Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Ergin ripe, matured or seasoned.
mars Erhan From Turkish er meaning "man, hero, brave" and han, which is from the title khan meaning "leader".
mars Erhard Honour, brave
mars Erhardt brave, hardy, honour and respect.
mars Erhart Honour, brave
venus Erhi a musical instrument.
mars Erhiaganoma Guardian spirit overpowers the body
mars Erhue A special breed of cow used for traditional ceremonies
venus Eri Drawing
venus Eriah the lord is god.
mars Erian someone from Ireland.
venus Eriana Welsh word for silver.
venus Erianna silver in Welsh language.
venus Erianthe Sweet as many flowers
mars Eric Always Ruler
venus Erica Always Ruler
mars Erich ruler of the people.
venus Ericha Heather; also a feminized form of the name Eric.
mars Erick Always Ruler
venus Ericka Ever ruling
mars Erickson son of Erik; son of ruler.
mars Erico King forever
mars Ericson son of a ruler named Erik.
venus-mars Eridian Of The Planet Eris
venus Erie somebody who belongs to Ireland.
venus Eriel lion of god.
venus Eriella a Spanish word for lioness of god.
venus Erienne Ireland
venus Erihapeti Helper or supporter
mars Eriifeoluwa The evidence of God's love.
mars Erik Always Ruler
venus Erika Always Ruler
mars Erikas Lithuanian form of Eric.
mars Erike complete ruler
venus Erikka complete ruler
mars Eriko child with a collar
mars Eriks Latvian form of Eric.
mars Erikson son or Erik; ruler of the people.
mars Erikur A form of Eric, meaning peaceful ruler.
venus Erilyn a combination of two words Eric and Lynn.
mars Erimat Greenlandic form of Herman, meaning army man.
venus Erimentha Collector Of Thoughts, Determined Protector
venus Erin Ireland
venus Erina Ireland
venus Erine Variation of Erin which means From the island to the west
venus Erinn Ireland
venus Erinna Peace, Western island
venus Erinne Peace, Western island
mars Erion the wind from Ion sea.
mars Eriq Ever ruling
venus Eris Strife
venus Erisa a goddess from Greek mythoology primarily concerned with discord and strife.
venus Erish To cherish; To hold dear; Beloved; Dearmost
venus Erisha speech
mars Erisman An honorable man.
venus Erissa this is a Greek goddess of chaos, strife and discord.
venus Erista Latin word for harvest.
venus Eristy the best or harvest.
mars Erisudar it means intelligent.
venus Erith it means flower.
venus Eriu From the name of an Irish goddess, who according to legend gave her name to Ireland (which is called Éire in Irish). In reality, the goddess probably got her name from that of the island, which may mean something like "abundant land" in Old Irish.
mars Erix Always Ruler
mars Eriyadi Latin - Po River; Name of a constellation representing a river
venus Erizelda Battle Maiden
venus Erja Variant of Irja.
mars Erkan From Turkish er "man, hero, brave" combined with either kan "blood" or han "khan, leader".
mars Erkenbaud an ancient king of Northumberland.
venus Erkengota an ancient character of mythology.
mars Erkerd sacred or pios or sacrosanct.
mars Erkin Means "free" in Uzbek, Uyghur and Turkish.
mars Erkki Finnish word meaning ruler of all.
mars Erl Intelligent
venus Erla Wagtail Bird
mars Erland Honorable
mars Erlantz Means "glow, shine" in Basque.
mars Erle Warrior
venus Erlea Means "bee" in Basque.
venus Erleen noble woman.
mars Erlend Outsider or foreigner
mars Erlendr Old Norse form of Erland.
mars Erlendur Icelandic form of Erland.
venus Erlene princess
venus Erletta princess
venus Erlette princess
mars Erlimat Greenlandic variant form of Êrimât, meaning army man.
venus Erlina girl from Ireland
venus Erlinda princess
venus Erline princess
mars Erling Descendant
mars Erlinge Greenlandic form of Erling, meaning descendant of the jarl.
mars Erlingr Old Norse form of Erling.
mars Erlingur Icelandic form of Erling.
venus Erlinia princess
venus Erma Universal, Whole
mars Ermacora Italian form of Hermagoras.
mars Erman Friend
mars Ermanno it means a mighty defender.
mars Erme Form of Ermin. Universal whole.
venus Ermegarde a feminized word meaning whole or universal or complete.
venus Ermelinda soft, tender, whole and universal.
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