Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Emilyn this name means someone who is striving and works hard.
venus Emilynne a person who is industrious and strives extremely hard to excel.
mars Emin Self-assured
venus Emina Honest
venus Emine Of Arabic origin meaning and a derivative of the Arabic name Amina, which itself means 'faithful, truthful, trustworthy'.
venus Eminta defender and vindicator
venus Emiola The honorable one, or an honorable man.
mars Emir Chief
venus Emira someone who is worhty or merit or a princess.
mars Emirhan Leader, Prince
venus Emiri one who tries to excel or a royal person.
mars Emit someone who has everything or is universal.
mars Emitt a powerful person known all over the universe.
venus Emke As Emily
mars Emlen Charming
venus-mars Emlyn To Strive Or Excel Or Rival
venus-mars Emlynn rival; laborious; eager
venus Emlynne rival; laborious; eager
venus Emm the whole or universe is signified by this name
venus Emma Universal
mars Emmad a leader.
venus Emma Dil Heart's Wish
venus Emmajean someone with great strength.
venus Emmaleah a powerful and strengthful person.
venus Emmalee Universal Field
venus Emmaleigh rival; laborious; eager
venus Emmalene peaceful home
venus Emmali Industrious
venus Emmalia Universal And Weary
venus Emmalie rival; laborious; eager
venus Emmalina something that is all contaning or universal.
venus Emmaline Rival, industrious
venus Emmalise everything contained together or universal.
venus Emmaly trying to excel in an universal way and a path that is whole.
venus Emmalyn Combination Of The Names EMMA And LYN
venus Emmalynn rival; laborious; eager; entire, universal
venus Emmalynne peaceful home; rival; laborious; eager; entire, universal
mars Emman Victorious; Pious; God Fearing; Devoted to God; Faith in religion
mars Emmanouel Form of Immanuel used in the Greek Bible.
mars Emmanouil a Greek word for hard work.
mars Emmanuel God Is With Us
venus Emmanuela this is the feminine form of the Biblical name for the Messiah and also has the meaning that god should be with us.
mars Emmanuele Variant of Emanuele.
venus Emmanuella Of Hebrew origin and the feminine version of Emmanuel which itself is a derivative of Immanuel meaning 'God is with us'.
venus Emmanuelle God is with us
mars Emmanuhel Form of Immanuel used in the Latin Bible.
mars Emmanuil Russian form of Emmanuel.
venus Emmarie a faithful or truthful person.
venus Emmary a person who can be believed or who has faith; a faithful person.
venus Emme Universal
venus Emmegail this means a high born lady.
venus Emmelee rival; laborious; eager
venus Emmeleia entire, universal
venus Emmelia it means harmonious or trying to excel.
venus Emmelie rival; laborious; eager
venus Emmelina a desire to emulate success and excel in life.
venus Emmeline Work
venus Emmely rival; laborious; eager
venus Emmelyn entire, universal
venus Emmelyne rival; laborious; eager; entire, universal
venus Emmer someone who lived on a land where grain was grown.
venus Emmeranne Raven
mars Emmerich it means powerful and rich.
venus Emmersette a rich and powerful lady belonging to a well known house.
venus Emmerson one who is brave and powerful.
venus Emmersyn this name signifies someone who is powerful and brave at heart.
venus Emmery a leader of the household.
mars Emmet Entire
mars Emmete someone who has great strength and is hugely powerful.
mars Emmeton a person born out of power.
mars Emmett Entire
venus Emmette entire, universal
venus Emmey rival; laborious; eager
venus Emmi Whole, universal
venus Emmie Whole, universal
venus Emmilee rival; laborious; eager
venus Emmilene hardwork and labour.
mars Emmiliano Rival, industrious
venus Emmilie rival; laborious; eager
venus Emmiline peaceful home
venus Emmily rival; laborious; eager
venus Emmilyne Rival, industrious
mars Emmit it means the entirety or the universe.
venus Emmita Sweet mother
mars Emmitt the whole universe in its entirety.
venus Emmlee rival; laborious; eager
venus Emmly To Strive Or Excel Or Rival
venus-mars Emmlyn someone who works really hard.
mars Emmot entire, universal
mars Emmota this is a name which signifies someone who is strong and extremely powerful.
venus Emmote a feminine form of power and strong will.
mars Emmott entire, universal
venus Emms it means someone who is a son of the universe.
venus Emmy Diminutive Form Of Emily
venus Emmye rival; laborious; eager; entire, universal
venus Emmylou entire, universal
mars Emo this name means serious.
venus Emogen Image
venus Emogene maiden
venus Emoke Derived from Hungarian emő meaning "suckling (baby)".
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