Names starting with the letter F

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter F, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a F. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Frayda joy
venus Frayde joy
venus Fraydel joy
venus Frayer A derivative of the name 'Freya', which means 'mistress or lady'. Used in English, German and Scandinavian languages.
mars Frayn A person who is a foreigner
mars Frayne Dweller By An Ash Tree
mars Fraze A strawberry; Variant of the older word 'Fraise
mars Frazer Unknown
mars Frazier Strawberry
venus Frea Derived from Old Norse goddess's name Freyja, it means the Lady or Mistress
venus Freada peaceful
venus Freadeyweed A name which means peace and harmony
mars Frealaf Split into 'Frea'+'Laf' meaning the 'Surviving Master
mars Frean A foreigner or stranger; Variant of the name 'Frayne
venus Freawaru Made up of 'Frea'+'Waru' meaning the war resolver or bringer of peace
mars Freawine Son of Frithugar, in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
mars Freca A person who is bold and daring
venus Frecesant A sociable, friendly and innovative person
mars Freckles Small Pigmentation Spots On Skin
venus Frecla Possibly derived from 'Farecla' which is combined from French words meaning 'Shining and Bright
mars Fred Peace Ruler
venus Freda peaceful
venus Fredalena peaceful ruler
mars Fredd Peaceful ruler
venus Fredda lady
venus Freddee peaceful ruler
venus Freddey peaceful ruler
venus Freddi elf or magical counsel; elf, magical being strength; peaceful ruler
venus-mars Freddie Peace Ruler
venus-mars Freddy Peace Ruler
venus-mars Fredek Variation of the name 'Frederick' meaning a ruler who maintains peace and harmony
mars Fredenandus Latinized (Old Spanish) form of a Gothic name (see Ferdinand).
mars Frederic Peaceful ruler
venus Frederica peaceful ruler
mars Frederich English alternant of the German name 'Friedrich', it refers to a man who is a peace-maintaining ruler
mars Frederick Peace Ruler
venus Fredericka peaceful ruler
venus Frederickina peaceful ruler
mars Frederico Calm monarch
mars Frederik Peaceful ruler
venus Frederika peaceful ruler
venus Frederike Rich of peace
venus Frederikke Calm monarch
venus Frederine peaceful ruler
venus Frederique peaceful ruler
mars Frederyk An alternate of 'Frederick' which means a ruler who maintains peacefulness
mars Fredi elf or magical counsel; peaceful ruler; holy, blessed reconciliation; joy and peace
venus Fredia peaceful ruler
mars Frediano Italian form of the Roman name Frigidianus, which was derived from Latin frigidus "cold". This was the name of a 6th-century Irish bishop who made a pilgrimage to Rome and settled as a hermit on Mount Pisano.
mars Fredie Derived from the name Frederick (English), meaning 'desiring peace' and 'peaceful ruler'.
venus Frediswitha A peace loving person who has great nature
mars Fredj Bliss, content or enjoyment.
mars Fredo Italian diminutive of 'Frederick' meaning a peace'keeping ruler
mars Fredric Madeup of the words 'frid' and 'ric' meaning 'peaceful ruler
venus Fredrica Peace Ruler
venus Fredricia peaceful ruler
mars Fredrick Peace Ruler
venus Fredricka Feminine Form Of Frederick
mars Fredrik Peaceful ruler
venus Fredrika peaceful ruler
venus Fredrikke peaceful ruler
venus Fredy elf or magical counsel; holy, blessed reconciliation; joy and peace
mars Free Born a free man
mars Freeborn Born a free man
mars Freed Wood, Woodland
venus Freeda elf or magical counsel; elf, magical being strength; peaceful
venus Freedah elf or magical counsel
mars Freedman A servant who has been freed
venus-mars Freedom Not In Captivity
mars Freek Calm monarch
mars Freeland Derived from the name 'freoland' it means a person residing on a free land
mars Freelove Derived from the Old English name 'Friðulaf', it translates to 'peace-survivor
venus Freema Refers to gorgeous or stunning.
mars Freeman Free Man
mars Freemon Referring to a 'free man
mars Freen Meaning a stranger or foreigner; Alternate of 'Frayne
venus Freesia Flower name
mars Freeya Unknown
mars Frei It means the Lord or Master; a free man
venus Freia Lady
venus Freida Peace, Calm
venus Freira Sister
mars Frej Lord
venus Freja Norse Goddess Of Love
mars Freki Name of Odin's wolf.
mars Fremi A protector, noble and a guardian
mars Fremont Freedom Mountain
mars Fremund Possibly named after St. Fremund, hermit and martyr of Anglo-Saxon England
mars French From France
venus-mars Frenchie From France
venus-mars Frenchy From France
mars Frens Limburgish form of Francis.
mars Frenske Diminutive of Frens.
venus Freny A person who is loved by all; Zaratushtra's daughter as per myth
mars Freo It refers to a Lord or Master; a nobleman
mars Freodhoric An English word derived from Old German 'freothuric' meaning peaceful ruler
venus Freola It means free; brisk and fair individual
mars Freomund Named after the miraculous hermit and martyr St. Fremund; loves to travel
mars Freothul One who is always in search of opportunities
mars Freothulaf A logical and analytical being
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