Names starting with the letter G

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter G, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a G. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Greco From The Country Of Greece
mars Gredlan They are very challenging and mentaly very strong.they have new ideas all the time.
mars Greelea They are very ambitious and always try to impress others.They start with a smaller way and build with their patience.
mars Greeleigh They have excellent qualities and love to do technical work.They are very responsible and serious.
venus Greeley They are very disciplined and act very quickly to when oppertunities arise.They love to be wealthy.
venus Greely They are very disciplined and act very quickly to when oppertunities arise.They love to be wealthy.
mars Green Lives Near The Village Green
mars Greenberry They are very inspriring,graceful and kind.They are self-made and very powerful in their circle.
venus-mars Greenlee From The Green Field
venus Greenley They are analytical,critical and opinionated.They have ability to choose their destiny.
venus-mars Greer Watchful, Guardian
mars Greeshawn Unclear
mars Greeshkandaraja greeshkandaraja means the leader of men who protects or owns domestic animals.
mars Greeshm Summer; Warmth; Kind of Season; A variant of name Grishm
venus Greeshma Season
venus Greeshmi Watchful, Alert, Fast and alert person or a person can watch everything very clearly and can act upon instantly.
venus Greeshmita Greeshmita is a feminine, Girl's name of Hindi origin. The meaning of the name is Heat. Greeshmita is a name mostly used in Hindu religion.
venus Greet Pearl
venus Greeta pearl
venus Greetje Pearl
mars Greffen Mythical beast
mars Greg Vigilant,, Watchful
mars Grega Slovene form of Gregorius (see Gregory).
mars Greger vigilant
mars Gregers Awake or watchful
mars Gregg Vigilant,, Watchful
mars Greggory Watchful
mars Greggy Watchful
mars Gregoire They are very creative,dynamic and full of energy.They love to spend time with family and friends
mars Gregor From the Greek, gregorios meaning 'watch man', 'vigilant
mars Gregori They love companionship and want to work in peace.They are scholars,philosophers and teachers.
venus Gregoria Observant
venus Gregoriana Observant
mars Gregorie They are very competent,practical and powerful.The have very strong business mind and achieve all goal.
mars Gregorija To watch
venus Gregorijana watchful, vigilant
venus Gregorina watchful, vigilant
venus Gregorine watchful, vigilant
mars Gregorio Awake or watchful
venus Gregorios Watchful
mars Gregorius Watchful; Vigilant; Alert; Derived from Greek name Gregorios
mars Gregory Vigilant, Watchful
venus Gregorya watchful, vigilant
venus Gregoryna watchful, vigilant
mars Gregson Awake or watchful
mars Greidiawl They are quick tempered.They love truth,justice and discipline.They always try to develop their potencial.
mars Greig Awake or watchful
mars Greipr A man of great strength.
venus Greisy They are very charming,energetic and nice to others.They have power to make plans and get success in them.
mars Grendel They are imaginative,idealistic and determind.They inspire others.
mars Grenier Grainery Keeper
venus Grenta They are very serious,responsible and determind.They love to have family.
venus Grente They are very serious,responsible and determind.They love to have family.
mars Grentel They are self-made and focus on large issues of life.They build their foundation very strong
mars Grenville They love companionship and want to work in peace.They are scholars,philosophers and teachers.
mars Gresham Grazing Homestead
mars Greshawn Unclear
venus Gresilda They are creative and life enjoying people.They involved in different activities at a time.
venus Greta pearl
venus Gretah Pearl
venus Gretal pearl
venus Gretch Pearl
venus Gretchen pearl
venus Gretchin Pearl
venus Gretchine A Pearl
venus Gretchun Pearl
venus Grete Pearl
venus Gretel A Pearl
venus Gretha pearl
venus Grethe pearl
venus Grethel pearl
venus Grethyn Pearl
venus Gretie Pearl
venus Gretl pearl
venus Gretna pearl
venus Gretta pearl
venus Grette pearl
mars Grey Grey-haired
mars Greydon Great hill
mars Greylond A person who leads everyone as a king or a leader.
mars Greysen Graysen means the son of steward, guardian or wardun.
venus Greysi Greysi name is derived from the word grace, which means decency with a special beauty.
mars Greyson Son Of The Grey-haired Man
mars Grga One who is watchful and alert.
mars Grgur A watchful and vigilant man.
mars Grhapati Grahpati means the owner or the Lord of house. Or we can say the king of the house.
venus Grhini Grihini means a house wife who do house hold tasks and take care of her house whole dya.
mars Grhita Grhita means a person who is accepted by all, who can make everyone understand him
mars Grht Holy Book of the Hindus;
mars Grian Sun
venus Gricelda grey battle
venus Gricely grey battle
venus Gricia Gracie name is derived from the word grace, which means decency with a special beauty.
venus Gricie Gracie name is derived from the word grace, which means decency with a special beauty.
venus Grid Peace
mars Gridha Lord of Mountains
venus Griðr Old Norse form of Grid.
venus Grier Watchful
venus Griet A Pearl
venus Grietje A Pearl
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