Names starting with the letter F

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter F, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a F. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Fritha Beloved
mars Frithebert The brightness of Peace.
mars Frithegod The God or The lord of Peace
mars Frithel The one who love Peace
venus Frithela The one who is free and spread peace
venus Frithestan The place or land of freedom or peace
mars Fritheswith One who is free and safe
mars Frithona God has been provided.
mars Frithowulf Seducer who lives peacefully among the society.
mars Frithswith One who enjoys freedom
mars Frithu A talented and fearless person
mars Frithugar A spear who protects and bring peace
mars Frithugeorn Hard working person who likes to travel
mars Frithugis A name given to son of Hugh
mars Frithugyth One who is able to bring peace
mars Frithulaf A peaceful lover and friend
mars Friþunanþs Possible Gothic form of Ferdinand.
mars Frithuric The king who rules his kingdom peacefully.
mars Friþuriks Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Frederick.
venus Frithuswith A trustworthy and witty individual
mars Frithuwald One who is from a peaceful forest
mars Fritiof Variant of Fritjof.
mars Fritjof One who steals peace
mars Frits A confident ruler who spreads peace
mars Fritz Peace Ruler
mars Fritzchen The monarch who rules the country peacefully.
venus-mars Fritzi Peace Ruler
mars Fritzie peaceful ruler
mars Fritzl The sovereign who is ruling the country without any problem.
mars Fritzroy The peaceful king of the nation.
venus Friya The girl who is loving, darling and most affectionate.
mars Frod Refers to intelligent and prudent.
mars Froda A sensible and careful person
mars Frode Enlightened or wise
venus Frodelinde Mature,wise, soft, mild
mars Froði A learned or wise man.
venus Frodo Enlightened by life's experience
mars Frohar Angel; Spirit; Protector; Spirit which Protects the Soul as a guardian Angel
mars Froim A form of Ephraim, meaning fruitful.
venus Froja Lady
venus Frolinde Mature,wise, soft, mild
mars Frolle A logical, light hearted person; orderly
mars Fromund The lord who protects
venus Frona One with common sense
venus Fronda A section or branch which is fully covered by leaves.
venus Fronde Leafy Branch
venus Fronia French
venus Fronie Intelligent and workable girl.
venus Frosina Macedonian form of Euphrosyne.
venus-mars Frost The Freezing Of Water
venus Frøya Norwegian form of Freya.
venus Frøydis A name of the Goddess Frøy.
mars Froylan A home loving and friendly individual
venus Fructuosa fruitful
mars Fructuoso Spanish form of Fructuosus.
mars Fructuosus Derived from Latin fructuosus meaning "fruitful, productive", from fructus meaning "enjoyment, product, fruit". Saint Fructuosus was a 3rd-century bishop of Tarragona and a martyr under the Roman emperor Valerian. Another saint by this name was a 7th-century archbishop of Braga.
venus Fruma Pious Woman
venus Frumah A pious woman.
venus Frusannah A quick, humble and untiring person
mars Frutiger A habitational name from a place called Fruttigen.
venus Fruzsina Diminutive of Eufrozina, the Hungarian form of Euphrosyne.
venus Fryda elf or magical counsel; elf, magical being strength
venus Frydah elf or magical counsel
venus Frydda peaceful
mars Frydel Man Of Peace
mars Fryderyk Calm monarch
venus Fryderyka Calm monarch
mars Frye Free
mars Frymet Pious Woman
venus Fryswyde A successful, quick and witty person
mars Fshd Refers to a text browser.
mars Fu Rich
mars Fuaad Heart or conscience.
mars Fuad Heart; Soul; A variant name is Fouad
venus Fuada Refers to mind and argument.
mars Fuat Heart
venus Fuchsia Fuchsia (flower)
mars Fudail Excellent in character
mars Fudaili A person who is trustworthy and humble being
venus Fudayl Learned
mars Fudge The one who is determined and persistent.
venus Fuensanta holy fountain
venus Fuenta holy fountain
venus Fuentes Founts, Fountains
mars Fugeltun Form the park land of the people.
mars Fugol Resembling a fowl or birdie.
mars Fui A generous and helpful person
mars Fujai Name of Prophet's companion.
mars Fuji Refers to prosperous objective or flourishing opinion.
venus Fujiko Wisteria, Child
mars Fujin From Japanese 風 (fū) meaning "wind" and 神 (jin) meaning "god, spirit". This is the name of the Japanese wind god, who carries the wind in a bag over his shoulders.
venus Fujiye Wisteria Branch
venus Fukayna Wise or clever in mind.
mars Fukiko Wealth, Noble, Child
mars Fuku From Japanese 福 (fuku) meaning "happiness, good fortune, blessing". This name can also be formed by other kanji or combinations of kanji.
mars Fukuko Good Fortune, Child
venus Fularenu The fine spores that contain gametes and that are borne by an another in a flowering plant.
mars Fulaton Farm house of the multitude.
mars Fulbabu A dancer who sounds out rhythms by using metal taps on the toes and heels of the shoes.
mars Fulbert Glittering radiance or glowing light.
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