Names starting with the letter D

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter D, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a D. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Devprasad One who has the divine favour; God's Blessings; Gift of God
venus Devpreet Love for God
mars Devpushp Flower of the Gods; Garland of the God
venus Devra bee
mars Devraj King of the Gods
mars Devram Absorbed in Divine Needs; Virtuous; Spiritual and Religious Person
mars Devrat Spiritual
mars Devrata Name of an Ancient King in Indian Epic Called Mahabharat; A religious and Pious Person
mars Devrath Religious; Pious; Sacred; Holy; Divine; Spiritual
mars Devray Decision of God;
venus Devri bee
venus Devrim Revolutionary
venus Devroop Shadow of God; One who is like God; One who is a form of God
venus Devu Mahadev; One who is the Supreme Being in the Universe
mars Devvin poet
mars Devvon Of Devon
mars Devvrat Bhishma; Wise and Knowledgeable Person
mars Devya Divine Power; Spiritual Wisdom; Pious and Religious Knowledge
venus Devyani Like a goddess
mars Devyansh Part of God; Part of the Divine Light; Radiance and Luminance of God
venus-mars Devyn Divine
mars Dewain Dark
mars Dewan Dark
mars Dewane Dark
mars Deward From (the Family Of) Ward
mars Dewayne Wagon Maker
mars Dewei Of Great Principle
mars Dewesh God of God; Lord of the Lords;
mars Dewey Beloved
mars Dewi Beloved
mars Dewitt Blond
mars Dewydd Old Welsh form of David.
mars Dex Diminutive Form Of Dexter
venus Dexa To teach
mars Dext Dyer
mars Dextah Dyer
mars Dextar Dyer
mars Dexter Dyer Of Clothes
venus Dextera one who dyes; right-handed, fortunate
mars Dexton Town Of Dyer
mars Dextor Dyer
venus Dextra Feminine Form Of Dexter
mars Deyan Bulgarian form of Dejan.
venus Deyanira devastating, capable of great destruction
venus Deyci from the south
venus Deylin Name of a historical blacksmith with supernatural powers. It means Angel from God.
venus Deyse day's eye
venus Deysi day's eye
venus Deza Desired
mars Dezba Going To War
mars Dezi Desired
mars Dezideriu Romanian form of Desiderius.
venus Dezirae desired
venus Deziray desired
venus Deziree desired
venus Dezirinda Means "desirable" in Esperanto.
mars Dezso Desired
mars Dhadheechi A Sage; Learned; Knowledgeable; Wise; Saint Like
mars Dhaerye Patience; Calm and Composed; Radiant and Luminant
mars Dhairavnath Brave Person; Courageous; Powerful and Mighty
mars Dhairya Patience
mars Dhairyash Patience; Calm and Composed; Radiant and Luminant
mars Dhairyesh Patience; Calm and Composed; Radiant and Luminant
mars Dhaivat Sound; Voice; Suggested Meaning;
venus Dhakirah The one who remembers God frequently.
venus Dhakiya She who is smart.
mars Dhakshesh Lord Shiva
mars Dhamaidhi Patience; Calm and Composed; Radiant and Luminant
mars Dhaman Ray; Light; Abode; Glory; Radiance; Luminance
mars Dhamavat Owner of a House; Powerful; Strong; Mighty; Courageous and Brave
mars Dhameer Heart, Blessed
mars Dhamendra Dharm Dev; One who is God of religions
mars Dhamu One of the many names of Lord Krishna
mars Dhan Money
venus Dhana wealthy
mars Dhanadhipati Lord of Wealth; Name of Kubera; God of Prosperity who will bless us with wealth; Giver of Wealth
mars Dhanajayan One of many names of Lord Muruga
mars Dhanaji Wealth; Richness; Prosperity; Good Fortune
mars Dhanajita Wealth; Richness; Prosperity; Good Fortune
mars Dhanaka Avarice; A Son of Durmada
mars Dhanaman Name of a King; One who is very wealthy and rich; Prosperous Person
mars Dhanamani One who is very wealthy and rich; Prosperous Person
mars Dhananjay Arjuna
mars Dhananjaya Fire; Winning Wealth; One who conquers over richness; Victorious over wordly objects
mars Dhanapal Richman; Wealthy; Prosperous Person
mars Dhanapalan Lord of Wealth; Name of Kubera; God of Prosperity who will bless us with wealth
mars Dhanarajan One who is good in making money; Objectives and Strategies to Make Money
venus Dhanashri Wealth
venus Dhanavati Wealth
mars Dhanda Business; One who is wealthy and good in trade
mars Dhandar One who is very wealthy and rich; Prosperous Person
mars Dhanendra Himalaya
mars Dhanesa Lord of Wealth; Name of Kubera; God of Prosperity who will bless us with wealth
mars Dhanesh Lord of wealth
venus Dhanesha Lord of Wealth; Name of Kubera; God of Prosperity who will bless us with wealth
mars Dhanhanjay Winning Wealth; One who conquers over richness; Victorious over wordly objects
venus Dhanielle God is my Judge
mars Dhanikh One who is very wealthy and rich; Prosperous Person
mars Dhanin Wealthy; With a Bow; Rich; Prosperous; Good Fortuned
mars Dhaniram One who is Deeply Religious; Pious; Spiritual
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