Names starting with the letter G

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter G, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a G. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Grafere A humble villaGerman who is the header of all.
mars Grafton A settlement near a grave
mars Grahaem A variant spelling of name Graham which means "From the great Meadow; Farm House" in Old English
mars Graham From The Gray Homestead
mars Grahame Gravelly place
venus Grahati Grahati is the name of God lakshmi. God lakshmi is the god of money.
mars Grahesh Grahesh means a person who is the king of all the 9 planets.
mars Grahesha One of the many names of Lord Shiva referring him as the Lord of all Planets
venus Grahi Grahi means the accepting girl. A girl whose everything is accepted by the world.
mars Grahil One of the many names of Lord Krishna
venus Grahin Grahi means the accepting girl. A girl whose everything is accepted by the world.
mars Grahisa Grahesh means a person who is the king of all the 9 planets.
mars Grahish Lord of the Planets; One of the many names of Lord Shiva referring him as the Lord of all Planets
mars Grahit Knowledge; Brilliance; Wisdom; Intelligent;
mars Graidey Noble
mars Graidi Noble
mars Graidy Noble, illustrious
mars Graig Watchful, Alert, Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.
mars Graiham Gravelly place
mars Grainger A person who oversees the granaries
venus Grainne love
venus Graland The one with kind and peaceful heart, ready to help and guide others and to create a peaceful atmosphere.
mars Gram Contraction Of Graham
mars Grama Village; Land
mars Gramercy They are idealistic and love to live in dreams.They are understanding,hardworking and intelligent.
mars Gran One who is dear and beloved to the heart
venus Grana They are quick and clever minded. They are of charming and lovely personalities.
venus Granada Pomegranate
mars Grand Tall, large
mars Grandin They are independent, friendly and easily approachable. They are always happy to keep happiness for others.
mars Granger Farmer
mars Grangere They are handsome and charming. Hey love to live in dream world.
venus Grania love
mars Granit Means "granite" in Albanian, from Italian granito, ultimately derived from Latin granum meaning "grain".
mars Grannia Unknown
mars Granny Grandmother
mars Grant Great
venus Granta They have ability to analize problems very quickly and solve all the issues.They love to spend time with family.
venus Grante They have ability to analize problems very quickly and solve all the issues.They love to spend time with family.
mars Granth Holy book
venus Grantham They are friendly, lively and easy to accessable.
venus Granthana These people have good communication skills, help those who loose the heart.
mars Granthik Astrologer; Narrator; Great Calculator; One who can calculate and predict planetary positions well
mars Granthika They are passive, friendly and easy going. They have imaginations and ideas to lead life.
mars Grantland They are handsome and charming. Hey love to live in dream world.
mars Grantleah Tall, large
mars Grantleigh They are vesatile,responsible but lazy.They are active and fulfill all their promises.
mars Grantley Tall, large
mars Grantli Tall, large
mars Grantly Grantly means the gray meadow. A meadow which is full of treasures.
venus Granuaile The name Granuaile is of Irish beginning. The importance of Granuaile is "beauty omalley".
mars Granville Large Village
venus Granya Variant of Grania.
mars Grase In latin grase means beautiful and blessings.
venus Grasia In latin grase means beautiful and blessings.
venus Grata favor, blessing
venus Gratia Grace
mars Gratian Grace
venus Gratiana Grace
mars Gratiano Gratian means the person who is grateful. Gratful to lord or anyone.
mars Gratianus Latin form of Gratian.
venus Gratiela favor, blessing
venus Gratiella favor, blessing
mars Gratien French form of Gratianus (see Gratian).
venus Grau A brave spearman
mars Gravadain Gravadain means a creative person who loves to explore the world and do new thing.
mars Graves A steward
mars Gray Color: Black Mixed With White
venus Grayce favor, blessing
mars Graycen Graycen means good will. A great vision about life or anything. A person who thinks positively.
venus Graycin Graycin means good will. A great vision about life or anything. A person who thinks positively.
venus Graycn Graycn means good will. A great vision about life or anything. A person who thinks positively.
mars Graydee Noble
mars Grayden Grayden means a person who have gray haired. Gray hair are sign of intelligence.
mars Graydey Noble
mars Graydon Gray hill
mars Graydy Noble
mars Grayer The Color Gray
mars Grayham Gravelly place
mars Grayheme Gravelly place
mars Graylin Graylin means a person who have gray haired. Gray hair are sign of intelligence.
mars Grayling Gray haired or gray bearded person
mars Graysen They are very competent,practical and powerful.The have very strong business mind and achieve all goal.
mars Grayson Son Of The Grey-Haired One
mars Grayton From The Grey Town
mars Grayvesone They are very disciplined and act very quickly to when oppertunities arise.They love to be wealthy.
venus Grazia Grace
venus Graziana They are very inspriring,graceful and kind.They are self-made and very powerful in their circle.
mars Graziano They are very gentle,sensitive and have big soft heart.They love to admire and want to be promonent all the time.
venus Graziella Lovely And With Grace
venus Grazina favor, blessing
venus Graziosa favor, blessing
venus Grazyna favor, blessing
mars Grazzianu Grazzianu is a form of Gratian and means grace.
mars Greagoir Irish form of Gregory.
venus Grear Watchful, alert, vigilant
venus Grece It comes from the french word "gris" which means grey, and was commonly used in medieval France and England. It has many variations; the most common are Grace or Gracey.
venus Grecia They are very energetic,determind and independent.They are very capable and adaptable all these qualities make them wonderfu.
venus Grecie They are very energetic,determind and independent.They are very capable and adaptable all these qualities make them wonderfu.
venus Grecil They are dynamic,bright and emotional people.They are hypersensitive and love to remain in relationship.
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