Names starting with the letter H

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter H, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a H. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Hedia Echo Of God
venus Hediah Jehovah's echo; delightful, sweet; my echo
venus Hedieh Persian form of Hadia 1.
venus Hediye Gift
venus-mars Hedlea heather meadow
venus-mars Hedleigh heather meadow
venus-mars Hedley Heather wood
venus Hedlie heather meadow
venus-mars Hedly heather meadow
venus Hedra Hebrew - Joy; A variant form of the Hebrew Chedra
mars Hedrek The name is derived from the Celtic word hedr, which means bold.
venus Hedva Joy
venus Hedvig contention and strife
venus Hedviga contention and strife
venus Hedvige contention and strife
venus Hedvika Fighting a battle
venus Hedwenn peace and white, fair, blessed
venus Hedwig Battle War
venus Hedwiga contention and strife
venus Hedwige Conflict
venus Hedy Battle War
venus Hedya Form Of Hedia
venus Hedyah Jehovah's echo
venus Hedyla delightful, sweet; my echo
venus Hee lotus
venus Heela To hope; To wish
venus Heema Gold; Shining, Bright and Glittering like Gold
mars Heemakar A name with lost meaning of Hindi origin
mars Heemal Related to Ice
venus Heena Mehendi
venus Heeni Heeni is the Maori form of Jane. It means Jehovah has been gracious.
venus Heer Power, riches, pure
venus Heera Diamond
mars Heerad Appearing fresh and healthy
mars Heeram A Biblical name
mars Heeraman Golden Moon
mars Heeran Lord of the Diamonds
mars Heerchand Diamond like a moon; Bright and Glittering like Moon
mars Heerchandra Diamond like a moon; Bright and Glittering like Moon
venus Heerkani Small diamond
mars Heet Well Wisher; Love; Affection
mars Heetraj Best wishing
mars Hefa The delicate waist
mars Heferth One of the names given to high-born, noble Boys
mars Hefin Means "summer" in Welsh, a poetic form of Haf.
venus Hefina Feminine form of Hefin.
mars Hefner Pottery Maker
venus Hefzia my delight is in her
venus Hefziba my delight is in her
mars Hega From Heathers pasture
venus Hege prosperous, successful; holy
mars Hegelina a person who accepts the leadership of another
mars Hegelochos The one who always walks ahead.
venus Heghine Light; Brightness; Shining; Radiant; Luminant
venus Hehilde High battle
mars Hehu God rescues
venus Hei grace
mars Heibert Battle, Bright, Famous, and Strife
venus Heida exalted nature
venus Heide Noble
venus Heidee Noble
venus Heidemarie Combination of Heide and Marie.
venus Heidewig Conflict
venus Heidey exalted nature
venus Heidi Of Noble Kin
venus Heidie Noble
mars Heidrich Derived from the Old German element (possibly) heida "heath, heather" combined with rih "ruler, king".
venus Heidrun A goat who supplies mead to the Gods
venus Heiðrun Old Norse and Icelandic form of Heidrun.
venus Heidy Noble
venus Heike Home ruler
venus Heiki Estonian form of Heinrich (see Henry).
mars Heikki Ruler of the house
mars Heiko Home ruler
venus Heila Germanic - Healthy; Wellone
venus Heilewis Intelligent, clever, intellectual
venus Heilewisa Intellectual, clever, sharp
mars Heilfrid Derived from the Old German elements heil "healthy, whole" and fridu "peace".
venus Heilke Healthy and safe
mars Heilmut Helmet and disposition
venus Heilwig One who remains strong in battle.
venus Heilyn wine bearer, wine carrier, wine tranporter
mars Heimana Sacred Crown Moving The Sky
mars Heimdall House, Luminous
mars Heimdallr Old Norse form of Heimdall.
mars Heimericus One who is a pat of the tribe
mars Heimir From Old Norse heimr meaning "home" (a cognate of Hama). In the Völsungasaga he is a king of Hlymdalir.
mars Heimirich Old German form of Henry.
mars Heimo A finnish word for tribe
mars Hein Ruler of the house
mars Heine home boss, Home leader
mars Heiner Means of enclosure and to rule
mars Heino Home ruler
mars Heinrich Ruler Of The Home
mars Heinrick Home ruler
venus Heinrike Home ruler
mars Heintje Feminine and masculine diminutive of Hendrik.
mars Heinz Ruler Of The Home
mars Heir One Who Inherits
venus Heirani From Tahitian hei "crown, garland" and raʻi "heaven, sky".
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