Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Ess Star, myrtle
venus Essa Alternate transcription of Arabic عيسى (see Isa 1).
mars Essam Arabic - Safeguard; A variant spelling is Esaam; Connection; Bond; Promise
venus Essence Aura, Nature
venus-mars Essery Cart Maker
mars Essex From East Saxons
venus Essi Finnish diminutive of Esther.
venus Essie myrtle, bride; star
mars Essien The Child Who Takes Charge Of Outside Matters
mars Essra Helper
venus Essy myrtle, bride; star
venus Essyllt gazed upon (Arthurian heroine)
venus Esta from the east
venus Estacia Resurrection
mars Estanislao strength or firmness or glory or fame.
mars Estcott someone who is from the east cottage.
venus Este an Italian word meaning someone from the east.
mars Esteban Crown
mars Estebe Basque form of Stephen.
venus Estee Star
mars Estefan Man with crown
venus Estefana someone crowned with laurels.
venus Estefani garland, crown
venus Estefania Garland, Crown
venus Estefany garland, crown
venus Estel star
venus Estela Star
venus Estele star
venus Estelia star.
venus Estelita star
venus Estell star
venus Estella Star
venus Estelle Star
mars Estember a Spanish word relating to stars.
mars Esten eastern town or island.
mars Estephan Crown
venus Estephanie garland, crown
mars Estephen victorious or corwned or someone crowned victoriously.
venus Ester Star Or Myrtle Leaf
venus Estera myrtle, bride; star
venus Esteralla Star
venus Estere A form of Esther, meaning star.
venus Esteri Star-like
venus Esterina strong and vital.
venus Estes From The East
mars Estevan Crown
mars Estevao Crown
mars Esteve Occitan form of Stephen.
mars Estevo crown or garland.
venus Esther Star
venus Esthiru Old Church Slavic form of Esther.
venus Esti Little Star
venus Estibaliz something which occurs in the summer.
mars Estienne Crown
venus Estine Variant of Esti 1.
mars Estmar a Spanish word meaning esteem.
venus-mars Eston From The East Town
venus Estonia Land Of The East
mars Estorause an Arthurian king.
mars Estrada Street, Way
venus Estralita Little Star
venus Estrangia mother of a famous bishop.
venus Estrella Star
venus Estrellita star
venus Estrid beautiful goddess
venus Estrild it means battle.
venus Estrildis a star battle or a beloved mistress of King Locrinus.
venus Estrith a royal person of Norway.
venus Esty a feminized Hebrew word which means star.
mars Esupofo The devil has lost.
mars Eswanth a word for Lord Krishna.
mars Eswar God; Supreme Being; One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Eswara God; Supreme Being; One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Eswarapu God; Supreme Being; One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Eswari wife of lord Shiva; a name used in India.
venus Eswary a feminized Indian name which means Parvati or wife of Lord Shiva.
venus Esyllt fair lady
venus Eszter Star, myrtle
venus Eszti a femininized Hungarian word which means star.
venus Eta Shining
mars Etai Strong
mars Etaidaferua Words of the wealthy are more acceptable
venus Etain shining
mars Etaka One who is loving to others; Kind; Affectionate
mars Etan Firm, Strong
venus Etana Dedication, Strength
venus Etania wealthy
mars Etanomare Freed from blame or despair
venus Etapalli Wing
mars Etaredafe Words of the wealthy
venus Etasa shining dappled horse or one who desires.
mars Etash Luminous
venus Etel noble
mars Etele Probably a Hungarian form of Etzel.
venus Etelka noble
venus Etelvina a noble friend.
mars Etemaad faith or trust in African.
mars Etemad reliance or trust or confidence in another person.
venus Etenesh Means "you are my sister" in Amharic.
venus Etenia Wealthy
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