Names starting with the letter D

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter D, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a D. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Dianatha Virtuous, Divin
venus Dianda They protect men; Goddess of hunt
venus Diandra Combination Of Diana And Sandra
venus Diandre flower of the gods
venus Diane Divine
venus Dianell Virgin Goddess of Moon
venus Dianelys A Dominic Republic version of Diana. It means luminous or perfect.
venus Dianey Goddess of Moon and hunting
venus Dianie One who has great sense of humour; steady one
venus Diann divine
venus Dianna Hunter
venus Diannah Hunter
venus Dianne Divine
venus Dianora A divine person; they are advanced
venus Diantha Divine Flower
venus Dianthe Flower Of The Gods
venus-mars Diara Gift
mars Diarachukwundu Live for God
mars Diarmad They have maturity and are free men
mars Diarmaid Irish King; they are without envy
mars Diarmait Old Irish form of Diarmaid.
mars Diarmid They do not have any envy; a warrior
mars Diarmuid Without envy
venus Diary Daily Journal Book
mars Dias Kazakh form of Ziya.
venus Diasha They have a free spirit; shows direction
mars Diata Short Form Of Sundiata
venus Diavian A born princess; they have a unique sense of style
mars Diaz Teacher
mars Dib Eloquent; one who has given a word
venus Diba A priceless brocade; smart
mars Dibag Respect; Admiration; Esteem; High opinion
mars Dibagh Respect; Admiration; Esteem; High opinion
mars Dibas Good Day; Nice and pleasant day
mars Dibendu Light of Moon; A variant of name Dibyendu
mars Dibhaka One who has the power to destroy
venus Dibi One with a golden tissue; a priceless brocade
mars Dibin One who has a strong heart and mind
venus Diblin The fragrance of soul.
mars Dibric An idealistic and sensitive person
venus Dibya One who spreads joy and light; open door
mars Dibyansh A variant of name Divyansh which means Part of Divine Light; Gods Own Divine
mars Dibyendu Blacksmith who has powers
mars Dica Hard worker; one with supernatural powers
mars Dicca One who has a caring and daring personality
mars Diccel A clean cut, lively and energetic person
mars Diccin A casual daydreamer; neat individual
mars Dicel People of a certain race; pet form of Mathias
mars Dichen Health, Happiness
mars Dick Diminutive Form Of Richard
venus Dickens A beloved and famous King
mars Dickenson Patronymic name; a beloved individual
mars Dickie Pet form of Richard; tough person
mars Dickinson A powerful ruler; pet form of Richard
mars Dickon Derived from name Richard; powerful person
mars Dickons A blessed and peaceful, powerful ruler
mars Dickson Dick's son
venus Dicky One who has immense power and is strong
mars Dicla A caring and daring individual
venus Dicle A wonderful river; life providing
mars Dicon Blacksmith who has powers; historical figure
mars Dicun A diminutive of Richard, meaning powerful ruler.
venus Dicy One who can provide shelter
mars Didac Catalan form of Didacus.
mars Didacus Saint
mars Didar One who is gifted with the perfect vision or sight
venus Didem Meaning unknown, possibly from Persian دیده (dīdeh) meaning "eye".
venus Dideoluwakusidede The coming of the Lord is at hand.
mars Didhi Sister in Hindi
mars Didhya Kind hearted individual; loved one
mars Didi Beloved
venus Didiana desired
venus Didiane desired
venus Didianna desired
mars Didier Desire
venus Didiere desired
mars Didimo Twin Brother
mars Didimus A twin; longing for God
venus Didina Desired; Beloved.
venus Didja One who lives in between
venus Dido Wanderer
mars Didrik One who has the power to rule people
venus Didrika People Ruler
mars Didyme Twin
mars Didyotisu One who wishes to shine brighty
mars Didyu A priceless gift of God
mars Diede Powerful ruler of the people
mars Diederic Ruler Of The People
mars Diederich One who is born to rule people
mars Diederick People Rule
venus Diedericka people's ruler
mars Diederik Ruler of the people
venus Diedra broken-hearted, sorrowful
venus Diedre broken-hearted, sorrowful
venus Diedrey broken-hearted, sorrowful
mars Diedrich A powerful ruler of the people
mars Diedrick People Ruler
venus Diedricka people's ruler
venus Diedrika people's ruler
mars Diego Short Form Of San Diego
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