Names starting with the letter H

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter H, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a H. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
venus Hodia Wonders of God
mars Hodiah Means "majesty of Yahweh" in Hebrew, from הוֹד (hoḏ) meaning "majesty, splendour" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is (probably) the name of a wife of Ezra in the Old Testament. It is also borne by a few male biblical characters.
venus Hodierna Of Today
mars Hodiya Hebrew form of Hodiah.
mars Hodo Dharma Way
mars Hodor Created Name
mars Hoðr Old Norse form of Hoder.
mars Hoe A Garden Tool Used to Loosen Soil, A korean dish of raw fish
mars Hoebaer Limburgish form of Hubert. Its spelling has been influenced by the French pronunciation of Hubert.
mars Hoel Eminent
mars Hoenir Name of Odin's brother.
mars Hofa An American union leader and Auther
venus Hoffman Property Manager
mars Hogan Descendant Of The Young Warrior
mars Hogarth A variant of Hoggard; Lamb Enclosure
mars Hogg A Scottish surname
venus Hoglah Means "partridge" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of one of the daughters of Zelophehad.
mars Hoh High
mars Hoha Tasty
mars Hohberht High; Bright
mars Hohepa He will enlarge
venus Hoho Bear Growing
mars Hohpe A variation of the name hope, mening to give hope to people
venus Hohu Become; A surname
venus Hokaka A desirable woman
venus-mars Hokaratcha Pole Cat
venus Hokhmah A lover of nature who loves outdoors
mars Hokolesqua Means "cornstalk" in Shawnee. This was the name of an 18th-century Shawnee chief.
venus Hokona Harmony, Flower
venus Hoku Star
venus Hokulani Divine star
venus Hola Ceremonial Club
mars Holbrook Dweller By The Brook In A Hollow
mars Holbrooke From the Stream Near the Hollow
mars Holcomb From the Deep Valley
mars Holcombe A Surname in old British
venus Holda Weasel, sweet
mars Holdan Deep valley
venus Holde hidden
mars Holden From The Hollow In The Valley
mars Holdin Deep valley
mars Holdon Deep valley
mars Holdun Deep valley
mars Holdyn Deep valley
venus Holea Holy
mars Holecomb From the very deep Valley
mars Holecombe A name for a deep hollow valley; energetic
venus Holeigh Holly
venus Holey Varient Holley
mars Holgate a township in the suburbs of York
mars Holger Island of spears
venus Holi Holly
mars Holic Slovak word for barber.
venus Holiday holy day
venus Holie Taken from the name of the holly tree, an evergreen whose stiff, glossy,
venus Holika Fire
venus Holiston A name of the irish girl
venus-mars Hollace Near The Holly
venus Holladay holy day
mars Hollaman It's a fairly old and uncommon name.A variant of Holliman
venus Holland Land On The Ridge
venus Holle hidden
venus Hollea of the great hall, island man
mars Holleb Dove
venus Hollee Holly
venus Holleen Created Name
venus Holleigh the holly tree
venus Holles near the holly bushes
venus-mars Holless near the holly bushes
venus Holley Holly
venus Holli Form of HOLLY. holly grove
venus Holliday holy day
venus Hollie Holly
mars Hollin Variant spelling of Hollen; Topographic name Holly Tree
venus-mars Hollis Near The Holly
venus-mars Holliss near the holly bushes
venus Holliston A Habitational name; Topographic name refering to Holly Tree; Variant of Hollin
venus Holloway Holy Spring
venus Holly Holly tree
venus Hollyann the holly tree
venus Hollyanne An evergreen Holly Tree
venus Hollye Form of HOLLY. holly grove
venus Hollyn A Habitational name; Topographic name refering to Holly Tree; Variant of Hollin
venus Hollywood Land Of The Holly Bush
venus Holman Man from the Valley
venus Holmes From an island
venus Holmfriðr Old Norse name derived from the elements holmr "small island" and fríðr "beautiful, beloved".
venus Holmfriður Icelandic form of Hólmfríðr.
mars Holmgeirr Old Norse form of Holger.
mars Holmstein The one who supported Flosi.
mars Holokai A seafaring person
mars Holt Wood
mars Holten Forest, Woods
mars Holti He who comes from the small forest
mars Holton Unknown
mars Holwell Lives by the Holy Spring
venus Holye A version of the name Holy. A name of the plant
venus Holyss near the holly bushes
venus Hom The sweet smell.
venus Homa A mythical Bird; Pheonix
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