Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Emelie Rival, industrious
venus Emelin this name means hard working.
venus Emelina rival, eager work; rival; laborious; eager; entire, universal
venus Emeline peaceful home
venus Emelita Worker
mars Emello Rival, industrious
venus Emelly rival; laborious; eager
venus Emelot this means a castle belonging to Arthur.
venus Emelote this name is often used for describing a castle which belonged to King Arthur.
venus Emeloth King Arthur's castle during the medieval ages was described by using this name.
venus Emely Rival, industrious
venus Emelye the meaning of this name is someone who is industrious and a leader.
venus Emelyn Created Name
venus Emelyne rival; laborious; eager; entire, universal
venus Emem Person of peace
mars Emene Do no harm
mars Emengar the meaning of this name is precious.
venus Emeni Tonga word for Amen.
mars Emenike It's not by might or power.
mars Emenjart this means someone who has great strength.
venus Emer Swift
venus Emera Industrious Leader
venus Emerald Green Gem Stone
venus Emeralda precious gemstone
venus Emeraldina precious gemstone
venus Emerant emerald
venus Emeraude precious gemstone; emerald
venus Emere The name means rival in Maori language.
venus Emerence Worthy Of Merit
mars Emerens Deserving
mars Emerentius To Earn, Merit
mars Emerho A special type of catfish
venus Emeri this is a name for someone who is thought to have brave powers.
venus Emeria it means someone who is from the north with great beauty and honour.
mars Emeric Work Rule, Leader
mars Emerich this means someone with power and who is a leader.
mars Emerico The power of work.
venus Emerie Industrious
mars Emerik Work-power
venus Emeril a powerful leader is often denoted by this name.
venus Emerin To Deserve, Merit
venus Emerlinda this name means the whole universe is soft or tender.
venus-mars Emerson Son Of Emery
venus Emersyn this means brave and powerful; someone who is a leader.
venus-mars Emery Work Ruler
mars Emeryk this name has the meaning work power.
venus Emese this name means mother.
mars Emest it has meanings like serious, being determined or a feeling of earnest or great vigour.
venus Emestine this means someone who is serious or directed.
mars Emet Whole, universal
venus Emetemedia I will always remain a lady
venus Emeterhire Girls have arrived
mars Emeterio this name means someone who deserves unending affection.
mars Emeterius Meaning uncertain, possibly of Greek origin. Saint Emeterius was a 3rd-century Roman soldier who was martyred with Celedonius.
mars Emetitiri Mine is famous
mars Emett Whole, universal
venus Emi Blessing, Favour, Beautiful
venus Emica this name means charming or blessed and beautiful.
mars Emidio this is a name in the honour of Saint Emegdius a patron against earthquake who lived during 3rd century and was a bishop.
venus Emie Of German origin meaning 'whole' or 'universal'. May be a pet form or the names Emma or Emily and also has the variant spellings of Emi, Emmi, Emmie or Emmy.
mars Emiel Dutch form of Aemilius (see Emil).
venus Emigdia One who is half-god or demigod
mars Emigdio this is the Spanish form of the Saint Emigdius who was a saviour against earthquakes.
venus Emika in Slavik this name means charming.
venus Emiko Smiling Child
mars Emil To Strive Or Excel Or Rival
venus Emila rival; laborious; eager
mars Emile To Strive Or Excel Or Rival
venus Emilea rival; laborious; eager
venus Emilee Rival, industrious
venus Emileigh this name means somebody who is trying to excel or equal a rival.
venus Emiley Of English origin and a variant spelling of the name Emily, this also being a variant of the Latin name Aemilia meaning 'rival, trying to equal or excel, emulating'.
venus Emili rival; laborious; eager
venus Emilia To Strive Or Excel Or Rival
mars Emilian it means excellent or the desire to excel.
venus Emiliana To Strive Or Excel Or Rival
venus Emilianne Industrious
mars Emiliano Rival
venus Emilie To Strive Or Excel Or Rival
mars Emilien French form of Aemilianus (see Emiliano).
venus Emilienne Rival
venus Emilija Of Lithuanian origin and a variant of the name Emily, this also being a variant of the Latin name Aemilia meaning 'rival, trying to equal or excel, emulating'.
venus Emiline Rival, industrious
mars Emilio To Strive Or Excel Or Rival
mars Emilion Rival
mars Emilios Greek form of Aemilius (see Emil).
mars Emilis Lithuanian form of Aemilius (see Emil).
venus Emiliya To Strive Or Excel Or Rival
mars Emiliyan Bulgarian form of Aemilianus (see Emiliano).
venus Emilja to match or surpass a person or a rival by imitation mostly.
venus Emilla rival; laborious; eager
venus Emille rival; laborious; eager
venus Emillea rival; laborious; eager
venus Emilley rival; laborious; eager
venus Emillie Of English origin and a variant spelling of the name Emily, this also being a variant of the Latin name Aemilia meaning 'rival, trying to equal or excel, emulating'.
venus Emilly Of English origin and a variant spelling of the name Emily, this also being a variant of the Latin name Aemilia meaning 'rival, trying to equal or excel, emulating'.
venus Emilohi Only God is great.
mars Emils Variant of Emile. It means eager
venus Emily To Strive Or Excel Or Rival
venus Emilyah rival; laborious; eager
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