Names starting with the letter G

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter G, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a G. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Gewis The blackness of a person
mars Geyarajan King of Songs; Lord of Melody
mars Geza Button which used to fasten dress or cloths.
venus Gezabele Form of Jezebel used in some versions of the Italian Bible.
mars Gezan The one in charge
venus Gezana Reference To The Incarnation
mars Gezim Means "joy, happiness" in Albanian.
venus Ghaada Beautiful
mars Ghaaib The one who is not accessible to view.
mars Ghaalib Victor
venus Ghaaliya Fragrant
mars Ghaazee Someone who is victorious by force of arms.
mars Ghaazi Conqueror
mars Ghabashir A twilight of the morning
venus Ghabra World, globe or property.
venus Ghada Young Girl, Gracefull
venus Ghadah Beautiful
venus Ghadat Maiden, youth girl, young damsel.
mars Ghadhanfar The ruler or the king of Jungle, lion.
venus Ghadia Refers to the white bank of cloud which appear during the day time.
venus Ghadir Stream
mars Ghadra Refers to dark period or darkness or shady.
mars Ghaffar The worker of the person who forgives and forgets others iniquities.
venus Ghafir One of the names of God, compassionate and plentiful.
venus Ghafira Refers the action of hiding the iniquities.
mars Ghafr Grace and compassion or loveliness and pity.
mars Ghafran Ghafran is an attributive name of prophet Muhammad. It means absolution or salvation.
mars Ghafur To forgive
mars Ghaib Refers to invisible, unseen or concealed.
mars Ghaibi Heavenly
venus Ghaida Young man or youth Boy or young master.
mars Ghaidan Refers to gentle and slim or mild and meagre.
mars Ghailan Refers to evil power or Satan or devil.
mars Ghairat Keenness or self confidence or attentive care.
mars Ghais Showers of rain or water drops from the clouds.
mars Ghaith Rain
mars Ghaiyyas Supporter, redeemer or winner.
mars Ghaiz Referring wilderness or wasteland.
mars Ghakhtalay One who is strong and powerful
mars Ghalb Extreme power or conquest or triumph.
mars Ghalbah Success or win or overcome.
mars Ghaleb Conqueror, Victorious
mars Ghali Honourable or highly watched or darling.
mars Ghalib Conqueror, Victorious
mars Ghaliba The one who conquers
venus Ghalibah A woman of dominating nature.
mars Ghalinus A person who is a physician
venus Ghaliya sweet-smelling
venus Ghaliyah A sweet smell, parfume, fragrant
mars Ghallab A victor, a triumphant individual
venus Ghalyela A person who is very valuable
mars Ghamand A person who has a big ego and is very proud
mars Ghamandjeet The victory of pride
mars Ghamandjot The light of the pride
mars Ghamandpal One who protects his pride
mars Ghamandpreet One who loves his pride
mars Ghamandprem The love of pride
mars Ghamay Name of a precious stone in Pashto
mars Ghamir One who is cheritable
venus Ghamza A girl with nice gestures
mars Ghamzah A sing or a hint
venus Ghamzeh Coquetry
mars Ghana Firm
mars Ghanaaghana Excellent; Remarkable; Outstanding; Superior;
mars Ghanaanand Happy
venus Ghanaavalli Lightning
mars Ghanambu Cloud Water; Rain; Showers from Cloud; To offer; Bestow
venus Ghananjani Goddess Durga
mars Ghanapriya Lover of clouds
mars Ghanaram Dependant on Clouds; A Garden;
mars Ghanashyam A childhood name of Lord Krishna signifying his black and dark like a cloud form
mars Ghanasyaam A childhood name of Lord Krishna signifying his black and dark like a cloud form
mars Ghanasyama A childhood name of Lord Krishna signifying his black and dark like a cloud form
mars Ghanavanth Dignified
venus Ghanavathi Dignified
mars Ghandeep Hindu
venus Ghandha Fragrance
venus Ghandhana Fragrance
venus Ghandhavathi Earth
mars Ghanendra Indra
mars Ghanesh Lord of Hordes; Hindu god of wisdom and good luck; Son of Lord Shiva and Parvati
mars Ghani A rich, wealthy and prosperous person
venus Ghania A woman of great wealth
mars Ghanim successful
venus Ghanima A person who has a great fortune
mars Ghanimat One who is like a reward
mars Ghani Rich A rich and prosperous man
mars Ghanish Well Built; Strong; Powerful; Mighty
venus Ghaniya Woman who is very rich
venus Ghaniyah A woman of great richness and wealth
mars Ghannam One sho is a shepherd
mars Ghannan Two friends of Prophet Muhammed. Also means shepherd
mars Ghanrasa Raga of a song
mars Ghansara One who is the Lord of all the Kings
mars Ghansham Name of the Lord Krishna
mars Ghanshyam Lord Krishna
mars Ghansyam A childhood name of Lord Krishna signifying his black and dark like a cloud form
mars Ghantaka Time
mars Ghantasala An able, imaginative and practical person
venus Ghantika Bell
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