Names starting with the letter D

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter D, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a D. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Dhanirama One who is Deeply Religious; Pious; Spiritual
mars Dhanish God; Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of Universe
venus Dhanista One of the Prime Gopis
mars Dhanjay Winning Wealth; One who conquers over richness; Victorious over wordly objects
mars Dhanjeet Winning Wealth; One who conquers over richness; Victorious over wordly objects
venus Dhanna wealthy
mars Dhanpati Lord Kubera; Lord of Wealth; Giver of prosperity and good fortune
mars Dhanraj Lord Kuber
mars Dhansukh Wealthy, happy
mars Dhanumani Bow Man; Wealthy; Rich; Prosperous; Good Fortuned
mars Dhanva Bow
mars Dhanvant Wealthy
mars Dhanvanthri God of Medicine and Immortality
venus Dhanvi A woman who is rich and wealthy. One of the names of Goddess Lakshmi.
mars Dhanvine Lord Rama
mars Dhanwant Lucky; Fortunate; Blessed; Privileged; Well Destined
mars Dhanwi Warrior; Defender; Protector;
venus Dhanya Thankful or lucky
venus Dhanyata Success, fullfilment
venus Dhar Earth; Land; A variant name of Dharthi
venus Dhara Earth
venus Dharaa Earth
mars Dharaja Valuable; Important; Priceless
mars Dharama Dharm; Religion; Righteousness
mars Dharamanand One who is Happy in Following Dharma; One who rejoices in living righteously
mars Dharamendra Righteous; Virtuous Man; One who is compassionate and principled
mars Dharamputra Yudhistar; Shine of Righteousness; One who is renowned for his Principles
mars Dharamsi One who has faith in religion; A religious and Pious Person who follows Dharam
mars Dharamvir One who Gets Victory on Religion; Warrior of Spirituality
venus Dharana Bearing; One who holds together
mars Dharanija Born of the Earth; Son of the land
mars Dharapati King of Earth; Emperor of the land; one who rules the earth
venus Dharati Earth
mars Dharbaka Superficial; Exterior; Shallow
venus Dhariana maintains possessions well
venus Dharika Sun, morning sun
mars Dharin Gift, gift of Lord
mars Dharindhar Serpent; Snake God
mars Dharindharshesh The Cosmetic Serpent
mars Dharineesh Who Rules the Earth; King; Emperor of the land
venus Dharini Earth
mars Dharinija Furrow
mars Dharinipal Who Rules the Earth; King; Emperor of the land
mars Dharish Glistening; Gleaming; Radiant; Shiny; Glossy
venus Dharithri Earth
mars Dharm Religion; Spirituality; Principles
venus Dharma Ultimate Law Of All Things
mars Dharmachandra Dharma's Moon; Devoted; One whose luminance is for righteousness
mars Dharmada Bestower of Dharma; Provider of Righteousness
mars Dharmadas One who serves his religion
mars Dharmadasa A religious and Pious Person who is servant of Dharma; One who performs religious duties which are good
mars Dharmadatta Given by Dharma; Present of a righteous deed; Provider of righteousness
mars Dharmadeva God of Justice; Lord of Dharma; Lord of Righteousness
mars Dharmadhrt One who Makes Dharma Realized; One who abides by righteousness
mars Dharmadhvaja Dharma Bannered; Extremely Virtuous; Religious; Righteous
mars Dharmaghosa Lord of Law; The Voice of Dharma; One who abides by righteousness
mars Dharmagopa Protector of Dharma; Defender of Righteousness
mars Dharmakirti Fame of Religion; One who is famous for his religious deeds
mars Dharmamitra A Friend of Dharma; One who is companion of righteousness and principles
mars Dharman Bearer of Dharma; One who Supports Dharma; One who abides by righteousness
mars Dharmanabha One who is Happy in Following his Religion; One who is companion of righteousness and principles
mars Dharmanand One who takes pleasure in his religion
mars Dharmanandana Son of Dharma; A righteous, compassionate, generous and kind person
mars Dharmanath Dharmanath was the name of the 15th Tirthankara. It means Lord of Dharma and righteousness.
mars Dharmanatha Lord of Dharma; Lord of Righteousness; Compassionate; Generous and Kind person in his deeds
mars Dharmanetra Dharma Eyed; One who views everything with righteousness
mars Dharmang One who is receptacle of Dharm (Religion), One whose body is Dharm, One of many names of Lord Vishnu
mars Dharmanga Whose Body is Dharma; One of the many names of Lord Visnu
mars Dharmangada Ornamented by Dharma; One who is renowned for his righteous deeds
mars Dharmanitya Constant in Dharma; Righteousness
mars Dharmapala One who is Attracted by Religion; Guardian of Dharma; One who abides by the spiritual and divine rules;
mars Dharmar One who follows the principles of life; Righteous person
mars Dharmaraj King of Religion; King of Spirituality; Emperor of Righteousness
mars Dharmaratna One whose greatness is because of being righteous; Great Principled Man
mars Dharmasastha Protector of Dharma; Defender of Righteousness
mars Dharmatej Radiance of righteousness; One who is renowned for his Principles and Spiritual deeds
mars Dharmatma One who follows the principles of life; Righteous person
mars Dharmdas Servant of Religion; One who is controlled by the Spiritual and Divine Rules
mars Dharmdeva Yudhistar; Shine of Righteousness; One who is renowned for his Principles
mars Dharmedra Pure-souled; Righteous; One who abides by spiritual and divine rules
mars Dharmee Religious; Pious; Sacred; Holy; Divine; Spiritual
mars Dharmendra God of Religion
mars Dharmesa Lord of Dharma; Lord of Righteousness; Compassionate; Generous and Kind person in his deeds
mars Dharmesha Lord of Dharma; Lord of Righteousness; Compassionate; Generous and Kind person in his deeds
mars Dharmeshawara King of Religion; King of Spirituality; Emperor of Righteousness
mars Dharmesvara God of Dharma; Lord of Righteousness; Compassionate; Generous and Kind person in his deeds
mars Dharmeswar Lord of Righteousness; Compassionate; Generous and Kind person in his deeds
venus Dharmi She who is religious
mars Dharmic Religious; Pious; Sacred; Holy; Divine; Spiritual
mars Dharmik One who favours Dharma
mars Dharmin A Jain variation of the name Dharam. It means righteous or virtuous.
mars Dharminder Lord of Dharma and Righteousness; Lord of Religion; God of Spirituality;
mars Dharmishtha Wants Religion; One who abides by spiritual and divine rules
mars Dharmitra Friend of Religion; One who is companion of righteousness and principles
mars Dharmmitra Friend of Religion; One who is companion of righteousness and principles
mars Dharmodhar Hindu God Name; One of the many names of Lord Ganapathi
mars Dharmpal Protector of his religion
mars Dharmprakash Yudhistar; Shine of Righteousness; One who is renowned for his Principles
mars Dharmraj King of Religion; King of Spirituality; Emperor of Righteousness
mars Dharmtej Shine of Righteousness; One who is renowned for his Principles
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