Names starting with the letter J

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter J, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a J. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Jerred Descent
venus Jerree spear ruler
mars Jerrel Strong or open-minded
mars Jerrell Spear Rule
mars Jerren Cry of rejoicing
mars Jerrett Strong spear
venus-mars Jerrey spear ruler
venus-mars Jerri the Lord is exalted; spear ruler
mars Jerric City of fragrance
venus Jerrica Combination Of Jeri And Jessica
mars Jerricho A City in Palestine near the West Bank.
mars Jerrick Combination Of Jerry And Rick
venus-mars Jerrie spear ruler
mars Jerriel Blend of jer and derrick; God has seen
mars Jerrik King forever
venus Jerrika complete ruler
venus Jerrileen spear ruler
venus Jerrilyn Modern blend of jerry and marilyn; Waterfall
mars Jerrin Created Name
mars Jerrish God saint
mars Jerrison Bestowed as an independent given name; Mighty spearman
mars Jerrod Form Of Gerard
mars Jerrold Ruler with a spear
venus Jerroldeen spear ruler
mars Jerrome Of the sacred name
mars Jerron Meaning same as Jerome
venus-mars Jerry Diminutive Form Of Names Beginning With Jer Or Ger
mars Jerryl Open-minded person; Jerold and darell combination
venus Jersey Grassy Island
mars Jershon An exile or a stranger
venus-mars Jerusalem Heritage Of Peace
venus Jeruscha married, a possession
venus Jerusha Inheritance
venus Jerushah married, a possession
venus Jeruti Means "dove" in Guarani.
mars Jervaine Unclear
mars Jervais Servant of the spear
mars Jervis Spear
venus Jery Variation of the name Jerrie, diminutive of Geraldine, meaning 'spear ruler'.
venus Jeryl Blend of jerold and darell; Mighty with a spear
mars Jerzy form of GEORGE - farmer
venus Jes An aristocratic person
venus Jesaca He sees
mars Jesaiah Health of a person; Derived from hebrew yesha'yah meaning Yahweh's salvation
mars Jesaja Hebrew - Yahweh is Salvation; God will help you; A variant of name Isaiah
mars Jesajas Hebrew - Yahweh is Salvation; God will help you; A variant of name Isaiah
venus Jesal Glimpse or sudden movement
venus Jesanie Under the blessing of gracious
venus Jesca He sees
venus Jescha Form of Iscah found in the medieval Wycliffe Bible. This name was probably the basis for Shakespeare's created name Jessica.
venus Jeselle Fair and smooth
venus Jesenia He sees
mars Jeseray Gift/Desire
mars Jesh Pride of money
mars Jeshan Plain and simple; Clear as crystal
mars Jesher Upright
mars Jeshtha Month
mars Jeshua The son of nun, successor of Noah
mars Jeshurun English version of Yeshurun, meaning straight, just or upright.
mars Jeshwanth Fire god in india
mars Jesiah Created Name
venus Jesica God beholds
venus Jesicca Derived from the biblical name Iscah, meaning 'to behold'. The name seems to have been originally coined by Shakespeare.
venus Jesika God beholds
venus Jesimae Combination Of Jessie And Mae
venus Jesirae He sees
venus Jeslyn Combination Of Jessie And Lynn
venus Jesminder Queen of flower
venus Jesmyn A flower from olive family a fragrant flower
venus Jesmynda A variant of Jasmine, a fragrant flower
venus Jesna Garden of heaven
mars Jeson Derived from hebrew yeshua a contraction of yehoshua meaning help of jehovah
mars Jesper Treasurer
venus Jesreel the Lord sows
venus-mars Jess Short Form Of Jesse Or Jessica
venus Jessa God Beholds
venus Jessabell not exalted
venus Jessaca He sees
venus Jessah He sees
venus Jessaka He sees
venus Jessalin He sees
venus Jessaly Yahweh is gracious
venus Jessalyn He sees
venus Jessalynn He sees
venus Jessamae He sees
venus Jessame The one who is rich in properties.
venus Jessamine jasmine
venus Jessamy jasmine
venus Jessamyn jasmine; He sees
venus Jessana He sees
venus Jessandra He sees
venus Jessany A gift from Yahweh
venus Jessca He sees
venus Jesscia He sees
venus-mars Jesse Gift
venus Jesseca He sees
venus Jessechia A Gods gift born in the daylight
venus Jesselyn He sees
venus Jessemy Sensitive and fragile person
mars Jessen From The Town Of Jessen
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