Names starting with the letter H

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter H, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a H. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Hiraani Gold
mars Hirad Appearing fresh and healthy
venus Hirah Means "splendour" in Hebrew. This is the name of a companion of Judah in the Old Testament.
mars Hiraj Dust of Diamond
mars Hirajit One who is a victor
mars Hirak Diamond
mars Hiraka Diamond
mars Hirakendu Moon Made of Diamond
mars Hiraku Expand, Open, Pioneer
mars Hiral Bright, Full Of Luster
mars Hiralal The persone with lots of wealth
mars Hiraldo Powerful man in the army
mars Hiram Exalted Brother
mars Hiran Gold
mars Hiranga Hard as a Diamond; A derivative from name Hiraka
mars Hiranjan The one who delights his parents.
mars Hiranmay Golden
mars Hiranmaya Made of Gold
venus Hiranmayi Golden girl
mars Hiransh A part of diamond.
venus Hiranur Light of the diamond
venus Hiranya Gold ingots
mars Hiranyadhanu Name of father of Eklavya
mars Hiranyagarbha Born from a Golden Egg; One of many names of Lord Brahma as the Manifest; The all powerful creator
mars Hiranyak Maharishi
mars Hiranyakashipu Clothed in Gold; One who is fond of wealth and sex life; A name of an Asura in Puranic Scripture
mars Hiranyaksha Brother of Hiranyakashipu; One who was slained by Varaha, one of the Avatars of Vishnu
mars Hirao Affection or emotion
mars Hirav Greenery; The Lush Greenery on the Surface of the Earth
venus Hirdai Heart; One with a kind and generous heart; A compassionate person
mars Hirdey Heart
mars Hirdeypal Heart Fosterer; Friend; Well Wisher
mars Hirel One who comes from the heathers field
mars Hiren Lord of diamonds
mars Hirender Lord's Diamonds; Diamonds of God
mars Hirendra Lord of diamonds
mars Hiresa Ruler of Diamonds; Emperor; King
mars Hiresh King of gems
venus Hiresha Queen of Gems
mars Hirish God Shiva
venus Hirkil Noble; Beautiful
mars Hiro Japanese - Abundant; Generous; Tolerant; Prosperous
mars Hiroaki Kindly, Tender, Excel
mars Hiroc A very common noble name
mars Hirohito Plentiful benevolence or goodwill
mars Hiroka Lord Genius; Intellectual; Brilliant
mars Hirokazu Extensive, First, Peace, Harmony
mars Hiroki Large sparkle
venus Hiroko Magnanimous, Generous Child
mars Hirom Phoenician form of Hiram.
venus Hiromi Wide, Broad, Abundant, Beautiful
mars Hiromichi Broad street
mars Hiromitsu Large light
mars Hironmoe A Boy's Bengali name
mars Hironobu Extensive, Believe, Spacious, Announce
mars Hironori Benevolent ruler
mars Hiroshi Generous
mars Hiroto Large, Great, Command, Esteem, Soar, Fly
mars Hiroyoshi Large Honor
mars Hiroyuki Pervade, Peace, Harmony
venus Hirsch Deer, Hart; A deer; A variant of Hersch
mars Hirschel Deer
mars Hirsh Deer
mars Hirshel Yiddish diminutive of Hirsh.
mars Hirsi Amulet
mars Hirst From the Thicket of Trees
venus Hiru Hard as a Diamond; A derivative from name Hiraka
venus Hirune Variant of Irune.
mars Hiryur A dragon who flies; A versatile and spontaneous individual
mars Hirz Another Name for God; Place of Refuge; Amulet; Charm
venus Hisa long-lasting
mars Hisad Lions
mars Hisahito Virtuous; Calm and Everlasting
venus Hisako Longevity, Comparison, Child
mars Hisam Sword
mars Hisan Beautiful; Handsome; Good
venus Hisano Open Plain
mars Hisao Story of life
mars Hisashi Always with you
mars Hisato A long lived person
venus Hisaye Longevity, Blessed
venus Hisayo Longevity, Generation
mars Hisein good, beautiful, beautifier
mars Hishal Gifted; Blessed; Graced
mars Hisham Generous
mars Hishmat State; Dignity
venus Hismena A beloved and esteemed woman. Hismena is a Medieval variation of the name Ismay
mars Hisoki Secretive; Reserved; A variant of Hisoka
venus Hita Prudence, Caution
mars Hitaish Well Wisher; Good Person; Lord of goodness
venus Hitaishi Lovable; Beneficial; Well Wisher; A variant form of Hita
mars Hitaisi Well Wisher; Good Person; Lord of goodness
mars Hitakar A Person who is Doing Well for Another People; Well Wisher; One who is doing good;
mars Hitakarin Well Wisher; Good Person; Lord of goodness
mars Hitakrit A Person who is Doing Well for Another People; Well Wisher; One who is doing good;
mars Hital Golden; Compassionate and Generous Person; Well Wisher; Doing Good
mars Hitansh Helper; Well Wisher; Good Person; Lord of goodness
mars Hitanshu Well Wisher
mars Hitarth Good; Compassionate and Generous Person; Well Wisher; Doing Good
mars Hitasa The Oblation Eater; Another name of Fire
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