Names starting with the letter H

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter H, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a H. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Hitechhu A Well Wisher; One who wishes good; Friend; Companion;
mars Hiten Good
mars Hitender Compassionate God; Kind and Generous God; Graceful Lord
mars Hitendra Well wisher
mars Hitesh Lord of Goodness
mars Hitesha Good Person; A well wisher; Friend; Companion; Kind and Compassionate person
mars Hiteshwar The Heart of God; Kind, Compassionate and Generous God
mars Hitesin Benevolent; Kind; Compassionate; Generous
mars Hiteswar Wellwisher
mars Hithesh Lord Venkateswara; One of many names of Lord Vishnu signifying his benevolent and kind form
venus Hiti Beneficial, one who is loving and caring
mars Hitinder Benevolent God; Kind, Compassionate and Generous God
mars Hitkar Good Person; A well wisher; Friend; Companion; Kind and Compassionate person
venus Hitomi Pupil Of The Eye
mars Hitomu Single dream
mars Hitoshi Tolerant
venus Hittie myrtle, bride; star
venus Hitty God rejoices
venus Hitu Well wisher
mars Hityashan Person Doing Good; Well Wisher; Kind; Compassionate and Benevolent
venus Hityshi Well-wisher
venus Hityshini Well-wisher
mars Hiu Mind, Spirit
mars Hiuel A happy, idealistic and level headed person
mars Hiva Song
venus Hiwot Eastern African - Amharic name meaning life
mars Hixon A variant spelling of Hickson; English surname meaning "son of Hick
venus Hiya Heart
mars Hiyam A feeling of love, to love someone
mars Hiyan Heart
mars Hizaq Sharpness; Quickness; Learning the Quran by Heart
mars Hizaqat Intelligence; Wisdom; Learning the Quran by Heart
mars Hizazi Belonging of Hijaz; Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
mars Hizkiah Alternate form of the Hebrew name Ḥizqiyahu (see Hezekiah).
mars Hizqil God Strengthens
mars Hjalmar Fighter with a helmet
mars Hjalmarr Old Norse form of Hjalmar.
mars Hjalte Younger form of Hjalti meaning man from Hjaltland
venus Hjordis Sword goddess", from Old Norse; A variant form is Hjordos
venus Hjørdis Danish and Norwegian form of Hjördis.
venus Hjordos Sword goddess", from Old Norse; A variant form is Hjordis
mars Hjortr A male deer.
mars Hjortur Deer in Icelandic language. A variant of Hjörtr.
venus Hla She who is beautiful
venus Hlappa A name given to a low-born daughter
mars Hleb Belarusian form of Gleb.
venus Hlengiwe Means "helped, rescued, redeemed" in Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele and Swazi.
mars Hlib Inheritance, Legacy
venus Hlif Mother of Atli.
mars Hlink From the Bank
mars Hlithtun From the Hillside Town
venus Hlossa A low-born daughter's name
mars Hlothar Old German form of Lothar.
mars Hlothere A name of the Anglo-Saxon ruler of the Kent region
venus Hlud A low-born child's name
venus Hluda A daughter who is of low status
mars Hludaharjaz Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Lothar.
venus Hludahildiz Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Chlodechilda.
mars Hludawiga Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Ludwig.
mars Hludolf Old German form of Ludolf.
mars Hludwig Frankish form (possibly) of Ludwig.
venus Hluppa A woman who was born in a low status
venus Hlynn Waterfall
mars Hlynur Derived from Old Norse word Hlynr meaning Maple tree
mars Hmidou A French male name of lost meaning
mars Hnaef One who strikes or hews
venus Hnub Means "sun" in Hmong.
mars Hnydda A man who owns a town
mars Ho Good
mars Hoa Like a flower
mars Hoai Always, Eternal
venus Hoana God is gracious and merciful.
mars Hoang Phoenix
mars Hob A Diminutive of Robert or Robin; The Word Hobgoblin is Derived from This Name
mars Hobard Bright; High; Shining Intellect
mars Hobart Intelligent; Bright spirit; High; Inspiration
mars Hobbard High; Bright
mars Hobbes Family Of Hob/Robert
mars Hobbs Son of Robert
mars Hoben One who is youthful and vigorous
mars Hobert Intelligent; Bright spirit; High; Inspiration
mars Hobson Robert's son
mars Hoc To Study
venus Hoca A woman who is of low rank
venus Hocca A name given to she who is of low rank
venus Hocga An Anglo-Saxon old girls name
mars Hod Praise; Confession; Member of Tribe of Asher; Splendor
venus Hoda Thankful
venus Hodan Means "rich, lush" in Somali.
mars Hodard A man full of honor
venus Hodaya Praise God
venus Hodd A woman whose hair is beautiful.
venus Hode Yiddish word for myrtle tree.
mars Hodei Means "cloud" in Basque.
venus Hodel Diminutive of Hode. This is the name of Tevye's second daughter in the musical Fiddler on the Roof (1964), based on late 19th-century stories by Sholem Aleichem.
mars Hoder Name of Odin's blind son.
venus Hodesh Means "new moon, month" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, this is the wife of Shaharaim.
venus Hodge Germanic - Famous warrior; Famous spear; A variant of Rogger
mars Hodges Germanic - Famous warrior; Famous spear; A variant of Rogger
mars Hodgson Son of Roger
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