Names starting with the letter H

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter H, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a H. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Heiress Female Beneficiary
venus Heiritha A worthy woman
venus Hei Ryung Grace and brightness
mars Heisman Gift Of God
venus Heitiare From Tahitian hei "crown, garland" and tiare "flower".
mars Heitor Holding Fast
mars Heiu Respectful, honourable
venus Hejira Any flight or journey to a more desirable
venus Hejsa A Danish surname
venus Hekabe Greek form of Hecuba.
venus Hekate Greek form of Hecate.
mars Heketoro Fairy sprit
mars Hekima Knowledgeable, clever
venus Hekla Cloak
mars Hekshith Made up of gold or diamond.
mars Hektor Hold, check
mars Hektur Hold, check
venus Hel In Norse mythology this was the name of the daughter of Loki. She got her name from the underworld, also called Hel, where she ruled, which meant "to conceal, to cover" in Old Norse (related to the English word hell).
venus Hela Name of the goddess of the underworld.
venus Heladia greek
mars Helaes A person living in a hollow place
venus Helah Rust-colored
venus Helai Helai is a Pashto word for swan
venus Helain Shining light, glowing, bright
venus Helaina sun ray
venus Helaine Light
mars Helaku Sunny day, full of sun
venus Helana sun ray
mars Helder the Dutch town of Den Helder (possibly meaning "hell's door" in Dutch). Alternatively, it might be derived from the Germanic given name HULDERIC.
venus Hele Hele is a form of Helen and means light.
venus Heleana In mythology the abduction of Zeus's mortal daughter Helen sparked the Trojan War.
venus Heleanor other, foreign; sun ray
venus Heledd mentioned in early poetry
venus Heleen sun ray
venus Heleena sun ray
venus Heleentje sun ray
mars Helegor A prear from the hollow lands
venus Helen Light
venus Helena Light
venus Helenann sun ray
venus Helene Form Of Helen
venus Helenka Intense, strong, powerful
venus Helenna sun ray
venus Helenor Illumination, light
venus Helenora other, foreign
venus Helenore sun ray
mars Helerius Latin form of Helier.
venus Helevisa Intelligent, sharp, instinctual
mars Heleward A guardian of the hollow lands
venus Helewidis Old German form of Eloise.
mars Helewis renowned warrior, Famous faghter
venus Helewisa Brilliant, bright, shining
venus Helewise A variant of Old German name Helewidis, meaning hale and wide
venus Helewys Insightful, shrewd
venus Helewyse Clever, smart, brainy
venus Heleyne Dazzling, stunning, amazing
mars Helfried Modern German form of Heilfrid, also a variant of Helmfried.
venus Helga Holy
mars Helge Old Norse - Holy; Blessed; Derived from Helgi and Heilagr
mars Helgi One who is blessed.
venus Heli Ascending, climbing up, shinning
venus Helia Sun
mars Heliades daughters of the sun-god
mars Heliap The God is Jehovah
mars Helias A Medieval English version of Elijah, meaning "my God is Yahweh
mars Helier French form of Helier.
mars Helihel Form of Eliel used in the Vulgate.
mars Helik God's Light
venus Helima gentle, patient
venus Helin The light of the sun
venus Helina Bright, vivid, Intelligent
mars Helio Old Greek - Sun; A variant of Helios
mars Heliodor Gift Of The Sun
mars Heliodora Gift Of The Sun
mars Heliodoro From the Greek name Ἡλιόδωρος (Heliodoros), derived from the elements ἥλιος (helios) meaning "sun" and δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift". Saint Heliodoro was a 4th-century bishop of Altino.
mars Heliodoros Greek form of Heliodoro.
mars Helios Sun
venus Helisa God is my oath
venus Helisent To be on the path of the templom
mars Helix From the Hare's Meadow
venus Helja Name of a saga.
venus-mars Helje prosperous, successful; holy
venus Heljo Blessed, Holy
venus Helka Divine woman
venus-mars Helki Touch
venus Hella sun ray; prosperous, successful; holy
mars Helladios Greek form of Helladius.
mars Helladius Man From Greece
venus Hellain Victorious, champion
venus Hellaine Glow, shine, Flush
venus Hellawes Blush, go red, redden
venus Helle prosperous, successful; holy
venus Hellebore Name of a flower that blooms in the middle of winter.
venus Hellee battle garden
venus Hellen sun ray
venus Hellena sun ray
venus Hellene sun ray
venus Hellenor sun ray
mars Heller Dweller On The Hill
mars Hellerson Son of Heller
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