Names starting with the letter H

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter H, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a H. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Hildeth She who gives good battle counsel
venus Hildeyerd A young battle maiden
venus Hildi ready for battle
venus Hildiard She who fights in a battle
mars Hildiberht Old German form of Hildebert.
mars Hildiberhtaz Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Hildebert.
venus Hildie ready for battle
mars Hildifuns Gothic form of Ildefonso.
venus Hildigardis Variant of Hildegard.
venus Hildigunn A warrior woman.
venus Hildigunnr From the Old Norse elements hildr "battle" and gunnr "battle, war". It is a cognate of Hildegund.
venus Hildigunnur Icelandic form of Hildigunnr.
venus Hildigunþi Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Hildegund and Hildigunnr.
mars Hildilid A warrior of the battle
venus Hildimar One who is glorious, glorious
mars Hilding Modern form of Hildingr.
mars Hildingr Means "chief, warrior", a derivative of Old Norse hildr "battle". This is the name of a character in the Norse tale Frithiof's Saga.
mars Hildiriks Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Hilderic.
mars Hildith A fighter in the war
venus Hilditha She who gfights in the battles of war
venus Hildithe One who is in the battle
venus Hilditrut Old German form of Hiltrud.
venus Hildiwara Gothic form of Aldara.
venus Hildoara Latinized form of *Hildiwara (see Aldara).
venus Hildr From Old Norse hildr meaning "battle", making it a cognate of Hilda. In Norse legend this was the name of a valkyrie.
mars Hildræd Older form of Hildred.
venus Hildred battle counselor
venus Hildreth battle counselor
venus Hildrun Fight secret, magic
venus Hildur Fighting a war
mars Hildwulf One who is like a wolf in the battle
venus Hildy ready for battle; battle garden
mars Hildyard He sho is from the battle fields
mars Hilel Joly, Smilling
venus Hilen A Window; Grief
venus Hiliard from the enclosure on the hill
venus Hilith She is a battle maiden
venus Hilja Silence; Quiet; Calm
mars Hill cheerful, happy
venus Hilla Timid
mars Hillar Pleased, blissfull
mars Hillard Courageous in battle
venus Hillaree Happy, Jolly
venus Hillari Latin - Cheerful; French form of Hilary which means Joyful; Glad; Merry; Happy; A variant of Hillary
venus Hillaria A woman who is always cheerful and happy
venus Hillarie Contended, In the highspirit
venus-mars Hillary Cheerful
venus Hillda A woman who is a soldier in the war
venus Hille battle garden
mars Hillel Praise
mars Hillela To Praise, To Shine
mars Hiller From the Yard on a Hill
venus Hilleree A cheerful and happy maiden
venus Hillerie Cheerful
venus Hillery Cheerful
venus Hillevi Happy in war
venus Hilli Cloud-berry
mars Hilliard War Stronghold
mars Hilliary cheerful, happy
mars Hillie cheerful, happy
mars Hillierd From the Yard on a Hill
mars Hillock From the Small Hill
mars Hillocke From the Tiny Hill
venus Hillory Glad, Pleased
venus Hilly greatly praised; cheerful, happy
mars Hillyer From the Yard on a Hill; Hard Warrior
mars Hillyerd From the Yard on a Hill
mars Hilm Calmness; Patience; Intelligence
venus Hilma determined protector
mars Hilmar Notorious Noble
mars Hilmi mild-mannered
mars Hilmiyat Gentleness; Mildness
mars Hilo First night after the new moon
mars Hilol Wave Of Joy
mars Hilperic Derived from the Old German elements helfa "help" and rih "ruler, king". This name was borne by two Burgundian kings and two Frankish kings (usually called Chilperic).
mars Hilton manor on the hill
venus Hiltraud Variant of Hiltrud.
venus Hiltrud Means "strength in battle", derived from the Old German elements hilt "battle" and drud "strength".
venus Hiltrude A woman who finds her strenght in a battle
venus Hilu Cloudberry; yearn for life
mars Him Snow; Ice; Bright
venus Hima Snow
mars Himaanshu Moon
mars Himaayat Help; Support
mars Himabhas The Moon
venus Himabindu Dew
mars Himacala Abode of Snow; Mountain top of snow; Himalaya Mountains
mars Himachal The Himalayas
mars Himachala The Himalaya Mountains; Abode of Snow; Peak of Snow
mars Himachalendra The Himalaya Mountains; Abode of Snow; Peak of Snow
mars Himachalkumar The Himalayas; King of Mountains; Abode of Snow
mars Himadari Ganga River
mars Himadhri Infinity Life
mars Himadri Himalaya
mars Himadyuti Of Cool Radiance; The Moon
mars Himaghana Sun
venus Himaghna The Sun; Sun that melts snow of the Himalayas
mars Himagiri The Himalaya Mountains; Abode of Snow; Peak of Snow
venus Himagouri Goddess Parvati
venus Himaja One of many names of Goddess Parvati signifying her as fair as the snow
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