Names starting with the letter H

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter H, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a H. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Hellewell Holy Well
venus Hellia sun ray
mars Helliwell Devine
mars Helm Courageous protection
venus Helma determined protector
mars Helmand Courage, bravery,
mars Helmar Famous Protector
mars Helmech A very rare Medieval englihs name for Boys
mars Helmer Fighting Fury; Warrior's Wrath; A surname of Germanic Origin
venus Helmet Protection, guard, shield
mars Helmfrid Old German form of Helmfried.
mars Helmfried Helmet + Peace
mars Helmhead One who always wears a hemet on his head
mars Helmheard An army of helmets
venus Helmi Will Helmet
mars Helmid One who seeks challenge, like to travel and explore
venus Helmina determined protector
venus Helmine Short form of Wilhelmine.
venus Helminette determined protector
mars Helmo Short form of Germanic names that began with the element helm meaning "helmet, protection" (Proto-Germanic *helmaz).
mars Helmold Old German name derived from the elements helm "helmet" and walt "power, authority".
mars Helmut Protector of the spirit
mars Helmuth Variant of Helmut.
mars Helmutt Brave, Fearless
mars Helmy A Gem of the Sea
mars Helo Sun
venus Helodea foreign riches
venus Helodia foreign riches
venus Helodie foreign riches
venus Heloisa famous warrior
venus Heloise Famous Fighter
venus Helori Old English - Generous
mars Helouyn A noble firends and warrior
mars Heloynet A noble comrade
venus Help A helpful person
mars Helpric A powerful helper
venus Helsa Consecrated To God
venus Helsin Name of Lancelot's mother.
mars Helton From the Hill-slope Estate
venus Helueua A financial and successful individual
mars Helushka Warrior
mars Helve Snowflake
venus Helvi Flake
venus Helvia Feminine form of Helvius.
mars Helvius Blonde, Golden
venus Helvynya A very rare Medieval name, user rarely even in the medieval times
mars Helyan Hard working Eccentric Light-Hearted Young Adept Nice
mars Helyas One whose god is Yahweh, a variation of Elihah
mars Helyes His God is Yahweh
venus Helyn Beautiful, Light
venus Helysoune an Old French form of the Germanic name Alahsind
mars Hem Gold
mars Hema gold, golden
mars Hemaadri Mountain of Gold; Full of goodness; Wealthy and Prosperous
mars Hemabala Power of Gold; The Pearl; Strength of Gold
venus Hemabindu A snow flake, a snow drop
mars Hemacandra Moon of Gold; Bright and Radiant Gold like Moon
mars Hemachandaran Golden Moon; Bright and Radiant Gold like Moon
mars Hemachander Golden moon
mars Hemachandra Golden Moon; Bright and Radiant Gold like Moon
mars Hemadri The Himalayas
mars Hemagiri The Himalaya Mountains
mars Hemaguha Golden Cave; Abode of Gold; Cave of Gold
mars Hemahav A name given to Hindi Boys
mars Hemai A golden Boy
mars Hemakamala Golden Moon; Bright and Radiant Gold like Moon
mars Hemakandala Mountain of Gold; Full of goodness; Wealthy and Prosperous
mars Hemakesh Lord Shiva
mars Hemakesha One of many names of Lord Shiva
venus Hemakshi Golden eyes
mars Hemakuta One who comes from Hemakuta
venus Hemal Gold
venus Hemala Golden
venus Hemalata        Golden flower
venus Hemalatha One who is like a Golden Creeper or Golden Vine
venus Hemali Golden skinned
mars Hemamali Wearing a Golden Garland; One who is rich and prosperous
venus HemaMalini Golden necklace
venus Hemamaya Covered with Full of Gold
mars Hemamdar Golden creeper
mars Heman Faithful
mars Hemanand A Hindi Boy name with no specific meaning
mars Hemanath God of Gold; Lord of Gold; One of many names of Lord Buddha
mars Hemang One with Shining Body
mars Hemanga Golden bodied
mars Hemangad A baby Boy name of no specific meaning
venus Hemangi Golden body
venus Hemangini Golden body
venus Hemani Goddess Parvati
mars Hemank Diamond
mars Hemanka A Boy name with lost meaning
mars Hemanshu The Moon
mars Hemant Early winter, gold
mars Hemanta Winter
mars Hemantanatha One with Shining Body; Bright, Glorious and Radiant personality
mars Hemanth Ritu; Season
mars Hemanthsree Gold and Money
venus Hemanti Born in the hemant season
venus Hemanya Gold Bodied; Bright, Glorious and Radiant personality
venus Hemaprabha Golden light
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