Names starting with the letter E

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter E, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a E. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Etzel Noble One
mars Etzer Biblical Hebrew form of Ezer.
venus Eua to breathe.
venus Euadne Greek form of Evadne.
mars Euan Yew
mars Euandros Greek form of Evander 1.
venus Euanthe Blooming, flowery
mars Euaristos Greek form of Evaristus.
venus Eubh life, animal
venus Eubha life, animal
mars Eubie Nickname for Hubert
venus Euboea Latinized form of Euboia.
venus Euboia Means "good ox" in Greek, from εὖ (eu) meaning "good" and βοῦς (bous) meaning "ox, cow". This is the name of several minor characters in Greek mythology, including a naiad who is said to have given her name to the island of Euboia.
mars Eubule a Greek word meaning good counsel.
venus Eucabeth One who is great.
mars Euclid Very Glorious
mars Euclides Latinized form of Euclid.
mars Eudaf it means glory.
mars Euddogwy a famous saint pilgrim of ancient times.
mars Eudeat used to refer to a very ancient saint pilgrim.
mars Eudel from the yew tree valley.
mars Eudelme a grove of yew trees.
mars Eudes Wealth or riches
mars Eudeyrn fond of his king.
venus Eudocia Comfort, Good Reputation
venus Eudokia good reputation; comfort
mars Eudokimos From Greek εὐδόκιμος (eudokimos) meaning "in good repute, honoured", itself from εὖ (eu) meaning "good" and δόκιμος (dokimos) meaning "approved, esteemed".
venus Eudora Excellent Gift
venus Eudore good gift
venus Eudosia good reputation; comfort
venus Eudotia someone who is held in high regard like a good gift.
venus Eudoxia Comfort, Good Reputation
venus Eudoxie Comfort, Good Reputation
mars Eudoxos From Greek εὔδοξος (eudoxos) meaning "of good repute, honoured", itself from εὖ (eu) meaning "good" and δόξα (doxa) meaning "notion, reputation, honour". This was the name of a 4th-century BC Greek mathematician and astronomer.
mars Euell spring or source of a river.
mars Euen Yew
venus Eufane good to speak
venus Eufemia good to speak
venus Eufemme a Spanish word meaning good omen.
venus Eufemmia good omen.
venus Eufrasia she who is full of joy.
venus Eufrozina mirth or merriment.
mars Eugen Well born
venus Eugena noble aristocrat
mars Eugene Well Born
venus Eugeneia Ancient Greek feminine form of Eugene. It means well born.
venus Eugenia Well Born
venus Eugenie Well Born
venus Eugenija Lithuanian form of Eugenia.
mars Eugenijus Lithuanian form of Eugenius (see Eugene).
mars Eugenio Well born
mars Eugenios Ancient Greek form of Eugene.
mars Eugenius a Greek name meaning well born or high born or nobility.
mars Eugeniusz Of noble descent
mars Eugered a German word meaning nobility or high born.
mars Eugeret a word which means someone who is a high born or a nobility.
venus Eugina noble aristocrat
venus Eugracia favor, blessing
mars Eugraphios From Greek εὐγραφής (eugraphes) meaning "well-drawn" or "well-written", itself from εὖ (eu) meaning "good" and γραφή (graphe) meaning "drawing, writing". Saint Eugraphios or Eugraphos was a 3rd or 4th-century martyr from Alexandria.
venus Eui Righteousness
mars Euilaun an Italian name for someone who has been born into the nobility.
venus Eukene Basque form of Eugenia.
mars Eukleides Greek form of Euclid.
venus Eula Combination Of Eu And La
venus Eulah good speaking
venus Eulala Well-spoken
venus Eulalee good speaking
venus Eulalia Well Spoken
venus Eulalie Well Spoken
mars Eulalio a Greek word meaning sweetly spoken or soft spoken.
venus Eulalja good speaking
venus Eularia somebody who is very soft spoken or speaks very sweetly.
venus Eulaylia good speaking
venus Eulaylie good speaking
venus Euleta Well Spoken
venus Euletta a soft spoken or swee spoken person.
venus Eulia good speaking
venus Eulogia Spanish feminine form of Eulogius.
mars Eulogio Spanish form of Eulogius.
mars Eulogios Greek form of Eulogius.
mars Eulogius Latinized form of Greek Εὐλόγιος (Eulogios), derived from either of the words εὔλογος (eulogos) meaning "reasonable" or εὐλογία (eulogia) meaning "good language, praise, blessing". Both words are themselves derived from εὖ (eu) meaning "good" and λόγος (logos) meaning "drawing, writing".This was the name of several saints, including the 9th-century martyr Eulogius of Córdoba.
mars Eulyses wrathful or hater.
venus Eumelia Melody
mars Eumer somebody who hates.
mars Eumir a person who is wrathful or hates a lot.
mars Eun Charitable
venus Euna Good victory
venus Eun Ae Grace with love
venus Eunah Good victory
venus Eun-Gyeong From Sino-Korean 恩 (eun) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" or 銀 (eun) meaning "silver" combined with 敬 (gyeong) meaning "respect, honour" or 景 (gyeong) meaning "scenery, view". Other hanja character combinations can also form this name.
venus Eunice Good Victory
venus Eunices good victory
venus Eunicia a word in Greek which means good victory.
venus Eunika Victory of goodness
venus Eunike good victory
venus Eunisia a Latin word meaning good victory.
venus Euniss good victory
venus Eun-Jeong From Sino-Korean 恩 (eun) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" or 慇 (eun) meaning "careful, anxious, attentive" combined with 廷 (jeong) meaning "courtyard" or 婷 (jeong) meaning "pretty, graceful". This name can be formed by other hanja character combinations as well.
mars Eun-ji Kindness And Wisdom
venus Eun Jung Grace and affection
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