Names starting with the letter F

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter F, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a F. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Freowine Refers to a honest mate or buddy.
venus Frerika peaceful ruler
venus Fresa Spanish term for strawberries; one who is from high class
venus Fresca Fresh, cool
venus Freshta A variant of 'Farsishta', it means an angel
venus Frethesant A poised and affectionate person
venus Freware A simple and poised individual
mars Frewen Honest mate or upright friend.
mars Frewin Free, noble friend
mars Frewyn True friend or upright buddy.
mars Frey God Of Weather
venus Freya Goddess Of Love, Fertility And Beauty
venus Freyda joy
venus Freyde joy
venus Freydel joy
venus Freydis The woman of Freyr.
mars Freydolf Lothario or Casanova who lives peacefully among the community.
mars Freydulf Romeo who lives happily among the people.
venus Freyja Lady
mars Freyne Resembles foreign countries.
mars Freyr Norse God of weather.
mars Freystein Something or someone's that's rock hard.
mars Fricis Latvian form of Frederick.
mars Frick Brisk, Vigorous
mars Fricker Derived from Middle English word frik(i)en, which means to move briskly or nimbly.
venus Frida Peace
venus Friða Old Norse form of Frida 2.
venus Fridaws The very big garden in heaven.
mars Friday Day Of Frigga
mars Fridayweed The fury or rage on Friday
mars Fridenot Derived from the Old German elements fridu "peace" and not "need".
mars Friderik Slovene form of Frederick. It means 'peaceful ruler'.
mars Frideriki A friend who is very honest in relationship.
venus Frideswid Peace that is sustainable
venus Frideswide Peace Strength
mars Fridgeir Peace spear
venus Fridiswed One living with peace
venus Fridiswid One who is with peace
mars Fridleif Name of Ari's father.
mars Fridmar Brilliant or shining peace
mars Frido Peace ruler
mars Fridolf Peaceful wolf
mars Fridolin Peace ruler
mars Fridolph A peaceful wolf
venus Fridr One who is beautiful.
mars Fridrihs Latvian form of Frederick.
mars Fridrik One who governs peacefully.
mars Friðrik Icelandic form of Frederick.
venus Fridrika Icelandic form of Fredrica, meaning peaceful ruler.
venus Friðrika Icelandic form of Frederica.
venus Fridswed Oh who like peace
mars Friðþjofr Old Norse form of Fritjof.
mars Fridtjof The one who stoles the harmony.
mars Friduhelm Old German form of Friedhelm.
mars Fridulf Romeo of harmony.
mars Friduman Old German form of Friedemann.
mars Fridumar Derived from the Old German elements fridu "peace" and mari "famous".
mars Friduric Old German form of Frederick.
venus Friðuswiþ Old English form of Frideswide.
mars Friduwulf Lothario of peace.
mars Fridwald Old German form of Friedhold.
mars Fridwolf Womanizer who lives happily in the society.
mars Fried Peaceful ruler
venus Frieda Peace, Joy
venus Friedah elf or magical counsel; elf, magical being strength
venus Friedalinda gentle peace
venus Friede elf, magical being strength
venus Friedel Elf, strength
venus Friedelinde gentle peace
mars Friedemann Means "man of peace" from the Old German elements fridu "peace" and man "person, man".
mars Frieder Peaceful ruler
mars Friederich A peaceful ruler or king
venus Friederike Rich of peace
mars Friedhelm Peaceful ruler
mars Friedhold Peace, Power
mars Friedlieb Peaceful ruler
mars Friedman The one who lives peacefully.
mars Friedmann One who lives peace and lives peacefully
mars Friedrich Peaceful ruler
mars Friend A companion or a mate
mars Friethjof A peaceful ruler, one who rules peacefully
venus Frig One who is foremost among the Goddesses
mars Frigedag Means Friday or Frige's day.
venus Frigg Love
venus Frigga Sprit of wedding, goddess of marriages.
mars Frigidianus Original Latin form of Frediano.
mars Frigyes Calm monarch
venus Frigyth A spontaneous, happy go lucky person
venus Frija A major goddess, wife of Odin
venus Frijjo Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Frigg, Frija and Frig.
venus Frika The one who is daring and brave.
venus Frikka A peaceful ruler.
mars Frimunt Who caress for persons or property.
venus Frine Any of various tailless stout bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping.
mars Frioc From the field of the sheep or bulls.
venus Frisa A combination of two words fire and ice
mars Frisco Free
venus Frisewide One who is at peace and is strong
venus-mars Friso Of The Frisians
mars Frith Refers to freedom from slavery.
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