Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Elyanna this name means my lord has answered.
venus Elyannah this name means lord is my god or light or moon.
mars Elyaqim Biblical Hebrew form of Eliakim.
mars Elyas this name means the Biblical Elijah in Islam or lord is my god.
venus Elyce God is my oath; Jehovah is God
mars Elye A form of Elijah, meaning height or ascension.
venus Elyenora this name means light.
mars Elyes The Lord Is My God
venus Elyette my God has answered
venus Elyn other, foreign; sun ray
venus Elynn sun ray
venus Elynor this means bright or shining over all or god is my light.
mars Elyo'enai Biblical Hebrew form of Elioenai.
mars Elyon this name means Jehovah is my god.
mars Elys this means a famour fighter or Jehovah is my God.
venus Elysa God is my oath
venus Elysabeth this means the god of plenty or mother goddess of oath.
venus Elysant this name means an Elizabethan Saint.
venus Elyscia this name means salvation is god or noble and honourable.
venus Elyse God is my oath
mars Elysha A variant spelling of Elisha which is of Hebrew origin and means 'God is salvation'. May also have the variant spellings of Ellicia, Elesha, Ellesha or Eleisha.
venus Elysia Heaven
venus Elysian this name means someone who is blessed or struck by lightning.
venus Elysium The place where heroes in Greek mythology go when they die.
venus Elyssa God is my oath
venus Elysse this means someone from the blessed isles.
venus Elyta this name means winged.
venus Elyvia this name means olive tree.
venus Elyza God is my oath
venus Elyzabel this name means pledged to god or oath is my god.
venus Elyzabeth this name means my god is abundance or oath is my god.
venus Elyzee My God is an oath.
venus Elyzza God is my oath
venus Elza God is my oath
venus Elzabeth God is my oath
venus Elzbieta God is my oath
venus Elze Short form of Elžbieta.
venus Elzeena woman
mars Elzi this means someone from Elli's estate or wealthy nobleman.
venus Elzie this name means that my god is my vow.
venus Elzina woman
venus Em Green gemstone
venus Ema beloved
venus Emaan Victorious; Pious; God Fearing; Devoted to God; Faith in religion
mars Emad this name means support or pillar or confidence.
venus Emagine it means image of her mother or innocent or blameless.
venus Emalee rival; laborious; eager
venus Emaleen peaceful home
venus Emalei this name means one who is industrious or hard working.
venus Emalene peaceful home
venus Emali rival; laborious; eager
venus Emalia flirt
venus Emalie rival; laborious; eager
venus Emalinda entire, universal
venus Emaline Rival, industrious
venus Emallie this name means rival or hard working.
venus Emalyn peaceful home
venus Eman Faith
venus Emani Trustworthy
venus Emanita Combination Of Emily And Anita
mars Emankum Victorious; Pious; God Fearing; Devoted to God; Faith in religion
mars Emanoil Romanian variant form of Emmanuel.
mars Emanual this name means lord almighty be with us.
mars Emanuel God Is With Us
venus Emanuela God is with us
venus Emanuele God Is With Us
mars Emanuell this name means god is with us or faith.
venus Emanuella God is with us
venus Emanuelle God is with us
venus Emanuelly A variant of Emmanuella, meaning God is with us.
mars Emanuil Bulgarian form of Emmanuel.
venus Emarie this name means someone who is faithful.
venus Emayn this name means peaceful home.
venus Embe this name means burnt coal.
venus Ember Spark, Burning Low
venus Emberlee this name means smouldering or fiery meadow.
venus Emberlei Created Name
venus Emberley this name means spark or low flame or burning coal.
venus Emberly the meaning of this name is low flame or spark or burning coal.
venus Emberlyn this name means as precious as a beautiful jewel.
venus Emberlynn Combination Of Ember And Lynn
mars Emberto Of great acclaim
venus Embeth Combination of Emma and Beth
venus Embla Elm
venus Emblem it means labour or someone who is hardworking.
venus Embline peaceful home
venus Emblyn peaceful home
venus Embre someone who rules the hearts and homes of people.
venus-mars Embry Work Rule
mars Emek this name means valley.
mars Emeka God did great deeds
venus Emel Passion
venus Emela Hope or inspiration.
venus Emelda Entire Battle
venus Emele Industrious, Admiring
venus Emelea rival; laborious; eager
venus-mars Emelen peaceful home
venus Emeli Variation of the name Emily/Emil, meaning 'rive', 'laborious', 'eager'.
venus Emelia Rival, industrious
venus Emeliana this name means to continually strive or excel against a rival.
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