Names starting with the letter H

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter H, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a H. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Himajesh Lord Shiva; Husband of Himaja; Goddess Parvati Devi
mars Himajyoti With snow like Light; Brightness, Radiance and Glory of Snow
mars Himakar The Moon; One radiating cool light
mars Himakara Snow Handed; Causing Cold; The Moon
mars Himaksh Him Aksh; Lord Shiva
mars Himal Cool
mars Himalay Mountain Range
mars Himalaya Abode of Snow; A Mountain Range; Snow Mountain; Peak of Snow;
venus Himalda universal battle
venus Himalini Snow
mars Himam Destiny
venus Himamani Dew
mars Himambu Water of Snow; Cold Water; Dew
mars Himan Himan was the Name of One of the Famous Slaves That had a Hand in Building the Tomb of Queen Venika
mars Himanchal A State Name; In the lap of Himalayas; The Himalaya Mountains
mars Himaneesh Lord Shiva
mars Himanghana Sun
mars Himanghna The sun
venus Himani Snow
mars Himanish Hindu Lord Shiva
mars Himanjay Winner of Snow Land
mars Himank Diamond
mars Himansh Part of Shiv
venus Himanshi Snow
mars Himanshu Chandra
mars Himansu The Moon; One radiating cool light
venus Himanta A cold and ice, the end of the winter
mars Himanthsai Avatar of Sai; Good
mars Himar Male Ass; Donkey
venus Himarashmi White
mars Himarasmi The Moon; One radiating cool light
mars Himarati Fire
venus Himari Sun
venus Himarsri Gowri
mars Himashu The Lord Shiva
venus Himaswetha Fair as snow
mars Himat Strong; Brave
mars Himavan Cold; Having Snow
mars Himavana King of Himalaya
mars Himavant The Himalaya Mountains; Abode of Snow; Peak of Snow
mars Himavata King
venus Himawari Sunflower
mars Himayat Help; Protection; Guardianship; Support
mars Himayati Favouring
venus Himdhar One from the snowy land
mars Himdhara One who comes from the lands of snow
mars Himeko Princess, Child
mars Himesh Cool as Ice
mars Himgiri Name of a Hill
venus Himi A man who is renowned and famous
mars Himil Cold Wind
mars Himir A Surname in India
mars Himkiran A male, Boy's name of Hindu origin
mars Himmat Courage
mars Himmatpal Protector of Courage; Defender of Courage; Brave Guardian
mars Himmatroop Embodiment of Courage; Personification of Courage;
mars Himmatsingh Bravery; Courage; Protector; Defender; Guardian
mars Himmi An Arrabic male name
mars Himnish Lord Shiva
mars Himosra White Rayed; Bright; Ray of Light
mars Himu Snow; White; Pure; Clean
mars Himval The Hindi Boy's name
mars Himyar First Ancestor of the Tribe of Bani Saba to which King Zahhak Belonged
venus Hina Henna
venus Hinaa Henna; Myrtle
mars Hinadosa Without Fault
venus Hinako Sun, Child
venus Hinal Goddess of beauty and wealth
venus Hinata Sunflower, Facing The Sun
mars Hinckley Old English - Bear-Cub; Wood; Clearing; A habitational name from a place in Leicestershire
mars Hincmar A male British name
venus Hind Possibly means "group of camels" in Arabic. Hind bint Abi Umayyah, also known as Umm Salama, was one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad. This is also the Arabic name for the country of India.
venus Hinda Female Deer
mars Hindal Taker of India; a name given to Deer
venus Hinde deer
mars Hindola A Raga; Swing; A festival
mars Hindrick Ruler of the house
venus Hine Hine is a Maori word for girl.
venus Hines Descendant of Eidhin
mars Hinesh A ruler, a King of Henna
venus Hinewai Water maiden in Maori mythology.
venus Hinna henna, camphor
mars Hinnerk Low German form of Heinrich.
venus Hinni God strengthens
mars Hinrich Low German form of Heinrich.
mars Hinrik A form of Henry. It means estate ruler.
mars Hinto Blue Haired
mars Hinton High settlement
mars Hiob German form of Job.
venus Hiordis Second wife of Sigmund.
mars Hipolit Polish form of Hippolytos.
venus Hipolita Spanish and Portuguese form of Hippolyte 1.
mars Hipolito Greek - Freer of Horses; A variation of the name Hippolyt
mars Hippocrates Powerful as a horse
mars Hippokrates Greek form of Hippocrates.
venus Hippolita stampeding horses
venus Hippolyta Releaser Of Horses
mars Hippolyte Feminine form of Hippolytos. In Greek legend Hippolyte was the daughter of Ares, and the queen of the Amazons. She was killed by Herakles in order to obtain her magic girdle.
mars Hippolytos Means "freer of horses" from Greek ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse" and λύω (luo) meaning "to loosen". In Greek legend he was the son of Theseus who was tragically loved by his stepmother Phaedra. This was also the name of a 3rd-century theologian, saint and martyr.
venus Hira Diamond; One of the many names of Goddess Lakshmi
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