Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Elsən From Azerbaijani el meaning "country, society" and şən meaning "happy, cheerful" (of Armenian origin).
venus Elsha island of Alfsigr
venus Elshe island of Alfsigr
mars Elsheikhidris the meaning of this name is leader or a born prince of Allah.
venus Elsi God is my oath
venus Elsie Diminutive Form Of The Name Elizabeth
mars Elsin noble and true.
mars Elsinger Probably a derivative of Elsing.
venus Elsje righteous or noble.
venus Elske God Is My Oath
mars Elson this means someone who is from old town or Elli's town or Elli's son.
venus Elspet God is my oath
venus Elspeth God Is My Oath
venus Elspie God is my oath
venus Elssa God is my oath
mars Elstan Elf Stone
mars Elston this means my god is Jehovah from Elijah or someone from old town.
mars Elsu Flying Falcon
mars Elsueki this means god is my love.
mars Elsworth Elf enclosure
venus Elswyth this means elf from the willow trees.
venus Elsy God is my oath
venus Elta this means that the lord is my god.
mars Eltanin Dragon Head
venus Eltha healing herb
venus Elthea healing herb
venus Elthia this means a healer.
venus Eltje Of noble kind
mars Eltjo Royal; Rich;
mars Elton The Old Town
venus Elts Joined with God
venus Elu Beautiful, Fair
mars Eluard this means someone who is from a place located at a height and has grace.
venus Elueua this means someone who is mentioned in the old biblical testament with a lot of grace.
mars Eluf Eternal heir
venus Eluiua this means god is my helper.
venus Eluiue this means a graceful person.
mars Elumalai Lord of Seven Hills; Lord Venkateshwara; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
venus Eluned Arthurian heroine
venus Eluney Derived from Mapuche elun meaning "give".
mars Elured this means someone who is very smart
mars Eluret this means someone of royal origin
mars Eluric this means an old wise ruler.
venus Eluta Deep wisdom
venus Eluyua this means a bright light or a ruler who is wise and very bright
venus Elva Elfin
venus Elvah elf or magical counsel; elf, magical being strength
mars Elvan Colorful person
mars Elvar A variant of Alvar, meaning elf warrior.
mars Elvarasu Son of King; Prince; Heir to throne
mars Elvedin Benevolence of faith or gift.
venus Elveena elf or magical being, friend
venus Elveera truly foreign
venus Elvena elf or magical being, friend
venus Elvene elf or magical being, friend
venus Elvenia elf or magical being, friend
venus Elvera truly foreign
mars Elvern this name means a wise elf friend.
mars Elvet the meaning of this name is swan stream.
venus Elveva the meaning of this name is elfin or elf leader.
mars Elvey this name means elf warrior
venus Elvi Noble Friend
venus Elvia blond
venus Elviana blond
venus Elvie Of Gaelic origin meaning 'bright white' and derived from the Gaelic name Ailbhe.
venus Elviira Finnish and Estonian form of Elvira.
mars Elvin Elf Friend
venus Elvina Feminine Form Of Elvin
venus Elvine elf or magical being, friend
venus Elvinia elf or magical being, friend
mars Elvio The Way
venus Elvira Foreign And True
venus Elvire truly foreign
mars Elvis All Wise
venus Elvisa this name means healthy and safe.
venus Elvita this name means truth.
venus Elviva this name means trustworthy or alert or white.
mars Elvy white
mars Elvyn this name means magical being or elf friend.
venus Elvyne this name means good elf.
venus Elvyra truly foreign
mars Elwald this name means an old man who is from Wales.
mars Elway Unknown
mars Elwell this name means someone from old spring.
mars Elwen the meaning of this name is old friend.
venus Elwilda Elf Battle
mars Elwin Wise friend
venus Elwine this name means a friend of the elves.
venus Elwira truly foreign
venus Elwisia this name means healthy and sound.
mars Elwold this name means an old forest tree.
mars Elwood From The Old Wood Forest
mars Elwy this nam means gain or benefit.
mars Elwyn Elf-friend
venus Elwynn this name means a wise friend or magical fair white being
mars Ely Height
venus-mars Elya The Lord Is My God
mars Elyakim My God will establish
venus Elyan Unknown
venus Elyana my God has answered
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