Names starting with the letter D

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter D, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a D. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Dhruvan Fastest one; a Pole star
mars Dhruvansh Small part of a Pole star
mars Dhruvasva One with big ambitions; firm horses
mars Dhruvav The Immovable; Constant; Pole Star; A derivative of name Dhruv
mars Dhruven Constant; Pole Star; A derivative of name Dhruv; Faith
mars Dhruvesh Fixed, Constant
venus Dhruvi One who has a lot of energy; is firmly fixed
venus Dhruvika A great and talented individual
mars Dhruvin Oldest one; they are firm
mars Dhruvish A derivative from name Dhruv which means Pole Star, One which is constant; Faith
mars Dhruvit A derivative from name Dhruv which means Pole Star, One which is constant; Faith
mars Dhruvpad Classical North Indian style; auspicious one
venus Dhuha Time before Noon; perfect one
venus Dhuka One who has power and energy of the Sun
mars Dhul Name of Prophet Muhammad's sword.
mars Dhula Name of God; Supreme being's name
mars Dhulfiqaar It's name of prophet's sword
mars Dhulfiqar Sword's name given by Muhammad
mars Dhul Fiqar Strong sword; it is the name of Prophet's sword
venus Dhulika Dew drop
mars Dhulipala They have a motivation and urge to live
mars Dhumal Purple; unique personality
mars Dhumra Smoke colored; purple and grey
mars Dhumraksha One who has force and power to attack
mars Dhumrasva One who has grey horses
venus Dhun They are one who are in tune
mars Dhuna A creative person who are in tune
mars Dhundhi Sought after people; famous
venus Dhundhun In tune; they are versatile and creative
mars Dhundiraj One of many names of Lord Ganesha
mars Dhundumat Sky clad Lord Shiva
mars Dhunun One who is in the court of Mohammad
mars Dhupa One who spread the perfume
mars Dhupala A fragrant individual; peace loving
mars Dhurai They are strong willed; a born leader
mars Dhureen They are accomplished individuals
mars Dhurjati They are as firm as Lord Shiva
mars Dhurjatiprasad By blessing of God Shiva
mars Dhurkaram They are fortunate and charming beings
mars Dhutaka An agitator; They are rich and famous
venus Dhuthi One who has brightest glow and shine
venus Dhuti Splendor; glowing beam of light
mars Dhutit Bright Straight Forward Person; one who stands firm and is righteous
mars Dhuvin Comb
venus Dhvani Sound made to create an ambiance
mars Dhvanil The Sound from Heaven; Voice of God
mars Dhvanish Sound, melody
mars Dhvansh Demolish; Destroyer; One who defends
mars Dhvanya Suggested Meaning; Sound; Voice
mars Dhven Devotional; Spiritual; Religious; Pious; Sacred
venus Dhvija One who has taken birth to perform great things
mars Dhwaj Symbol; Mark; Flag; Sign
venus Dhwani Sound
mars Dhwanil Sound made by wind
mars Dhwanit Sound; Voice; Suggested Meaning;
mars Dhwnit God is My Judge; One who respects God and acts to please him
mars Dhyaan reflection of concentrated being
mars Dhyan One who meditates and is in peace
venus Dhyana Meditation
mars Dhyanachand The One who is Happy to Meditate; One who loves to gain enlightment
mars Dhyanam An attentive and powerful person
mars Dhyanesa God of peace and meditation
mars Dhyanesh Meditative
mars Dhyaneshwar One who shares an experiences harmony
venus Dhyani A master of meditation
mars Dhyansh Attention or an attentive person.
mars Dhyey One with a goal
venus Dhyeya One who is very sure of his aim
venus Dhyuti Lord Krishna; one who can protect
venus Di divine
venus-mars Dia Day
mars Diaab A beautiful and refined individual
mars Diablo Devil
mars Diadama One who strives for life
mars Diadoumenos Greek form of Diadumenus.
mars Diadumenian From the Roman cognomen Diadumenianus, which was derived from the Greek name Diadumenus. This was the name of a Roman Emperor who reigned briefly in the 3rd century.
mars Diadumenianus Original Latin form of Diadumenian.
mars Diadumenus Latinized form of Greek Διαδούμενος (Diadoumenos) meaning "wearing a diadem". This was the name of a sculpture by the 5th-century BC Greek sculptor Polyclitus.
mars Diago Teacher
venus Diah Young Female
venus Diahann divine
venus Diahanne divine
venus Diahna divine
venus Diala Unknown
mars Diallo Bold
venus Diamand Precious stone
venus Diamanda of high value; brilliant
venus Diamanta Like a diamond
mars Diamante of high value; brilliant
venus Diamantina They are messy, playful and crave emotional security
mars Diamantino A pure and lovely individual; determined leader
mars Diamantis Diamond
mars Diamanto One which is as pure, strong and sharp as a Diamond
venus Diamind Precious stone
venus Diamond Brilliant Gem
venus Diamonique of high value; brilliant
mars Diamont A determined person; they are precious
venus Diamontina of high value; brilliant
venus-mars Dian Form Of Dion
venus Diana Divine
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