Of DENISE And RITA
mars Denitsa Morning Star
venus-mars Deniz Sea
mars Dəniz Means "sea" in Azerbaijani.
venus Denize follower of Dionysius
mars Denji Bequest From Ancestors
mars Denkatsu One which is active as lightning
mars Denley Variation of the name Denton, meaning 'from the meadow', 'Valley wood
mars Denlie A meadow which is in the valley
venus Denly A positive and beautiful being
mars Denman One who resides in a valley
venus Denna Glen, Valley
mars Dennes One who is nourishing individual
venus-mars Dennet follower of Dionysius
venus Dennette follower of Dionysius
mars Denney Winemaker; enchanted and unique
venus Denni valley; follower of Dionysius
mars Dennie follower of Dionysius
mars Dennis Devotee Of Dionysos
venus Dennise follower of Dionysius
mars Dennison Son of Dennis
venus-mars Denny Devotee Of Dionysos
venus Dennys Greek God of nutrition
mars Dennyson The intuitive, imaginative son of Dennis
mars Denpa A variant of Denpo, meaning truth.
mars Denpo Truth
mars Denston A normal and outspoken person
mars Dent A hill; tooth; independent
mars Denten Name of a valley town
mars Dentin Small town in a valley
mars Denton From The Town In The Valley
mars Denver From The Passage Of The Danes
venus Denyce follower of Dionysius
mars Denys Wine
venus Denyse follower of Dionysius
venus Denyw the mother of St. Kentigern
mars Denzal Fort
mars Denzel From Denzell In Cornwall
mars Denzell Name of a place in Cornwall; self reliable
mars Denziel A youthful ans powerful being
mars Denzil Fort
mars Denzill One who follows truth and justice
mars Denzin One who follows truth no matter what
mars Denzyl Fort
mars Deo Godlike
mars Deochand Lord of the Moon; One who is beautiful and attractive
mars Deodan God's present
mars Deodat Given By God
mars Deodato Portuguese form of Deodatus.
mars Deodatus Variant of Adeodatus or Deusdedit. This name was borne by several saints.
mars Deogracia A God; a child of destiny
venus Deoiridh Pilgrim woman
venus Deolinda beautiful God
mars Deon Devotee Of Dionysos
venus Deona valley; church leader
mars Deondra valley; church leader
mars Deondre Brave, manly
venus Deonisia follower of Dionysius
venus Deonna Divine
mars Deonne Wine
mars Deonta An enduring person
mars Deontae An enduring individual
mars Deontay One who belongs to Zeus
mars Deonte A traveller who has a outstanding personality
venus Deonysia follower of Dionysius
venus Deora Name of a town in Colorado
mars Deoram Lord Ram; Deo means Godlike and hence Deoram means Lord Ram
mars Deorsa Farming man
mars Deorwine Derived from the Old English elements deore "dear" and wine "friend".
mars Depen Master of Deepaks
mars Deppendu Bright Moon; Luminant and Radiant moon
mars Dequan Spring
mars Der Form of DEREK - ruler
venus Dera Destiny
mars Deray Variation of Ray
venus Derbail Old Irish form of Dearbháil.
venus Derbiled Old Irish form of Deirbhile.
venus-mars Derby From The Deer Park Farm
venus Derdre broken-hearted, sorrowful
venus Derdriu Older form of Deirdre.
mars Derecho Straight, Direction
mars Derek People Ruler
venus Dereka gifted ruler
venus Deren bird
mars Derenik Monk
mars Derex People Ruler
venus Derhyn bird
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