Names starting with the letter G

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter G, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a G. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Ghantin A person who has a bell-like voice
mars Ghanvahana One of the many names of Lord Krishna
mars Ghanya Powerful; One of the many names of Lord Ganesh signifying his elephant like strength
venus Gharam A feeling of infatuation, love and devotion
mars Gharan One who is beautiful
venus Gharcheen One who Realizes the Home Within; One who attains self realization
mars Gharchet One who meditates on the real home within; One who reflects on his inner being
venus Ghareebah Strange or foreign
mars Gharib A known, familiar feeling
venus Ghariy An absolutely beautiful, stunning woman
venus Gharizah A woman with good instict, intuition
mars Gharman An Indian word meanin cauldron
venus Gharni Sunshine
mars Gharra A brilliant man, a man that shines
mars Gharsanay One belonging to the mountains
mars Gharshit Hindu
mars Ghasaan A youthful, handsome man
mars Ghasan A young and youtful handsome person
mars Ghasem Persian form of Qasim.
mars Ghasharab Strong and powerful person.
venus Ghashia The heart hidden under the veil
mars Ghashiah A man that works as a servant or attendant
venus Ghashmira Liberty, generosity, munificence
mars Ghasif One who is happy and cheerful and leads a comfortable life.
mars Ghasiq Beautiful as a Moon-like pears
mars Ghasita Dragged; Draw; Pull; Haul
venus Ghasna Pure and gentile as a flower blossom
mars Ghassan Prime, Vigour
mars Ghata Cloud; Rainy Clouds; Changing Weather; To happen; A Pitcher
mars Ghataja A person who was born from a pitcher
mars Ghatakaar Potter
venus Ghatala Beautiful; Appealing; Pleasing; Attractive
mars Ghatari Intelligent; One who reminds; One who remembers well
mars Ghatasambhava Agastya
mars Ghatin Name of Lord Shiva
mars Ghatina Aquarius
venus Ghatiya A dynamic person, someone who is on the move
mars Ghatja Born from a Pitcher; A variant of name Ghataja
mars Ghatool Name of tulip flower in Pashto
mars Ghatotkacha A pot-headed damon
mars Ghatrif A brave and noble leader
mars Ghaur One who has good attention, a deep person
mars Ghaus the sound of the cry for help
mars Ghausiazam One who helps a lot
mars Ghauth Helper
mars Ghawani A person known for his modesty
mars Ghawer Consideration, deliberation or depth.
mars Ghawth To help others
venus Ghayad The softness of a moman, a delicacy of woman
mars Ghayat A person with a clear goal in their mind
mars Ghayb The hidden person, who is absent and away a lot
venus Ghayda A delicate and youg person
venus Ghaydaa Young
mars Ghaylan A huge, big and great person
mars Ghayoor Self-respecting
mars Ghayth Rain
mars Ghaythah One who brings a lot of goodness in the world
mars Ghayur A high minded person
mars Ghazaala A muslim name that means deer
venus Ghazaalah Mean the female gazelle, or the time soon after the sunrise
mars Ghazaar Etiquette, or manners
venus Ghazal The lover of poems, poetry, expression of strong emotions
venus Ghazala Deer
venus Ghazalah She who is like a gazelle
venus Ghazaleh A woman who is like a gazelle
mars Ghazali An Arabic Surname; Name of a Sufi Muslim and scholar
mars Ghazan Ghazan is Pashto for Ghazi. It's the name of a holy war fighter
mars Ghazanfar Lion
mars Ghazanfer A brave man.
mars Ghazarat One who has plenty
mars Ghazari An Arabic name meaning pigeon
mars Ghazi Hero, Commander
mars Ghaziuddin A warrior of religion
venus Ghaziya A warrior or a fighter
mars Ghaziz A tender bud of a tree
mars Ghazwan One who is raiding and attacking
mars Ghazwi A militant, warlike person
venus Ghazzal Girl who loves poems
venus Gheche Small
mars Ghelani An Indian Surname from the Kathiawad, Gujarat area of India
mars Ghemawat A surname of Indian Origin
mars Ghempu Self Defensive; One who can protect himself
venus Ghena A girl that wears jewellry
mars Ghenadie Romanian form of Gennadias, meaning noble, and generous.
mars Gheorghe Occupational name means farmer
mars Gheraid An ethical and good natured individual
mars Gherardo English name meaning spear head
mars Gherman A man of the army
venus Ghezalle Gazelle
venus Ghia A peaceful ruler
mars Ghian God is gracious
mars Ghiath An individual who is aggresive and cares for personal gain
venus Ghibtah She was the daughter of Amer al-Mujashaiyah and a narrator of Hadith
mars Ghifari One from the tribe named Ghifar
venus Ghila Joy and happiness
venus Ghilian youthful
venus Ghiliane youthful
mars Ghilibba Arabic name for victory
mars Ghilji Son of mountain. It's the name of the largest Pashtun confederacy
venus Ghillian youthful
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