Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Ersila delicate; liberator
venus Ersilia delicate; liberator
mars Erskine dweller of the top of the cliff
venus Ersta Greenlandic form of Esther, meaning star.
mars Erte The Initials R.T.
mars Erth a German word for earth.
venus Ertha earth
venus Erthel earth
mars Ertugrul Brave Man
mars Erudheri One of many names of Lord Shiva in Tamil
mars Eruera Eruera is the Maori form of Edward and means rich and happy guardian.
venus Erum Heaven
mars Erumelivasan One who Lives in Erumeli; One of many names of Lord Shiva in Tamil
mars Eruyarththan One of many names of Lord Shiva in Tamil
mars Erv Short Form Of Ervin
venus Erva a Finnish word meaning the hay grown after harvesting.
mars Ervad Religious Teacher; Spiritual Leader;
mars Ervar Befitting a hero
venus Ervette green, fresh water
mars Ervin Person From Irvine, Scotland
venus Ervina green, fresh water
mars Ervine a beautiful friend.
mars Erving Sea
mars Ervins Noble or boar friend
mars Ervyn a word which means someone who is a beautiful friend.
mars Erwan The archer
mars Erwann Erwann is a variant of Erwan and means the archer
mars Erwin Form Of Ervin
venus Erwina boar friend
mars Erwinek friend at sea.
mars Erwinn fresh green water or a beautiful friend.
mars Erwyn a word which in essence means a beautiful friend or green and fresh water.
venus Erwyna a feminized word which has the meaning of a beautiful friend or fresh and green water.
mars Erwynn in essence it means water that is green and fresh or a beautiful friend.
mars Eryc Ever ruling
venus Eryca complete ruler
venus Erycka complete ruler
mars Eryk Of Old Norse origin and a variant spelling of the name Eric. The name is derived from 'Eirìkr'; this being comprised of the elements 'ei' meaning 'ever, always' and 'ríkr' meaning 'ruler', hence altogether meaning 'eternal ruler'.
venus Eryka Ever ruling
venus Erykah complete ruler
venus Eryl Lookout point
venus Eryn Peace, Western island
mars Eryngo Common Name Of The Eryngium Plant
venus Erynn Peace, Western island
venus Erynna Peace, Western island
venus Erynne a feminized word used in poetry for referring to Ireland.
mars Erysichthon someone who has been cursed with an insatiable hunger which finally leads to his death.
mars Eryx Boxer
mars Erzhan Brave and courageous husband
venus Erzilia delicate; liberator
venus Erzsebet God Is My Oath
venus Erzsi Promise of God
mars Esa God is salvation
venus Esabeau God is my oath
venus Esabell somebody who has been devoted to god.
venus Esabella a person who has been devoted to god for salvation.
mars Esad One who is very lucky.
venus-mars Esadowa Heap Wolves
mars Esah Alive
mars Esai God Is Salvation
mars Esaias Form of Isaiah used in the Greek and Latin Bibles, as well as some English translations of the New Testament.
mars Esaiko a king of music.
mars Esaki South Indian Local God; A Tamil God; A variant spelling is Esakki
mars Esakki Tamil God; South Indian Local God; A variant spelling is Esaki
mars Esam Arabic - Safeguard; A variant spelling is Essam; Connection; Bond; Promise
venus Esana a feminized word meaning to safeguard.
venus-mars Esarosa White Wolf
mars Esau Hairy
mars Esaw Hebrew form of Esau.
mars Esben God Bear
mars Esbern A divine bear.
mars Esbjorn Bear of the gods.
mars Esca someone who feels strongly for nature.
mars Escarans an angel fish or someone strongly attracted towards nature.
mars Escher a German name for someone who lived near an ash tree or grove.
mars Esco a person who is in deep love with the nature.
mars Escobar Overgrown With Bush
mars Esdras it means to help.
mars Ese a Frisian word meaning god.
venus Eseeva'e Means "day woman" in Cheyenne [1].
mars Esegar a word used for referring to God.
venus Eseld Fighting the ice battle
venus Esen Breeze
venus Esence Essence
venus Eseoghene God's gift
mars Eser Accomplished
mars Esfandyar Name of a character in Shahnameh.
venus Esfir Star-like
venus Esh God; Supreme Being; Lord; Master
venus Esha Pleasure
venus Eshaal Enlivened or excited, to enliven or excite.
mars Eshaan God; Supreme Being; Lord; Master; One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Eshai A form of Jesse, meaning God exists.
mars Eshakol A grape cluster
venus Eshal Flower in Heaven
mars Eshan Lord Shiva
venus Eshana Wish, Desire
venus Eshani Goddess Parvathi
venus Eshanika means to fulfill one's desires.
venus Eshanka goddess Parvati or Shiva's wife.
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