Names starting with the letter G

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter G, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a G. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Gladwinn The meaning of the name is A Joyful Friend.
mars Gladwyn Gladwyn is an English name means a Happy Friend
mars Gladwynne The name Gladwynne means a Friend who is Happy
venus Gladyce The name Gladyce means Sword.
venus Gladys lame
venus Gladyss lame
venus Glaedwine Glaedwine comes from the word "gwald" and means Country
venus Glafira Smooth
venus Glain Jewel
venus Glanna Cornish vocabulary name meaning pure.
mars Glanville From an English surname that was taken from a Norman place name, which possibly meant "domain of (a person named) Gland" in Old French.
venus Glaphyra From Greek γλαφυρός (glaphyros) meaning "polished, subtle".
mars Glass Glass Blower
venus Glaucia Steel Blue Color
mars Glaucio Steel Blue Color
mars Glauco Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Glaucus.
mars Glaucus Latinized form of Greek Γλαῦκος (Glaukos), a name meaning "bluish grey". This was the name of a Greek sea god, as well as other characters in Greek legend.
mars Glaukos Greek form of Glaucus.
venus Glaura Glory
venus Glaurea glory
venus Glaw rain
venus Glay Rosemoon
venus Gleana glen
mars Gleann Valley
mars Gleason Unknown
mars Gleawfrith A confident and self assured individual
mars Gleb To Send To Protection
mars Glebu Old East Slavic form of Gleb.
venus Gleda to make happy
venus Glee Joy
mars Glein Glein means From the Valley
mars Gleinguid Gleinguid means The One who comes from the Valley
venus Glema Glema means Glen, Valley
mars Glen From The Wooded Valley
venus Glencora Glencora means Lady of the Valley or Heart of the Valley
venus Glenda Holy And Good
mars Glendakay A charismatic and friendly person
mars Glenden Glenden means From the Dark Glen, From the Dark Valley
mars Glendin The name Glendin means From the Dark Valley
mars Glendon Glendon name means From the Dark Glen
mars Glendower Anglicized form of Glyndwr.
mars Glendyn The name Glendyn means Valley and is a Celtic name
venus Gleneen glen
venus Glenene glen
venus Glenice Valley
venus Glenine glen
venus Glenis Valley
mars Glenmore Glenmore is a place name extremely popular in Jamaica.
venus-mars Glenn valley
venus Glenna From The Glen
venus Glennda pure; good
venus Glenne glen
venus Glennene glen
venus Glennette glen
venus Glennice pure, holy
venus-mars Glennie Valley
venus Glennis Pure, Holy
mars Glennon Valley
venus Glennys pure, holy
mars Glenton The name Glenton means The Man from the Valley
mars Glenward Towards The Valley
mars Glenwood A forest in a valley
venus Glenys Pure, Holy
venus Glesni blue
mars Glib Hair of God
mars Gligor Macedonian form of Gregory.
venus Glika From Yiddish גליק (glik) meaning "luck".
venus Glikeriya Russian form of Glykeria.
mars Glikieria Sweet
venus Glila rolling hills
venus Glilah rolling hills
venus Glinda Pretty
venus Glinnis Valley
venus Glison Combination Of The Names Glen And Allison
mars Gliuis Gliuis variation of hte name Ludwig, means Famous Battle
mars Gloier A spontaneous and easy going person
mars Gloiu A king's brother; a confident being
mars Glooscap Derived from an Eastern Algonquian phrase meaning "man from nothing". Glooscap (or Gluskabe) was a hero involved in the creation myths of the Wabanaki people of eastern North America.
mars Glor The name Glor means Glory, Victory.
venus Glora Glory
venus Glorea glory
venus Gloree glory
venus Glorey Glory
venus Gloreya Glory
venus Glori glory
venus Gloria glory
venus Gloriana Glorious grace
venus Gloriane glory
venus Gloriann Combination Of Gloria And Ann
venus Glorianna glory
venus Glorianne glory
venus Gloribel glory
venus Gloribell glory
venus Glorie glory
venus Glorielle Glorielle means She, who is Gloriuous.
venus Glorija Latvian, Slovene, Croatian and Serbian form of Gloria.
venus Glorinda Means "worthy of glory" in Esperanto, ultimately from Latin gloria.
venus Glormarie Combination Of The Names Gloria And Marie
venus Glorra glory
venus Glorria glory
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