Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Ermelinde a word which means something which is soft and tender and also whole or universal.
mars Ermen Universal, Whole
venus Ermenburg a mother in an Northumbrian epic saga who trains her son for studying and fighting.
venus Ermenburga a mother figure in ancient epic who trains her son.
venus Ermendrud Derived from the Old German elements irmin "whole, great" and drud "strength". This was the name of the wife of the Frankish king Charles the Bald (9th century).
venus Ermenegilda Feminine form of Ermenegildo.
mars Ermenegildo Immense tribute
venus Ermengard whole enclosure
venus Ermengarda enclosure, protection of whole universe.
venus Ermengarde Whole, Universal
venus Ermengardis Latinized form of Ermengard.
venus Ermenilda a powerful warrior.
venus Ermenjart a warrior who was extremely powerful.
mars Ermenred a historical figure featuring in England's monarchical pedigree.
mars Ermenrich From the Gothic name *Airmanareiks, from the elements airmans "great, immense" and reiks "ruler, king". Ermenrich (also often called Ermanaric) was a 4th-century Gothic king.
venus Ermentraud all loved
mars Ermentrud Universal Strength
venus Ermentrude Variant of Ermendrud.
venus Ermentrudis Latinized form of Ermendrud.
mars Ermes Italian form of Hermes.
mars Ermete Derived from Hermetis, the Latin genitive form of Hermes, the name of the Greek messenger god.
venus Ermgard whole enclosure
mars Ermias God Will Uplift
mars Ermin Universal, Whole
venus Ermina Friendly
venus Ermine weasel
venus Ermingard a German word which means whole universe in its enitrety.
venus Erminhilt Old German form of Irmhild.
venus Erminia soldier; entire, universal; weasel
venus Erminide a Latin word meaning entire universe.
venus Erminie soldier; entire, universal
mars Erminigild Old German form of Hermenegildo.
venus Erminine army man
mars Erminio associated with Greek god for speed and good luck.
venus Erminlinda Old German variant of Ermelinde.
venus Erminne weasel
venus Ermintrude Entire Strength
mars Erminus an Albanian word meaning wind from the Ion seas.
venus Ermioni the one who carries the beauty of Ermis.
mars Ermis Modern Greek form of Hermes.
mars Ermo A diminutive of Erasmus. It means beloved.
mars Ermolai Heap of stones
venus Ermyne soldier
venus Ermyntrude all loved
venus Ern serious, determined, earnestness and vigour.
venus Erna Earnest
venus Ernaline capable; serious; battle to the death
venus Ernalynn capable
venus Erneburga a historical figure in Yorkshire.
mars Erneeraq Son
mars Ernesh Sincere; Battle to the death; Determined; Honest
venus Ernesha serious; battle to the death
mars Ernest Earnest
venus Ernesta serious; battle to the death
mars Ernestas Lithuanian form of Ernest.
venus Ernestene She who is earnest.
venus Ernestina serious; battle to the death
venus Ernestine serious; battle to the death
mars Ernestino an earnest and determined effort.
mars Ernesto Earnest, Sincere
mars Ernests Latvian form of Ernest.
venus-mars Ernestyna serious; battle to the death
venus-mars Ernesztina serious; battle to the death
mars Ernet Bird;
venus Ernia an Irish word meaning serios and earnest.
venus Ernice serious; battle to the death
mars Ernie Diminutive Form Of Ernest
mars Erno Form Of Ernest
mars Ernoldus eagle ruler or strong as an eagle.
mars Ernouf Wolf eagle
mars Ernst Earnest, Serious
mars Ernulf a Christianity religious figure of historical period.
mars Ernust Old German form of Ernest.
mars Ernwyd a fictional character who is a Hobbit.
mars Erny a Swedish name meaning serious and determined.
venus Eroica heroic
venus Eroiqua heroic
venus Eroique heroic
mars Erol Man with courage
venus Eromi Understanding
venus Eromidola My thought has become wealth.
mars Eron Peace, Enlightened
mars Eros God Of Love
mars Eroth Psychic; Intelligent; Brilliant; Clever
mars Erp Name of Meldun's son.
mars Erramun Basque form of Raymond.
mars Erran Eagle; Bird Name; A Tamil name for Eagle
mars Errando Bold
mars Errick Ever ruling
venus Erricka complete ruler
venus-mars Errigal Name Of An Irish Mountain
venus Errika one who rules eternally.
venus Errin Ireland
mars Errol Boar Wolf
mars Erroll Earl or nobleman
venus Errolyn a feminized word meaning someone who commands an army.
venus-mars Erryl a feminized word which has the meaning of an army commander.
venus-mars Erryn Exalted, Strong
venus Erscilia Delicate
venus Ersheen god's beauty.
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