Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Eter Means "ether, air" in Georgian. This name features in the opera Abesalom and Eteri (1918), which was based on a medieval Georgian folktale.
mars Etera Aid or help
venus Eteri The name means air in Georgian language
venus Eternity Everlasting
mars Eternus a word meaning to infinity or forever.
mars Etguino a name which has the meaning of forever after or till infinity.
mars Etguinum till eternity or forever or till the ending of time.
mars Eth noble
venus Etha noble
mars Etham Of Hebrew origin and a variant of the name Ethan which is derived from the Hebrew word 'eitan' meaning 'eternal', 'long-lived' and 'enduring'.
mars Ethan Firm, Strong
mars Ethanael Combination Of Ethan And Nathaniel
mars Ethaniel Combination Of Ethan And Nathaniel
mars Ethann a gift from an island or someone who is strong and sturdy.
mars Ethari Luminous; Radiant; Bright; Brilliant
mars Ethbin popularized by Saint Ethbin an ancient religious figure.
venus Ethel Noble
mars Ethelard a German mascuilinized word which means noble.
mars Ethelbert Noble and bright
venus Ethelberta noble, bright
venus Ethelda Combination Of Ethel And Zelda
venus Etheldred Noble strength
venus Etheldreda noble strength
venus Etheleen noble
venus Ethelenda noble serpent
venus Ethelene noble serpent
venus Ethelfleda Middle English form of Æðelflæd.
mars Ethelheard someone who is noble by blood but also extremely strong.
venus Ethelin noble
venus Ethelind noble serpent
venus Ethelinda noble serpent
venus Ethelinde noble serpent
venus Etheline noble serpent
mars Ethelmar noble greatness.
venus-mars Ethelred Noble Counsel
mars Ethelrede an archaic English word meaning noble counsel.
mars Ethelric noble ruler.
mars Ethelsige an Anglo-Saxon king.
mars Ethelwin an Anglo-Saxon name meaning a noble friend.
mars Ethelwulf a noble wolf.
venus Ethelwyn a word which means a noble friend in Anglo-Saxon.
mars Ethelwynne a maculinized Old English word meaning a noble friend.
venus Ethelyn noble
venus Ethelynne noble
mars Ethen Strong
venus Ethenia kernel
mars Ether to talk.
mars Ethibal noble talk.
mars Ethilfrith an old archaic word meaning noble talk.
venus Ethill noble
venus Ethille noble
mars Ethinder One of many names of Lord Shiva
mars Ethiraj One of many names of Lord Shiva; Supreme Being
mars Ethirajan One of many names of Lord Shiva; Supreme Being
venus Ethlin noble serpent
venus Ethlinda noble serpent
venus Ethlyn noble
venus Ethlynn noble
venus Ethna Kernal
venus Ethnah kernel
venus Ethne a Gaelic word for fire.
venus Ethnea kernel
venus Ethnee kernel
venus Ethney a Celtic word meaning fire.
venus Ethni kernel
venus Ethnie a feminized word which means fire.
venus Ethniu Variant of Eithne.
venus Etholinda noble serpent
venus Ethyl noble
venus Ethylene an archaic old English word which means noble.
venus Ethylind noble serpent
venus Ethyll noble
mars Ethyn Strong
venus Eti it means ending or conclusion.
mars Etienne Crown
venus Etiennette Woman with crown
venus Etisha Beginning after the end.
mars Etizaaz To become mighty, to become honored.
venus Etna kernel
venus Etoile Star
mars Eton Coming from a river settlement
mars Etrit a bright sparkling radiant star.
venus Etsu Delight
venus Etsudo a Japanese name meaning joy and child.
venus Etsuko Joy
mars Etsuo Rejoice, Man, Birth
venus Etta Ruler Of The Home
mars Ettan Breath
venus Ettard in the Arthurian legend the lover of Palleas is known by this name.
venus Ettare according to Arthurian legend the lover of Palleas.
venus Ettarr a surname which means lover of Palleas.
mars Etterni a masculinized name which means lover.
venus Ettey myrtle, bride; star
venus Etti myrtle, bride; star
venus Ettie Noble
mars Ettore Hold, check
venus Ettra a queen of beauty.
venus Etty Diminutive Form Of Henrietta
mars Etuate Etuate is a form of Edward. It means rich guard.
mars Etwald a German word meaning star.
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