Names starting with the letter G

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter G, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a G. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Ghiman One who watches the clouds
venus Ghina Arabic name meaning melody or a song
mars Ghirnauq A beautiful and handsome man
venus Ghisele pledge, hostage
venus Ghisella pledge, hostage
mars Ghislain One who is a hostage, a pledged one
venus Ghislaine Pledge
venus Ghita Pearl
mars Ghitamm A great vast ocean
venus Ghitbah Narrator
mars Ghiyaath One who is heplful
mars Ghiyam A thick mist or a fog
mars Ghiyas One who seeks help
mars Ghiyasuddin A helper of the Faith
mars Ghiyath Helper
venus Ghiz A flower bud
venus Ghizala Muslim name meaning deer
venus Ghizlan An Arabic name for girls that means gazelles
mars Ghjaseppu Corsican form of Joseph.
venus Ghjulia Corsican form of Julia.
mars Ghjuvan Corsican form of John.
venus Ghjuvanna Corsican form of Iohanna (see Joanna).
mars Ghjuvanni Corsican form of John.
venus Gho A responsible and inspirational being
venus Ghofran One that pardons and forgives
mars Gholam Persian form of Ghulam.
venus Ghoncheh Means "flower bud" in Persian.
mars Ghorah Lord Shiva
mars Ghorban Persian form of Qurban.
mars Ghorzang Long strides or panther's strides
mars Ghoshal Proclaimer; One who states and announces
mars Ghouse Bride
venus Ghritaachi Saraswathi
venus Ghritavati River
mars Ghritkesh The Fire God; God of Agni; Lord of Fire
mars Ghrta Indian name meaning clarified butter
mars Ghrtapas One that drinks Ghee
mars Ghudaf Boy with black hair
venus Ghudan Arabic word for early morning
mars Ghufair One who is merciful and forgiving
venus Ghufayrah A very pious woman who kept vigil in the night
mars Ghufran Arabic word for forgivness
mars Ghulaam A slave, person with no freedom
mars Ghulam A servant, a slave
mars Ghulamkhan One that keeps smiling
mars Ghulamnabi He who is a poet
mars Ghulamrasool A Boy name meaning red flower
mars Ghulubba An Arabic name meaning victory
mars Ghulumat Urdu name describing youthfulness
venus Ghumaysa Her kuniyah was Umm Sulaym
venus Ghumra Lebanese term for saffron or yellow color.
mars Ghunaim A person who takes spoils
venus Ghuncha A bunch of flowers
venus Ghunwah One that is indespensible
venus Ghunyah One that is essentian, vital
mars Ghurabat Arabic name meaning egde of the sword
mars Ghurar Ornaments in the sky, stars
mars Ghurnuq A delicate, tender person
venus Ghurra Arabic name meaning princess
mars Ghurran A graceful light
mars Ghuruvaran One that is a guide or gives advice
mars Ghusmesh One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Ghusn A branch of a tree
venus Ghusoon Tree
venus Ghusun Tree with strong branches
mars Ghutaif A kind and good person
venus Ghuwishat A bracelet or a charm
venus Ghuzayyah A female narrator of Hadith.
mars Ghy Australian name meaning a pond or a pool
mars Ghyslain Variant of Ghislain.
venus Ghyslaine Variant of Ghislaine.
venus Gi Rising
venus Gia God Is Gracious
mars Giaan Knowledge; One Having Exalted Divine Knowledge; Spiritual wisdom
mars Giaandeep Lamp of Divine Knowledge; Lamp of Spiritual Wisdom
mars Giaanleen One Absorbed in Divine Light and Knowledge; One who is engrossed and immersed in spiritual wisdom
venus Giaanpreet One who Loves the Divine Knowledge; One who loves spirituality
mars Giaanveer Divinely Knowledgeable and Brave Person; A warrior who is spiritually wise
venus Giachetta Supplanter
venus Giacinda Beautiful
venus Giacinta hyacinth
venus Giacintha hyacinth
venus-mars Giacintia hyacinth
mars Giacinto Old Greek name for hyacinth
mars Giacob Gender: Male
mars Giacobbe Son of Jack
venus Giacoma Italian name for a replacement, surrogate
venus Giacomina One that is protected by God
mars Giacomino A God's replacement
mars Giacomo Supplanter
venus Giada Jade
venus Giah To Guide
mars Giambattista John the Baptist
mars Giamo A supplanter, replacement
mars Giampaolo A small gift from God
mars Giampiero Combination of Gianni and Piero.
mars Gian God Is Gracious
venus Giana God is gracious
venus Gianandrea Combination of names Giana and Andrea, means God is good
mars Gianatam One who has knowlegde of the soul
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