Names starting with the letter G

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter G, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a G. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Gislaine pledge, hostage
venus Gislaug pledge, hostage
mars Gislenus Pledge
mars Gisli Ray Of Sunshine
mars Gislin Old German form of Ghislain.
venus Gislind Mild, soft
venus Gislinde Mild, soft
venus Gisllica Gisllica means The Rays of Sunchine
venus Gislog pledge, hostage
venus Gismara Famous
mars Gismund Germanic name, possibly a variant of Giselmund.
venus Gisselle Pledge
mars Gistin The name Gistin means Just.
mars Gistinus Gistinus maeans The Just One.
mars Gistlerth A restless and dynamic individual
mars Gistrerth An over sensitive and friendly natured
mars Git The meaning of the name Git is Song
venus Gita Song
venus Gitali Melodious
venus Gitana gypsy
venus Gitane gypsy
venus Gitanjali Collection of poems
venus Gitanjoli song offerings, prayer
venus Gitanna gypsy
mars Gitano Gypsy
mars Gitansh Gitansh means A Part of Geeta
venus Gitashri Bhagvat Gita
venus Gitel Good
mars Gitesh Lord
venus Githa gift
mars Githinji A butcher
venus Giti One who chants lyrically
venus Gitika Song
venus Gitisha Gitisha means Seven Sounds of a Song
mars Gitonga Wealthy one.
venus Gitta Strength
venus Gittan Powerful, strong
venus Gitte Strong
venus Gittel Good
venus Gitty Gitty means High, Mighty
venus Giuanna Sardinian form of Iohanna (see Joanna).
mars Giuanne Sardinian form of Iohannes (see John).
venus Giuditta from Judea; Jewish
venus Giula Bearded, father of the skies
venus Giuletta youthful; Jove's child
venus Giulia Youthful, Downy
venus Giuliana Youthful, Downy
venus Giulianna youthful; Jove's child
venus Giulianne youthful; Jove's child
mars Giuliano Wearing a soft beard
mars Giulianu Sicilian form of Iulianus, meaning downy or hairy.
venus Giulietta youthful; Jove's child
mars Giulio Youthful, Downy
venus Giulist One who appreciates beautiful and elegant
mars Giuliu Giuliu is a form of Julius and means downy or hairy.
venus Giullia youthful
venus Giunone Italian form of Iuno (see Juno).
mars Giusepe God gives
venus Giuseppa the Lord increases
mars Giuseppe God Will Add, Increase
venus Giuseppina God gives
mars Giusi Short form of Giuseppa, Giuseppina or Giuseppe.
venus Giustina Fair As In Just
venus Giustine Fair
venus Giustinia just, fair
mars Giustino Giustino means Fair
mars Giusto The name Giusto means Unbaist, Upright
venus Giusy Variant of Giusi.
mars Giuvianu A form of Jovian and means father.
mars Giv Meaning unknown. This is the name of a hero in the 10th-century Persian epic the Shahnameh.
venus Giva Hill, High Place
venus Giverny From Giverny, France
mars Givi Meaning unknown, possibly from Giv.
mars Givon The meaning of the name Givon is Hill, Heights
mars Giyan Brilliant; Intelligent; Knowledgeable; Wise; Clever
venus Giza Hewn Stone
venus Gizane Christ's incarnation
venus-mars Gizeh Hewn Stone
venus Gizela Pledge
venus Gizella pledge, hostage
venus Gizelle pledge, hostage
mars Gizem One who is mysterious, mysterious
venus Gizi Pledge
venus Gjalp A giant.
mars Gjergj Gjergj means Farmer, The One who works the earth
mars Gjermund Norwegian form of Geirmundr.
venus Gjertrud The name means The Strenght of the Spear
mars Gjon God Is Gracious
mars Gjord Peaceful and good
mars Gjorgji Macedonian form of George.
mars Gjurd Peaceful and good
venus Glad lame
venus Glada The name Glada is an Italian name and means Jade
venus Gladdis lame
venus Gladdys lame
venus Gladi lame
venus Gladiola Gladiola means Sword.
venus Gladis lame
mars Gladstone Gladstone means Flat Stones. It is mostly used as a surname.
mars Gladwin Gladwin means A Happy Friend
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